

单词 impossible
释义 im·pos·si·ble 英ɪmˈpɒsəbəl美ɪmˈpɑsəbəlAHDĭm-pŏsʹə-bəl ★★★★☆初中高四六研I牛4COCA²⁰⁰⁵BNC¹²²⁹iWeb²⁰⁴³Economist¹³²⁴


that cannot happen or exist, or be done or fulfilled


difficult or awkward to accept or deal with

something that cannot be done;

his assignment verged on the impossible

not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with;

an impossible dream

an impossible situation

totally unlikelyused of persons or their behavior;

impossible behavior

insufferable insolence


❌ It is more impossible than to work with him.

✔️ It is impossible to work with him.



❌ It is impossible to rain today.

✔️ It is improbable to rain today.


词根词缀: im-不,无,非 + -poss- 能,能够 + -ible 形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词impossible case不能成立的案例impossible hat简直不像样的帽子impossible man完全不能容忍的人副词+~almost impossible几乎不可能practically impossible实际上不可能virtually impossible根本不可能动词+~look impossible看起来了不起~+介词impossible before everything比任何事都重要impossible for对…是不可能的impossible of不可能,难于impossible to对…是重要的
联想记忆汤姆·克鲁斯Tom Cruise主演的动作电影Mission: Impossible《碟中谍》直译:不可能的任务联想记忆汤姆·克鲁斯主演的电影《碟中谍》直译为《不可能的任务》就是Mission Impossible钱博士im=in-,不+possible可能的⇒不可能的
非常记忆im不〖前缀〗+possible可能的〖熟词〗⇒天不可能下红雨词根记忆im+possible可能的近义词 absurdhopelessunworkablepreposterousunimaginable反义词 possibleprobablefeasible
~+ n.They attempted the almost impossible thing.他们想干的是件几乎不可能干成的事。
This is an impossible state of affairs.这是不可能的情况。
He is an impossible person.他是个难以对付的人。
It was not an impossible suggestion.建议也许可以实现。
S+be+~Such a thing is impossible.这种事情是不会有的。
After this, my position here is impossible.自这事情以后,我不可能再在这儿占这职位了。
She had hoped to visit her sister but it was impossible.她曾希望去看看妹妹,但是未能实现。
I mean that it is impossible.我的意思是说那不可能。S+be+~+to sthFew things are impossible to diligence.只要勤奋,几乎没有办不成的事情。
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.世上无难事,只怕有心人。S+be+~+to- vThe problems are impossible to settle.解决这些问题是不可能的。
That child is impossible to control.那孩子很难管。It is/was+~+to- vIt is virtually impossible to predict the future accurately.准确地预言未来几乎是不可能的。
It's impossible to crowd any more football supporters in.不能再让其他球迷挤到里边去了。
It is impossible to count the stars in the sky.天空中的星星数不清。
It's impossible to confuse Mary with her sister, they're not at all alike.不可能把玛丽当作她的姐姐,她们之间根本不像。
It's impossible to crush any more football supporters into the ground, it's already full.球场已经满了,无法再挤进足球迷了。
It is impossible to judge between the two paintings, they're both charming.识别出这两幅画的优劣是不可能的,两幅画都很美。
It is impossible to honour her with the award .奖品授给她是不可能的。
It's impossible to anticipate when it will happen.要预料何时此事会发生是不可能的。
No matter how hard one tries to bring him out, it's almost impossible to break through his reserve.不管谁怎样设法使他开口讲话,也几乎无法打破他的缄默。
It must be admitted that it is impossible to train a composer overnight.必须承认,一夜之间是不可能培养出作曲家的。
They're twins and it's almost impossible to know one from the other.他们是孪生子,旁人几乎无法辨别他们。
As space is limited, it is impossible to publish all the messages we have received.限于篇幅,来函不能一一刊登。
It was impossible to discuss anything private over the telephone, as the operator was in the habit of listening in.在电话里不能谈私人的秘密,因为接线员有窃听电话的习惯。
It is impossible to cooperate with a person whose methods are completely opposed to your own.与一个和你做事方法完全相对的人合作是不可能的。
It's impossible to shut out all news from the outside world.封锁外界的消息是不可能的。
It is impossible to shelter your children from the harmful effects of television, until the broadcasters improve the material.如果电视台不改进播放内容,就不可能使孩子们不受电视的坏影响。
It's impossible to renew one's youth.返老还童是不可能的。
It's easy to kill, but impossible to restore life.杀生容易,回生难。
It is impossible to be in two places at once.同时在两个地方是不可能的。
It proved impossible to arouse the man from his drugged sleep, so he was taken to hospital.实在无法把那人从服药后的沉睡中唤醒,所以,人们把他送入医院。It is/was+~+for sb/sth+to- vIt is impossible for me to be there before 8:00 p.m.我不可能在晚上八点之前到那儿。
It is impossible for us to accomplish this without the support of the masses.没有群众的支持,我们不可能完成这项任务。
It is impossible for me to work with him.不可能让我和他共事。
It is impossible for us to go there by water.我们无法从水路去那里。
It was impossible for the children to keep in their laughter any longer.叫孩子们不要再笑出来,是完全不可能的。
It is impossible for the bank to anticipate payment.银行不可能提前支付。It is/was+~+that-clauseIt is impossible that she accepts his invitation.她不可能接受他的邀请。
S+V+O+~His broken jaw made it impossible for him to chew.他的颌裂了,不能嚼东西了。其他as n.It would be a waste of time to attempt theimpossible.试图做办不到的事是浪费时间。







