

单词 in a little while
释义 in a little while短语²³⁸⁸³
Come back and practice again in a little while.
过一会儿再接着练习。 yeeyan

She is unconscious now, but may come to in a little while.
她现在失去知觉了,但过一会儿可能会恢复知觉。 iciba

Then in a little while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast.
过了一会儿他回来了,但是他走地很慢。 xijieschool

In a little while the two met at the bottom of the lane, and when they reached the school they had it all to themselves.
一会儿之后,他们都到了巷子尽头。返回学校后,一切都归他俩支配。 chinaorb.com

In a little while the two met at the bottom of the lane.
一会儿之后,他们都到了巷子尽头。 http://mysearch.100e.com

In a little while he would drink himself into sodden sleep and she could sneak into the kitchen add call her family in Long Beach.
不一会儿,他就不省人事,昏昏沉沉地睡去。她偷偷溜到厨房,给长滩镇娘家打电话。 jukuu

In a little while she heard someone knocking at the door.
没一会儿,忽然听到有人敲门。 ahonly

In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps.
一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接生出来了。 woyao100

In a little while the lid will be placed upon the coffin, and he will have sweet rest in the grave!
不一会儿棺材盖子就会钉上,那么他将在坟墓里得到他的安息。 neworldonline




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