You are impossible的意思是“真拿你没办法”,常用于口语中表示一种亲昵或爱抚的意思。


用作形容词It'simpossibleto tell who will win the next election.下届选举谁能获胜无法预知。
It'simpossiblefor us to finish the work in one day.我们在一天之内完成这份工作是不可能的。adj.beyond the bounds of possibility
同义词 absurd,futile,hopeless,impassable,impractical,inaccessible,inconceivable,insurmountable,preposterous,unattainable,unimaginable,unreasonable,unthinkable,unworkable,uselessvisionarybeyond,contrary to reason,cureless,hardly possible,hundred-to-one,impervious,impracticable,inexecutable,infeasible,irrealizable,irreparable,no-go,no-win,not a prayer,out of the question,too much,unachievable,uncorrectable,unfeasible,unobtainable,unrecoverable,way-out
反义词 believable,conceivable,hopeful,imaginable,logical,practical,reasonable,sensibleachievable,obtainable,possibleadj.intolerable, ungovernable
同义词 absurd,hopeless,ludicrous,outrageous,preposterous,unacceptable,unreasonableoffensive,undesirableegregious,improper,incongruous,objectionable,unanswerable,unsuitable
反义词 acceptable,pleasingachievable,believable,governable,manageable,tenable,tolerable
contrariousadjective contrary
embarrassingadjective humiliating, shaming
exaggeratedadjective overstated, embellished
a bit thick,abstract,amplified,artificial,bouncing,caricatural,distorted,embroidered,exalted,excessive,extravagant,fabricated,fabulous,false,fantastic,farfetched,hammy,highly colored,histrionic,histrionical,hyperbolic,impossible,inflated,magnified,melodramatic,out of proportion,overblown,overdone,overestimated,overkill,overwrought,preposterous,pretentious,schmaltzy,sensational,spectacular,steep,strained,stylized,tall,too much,too-too,unrealistic
fat chanceinterjection no chance
chance in a million,ghost of a chance,impossible,no chance,no way,not a prayer,poor outlook,poor possibility,poor prospect,slim chance,small chance,snowball's chance in hell,unthinkable,very little chance,when hell freezes over
hopelessadjective futile, pessimistic
bad,beyond recall,cynical,dejected,demoralized,despairing,desperate,despondent,disconsolate,discouraging,downhearted,fatal,forlorn,gone,goner,helpless,ill-fated,impossible,impracticable,in despair,incurable,irredeemable,irreparable,irreversible,irrevocable,lost,menacing,no-win,past hope,pointless,sad,shot down,sinister,sunk,threatening,tragic,unachievable,unavailing,unfortunate,unmitigable,up the creek,useless,vain,woebegone,worsening
implausibleadjective not likely
doubtful,dubious,far-out,farfetched,fishy,flimsy,for the birds,full of holes,impossible,improbable,inconceivable,incredible,obscure,problematic,puzzling,reachy,suspect,thin,too much,unbelievable,unconvincing,unreasonable,unsubstantial,weak,won't hold water,won't wash It was impossible for them to be together: she was already married.
他们不可能在一起,因为那时她已经结婚了。 hjenglish

It is impossible for me to recoup.

It's impossible to localize the effect of this political disturbance.

And I know this is an impossible thing for me to ask.
我知道对于我来说这是一个不可能的事情。 yeeyan

And why should that be so impossible?
为什么这就不可能呢? ecocn

And as I mentioned earlier, I got someone to do my accounting for me, because that would have been impossible otherwise.
并且向我先前提到的那样,我找了一些人管理我的账户,因为否则那样的待遇是不可能的。 yeeyan

As you know, this is impossible.
不过你知道,这是不可能的。 kekenet

Do the impossible instead of the possible.
去做不可能的事,而不是墨守成规。 yeeyan

Each one of us dreams of the unknown and the impossible in accordance with his nature.
每个人都随着自己的性格在梦想着未知的和不可能的事物。 ebigear

For some users this could be very easy, and for others, it could be very difficult, or almost impossible.
对于有些用户来说,这非常容易,而对于另外一些用户来说,又非常困难,或者几乎不可能。 ibm

He was searching for the impossible.
他在搜索那不可能的事。 yeeyan

However, this is impossible!
然而,这是不可能的! ebigear

I walk around with my head up because I know deep down inside that nothing is impossible if you try.
我昂首阔步到处行走,因为我内心深知,只要你去尝试,没什么是不可能的。 i21st

In practice, though, this is nearly impossible to get right when the data is at all complex, and I do not recommend it.
但是在实践中,如果数据非常复杂,则几乎不可能完成任务,因此不推荐使用这种方法。 ibm

It is impossible to dissociate language from culture.

It seems impossible to settle these disputes left over by history.

Note that this also meant that it was impossible to use any one of these without implying the other two.
注意这同样意味着如果没有包含另外两个而使用其中的任意一个的话,那是不可能的。 ibm

Of course, there are many books that we all have to read, either to pass examinations or to acquire information, from which it is impossible to extract enjoyment.
当然,我们每一个人都会为了通过考试,或是为了获取信息而阅读大量的书籍,这样的阅读是无法让我们获得快乐的。 edu.sina.com.cn

The kind of logic that says, “ This was all inevitable,” is impossible with that data in your hands.
这种逻辑可以这样说,“这些都是不可避免的,”是不可能有数据在你们手里。 yeeyan

This one branch is the Liberty of Thought: from which it is impossible to separate the cognate liberty of speaking and of writing.
这条支线就是思想的自由。 把同源的言语的自由与写作的自由和思想的自由分开是不可能的。 yeeyan

Which makes them almost impossible to track.
这就使得几乎不可能追踪他们了。 yeeyan

Without a clear vision of the requirements, it was impossible for us to agree to this.
对于我们来说没有一个清楚的需求远景,签署这个合同是不可能的。 ibm

Impossible, you say?
你说不可能? yeeyan




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