

单词 implores
释义 im·plore·s 英ɪm'plɔːʳ美ɪm'plɔːr COCA⁶⁷⁰⁸⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
call upon in supplication; entreat;

I beg you to stop!












近义词 呼吁beg恳求ask询问pray祈祷plead辩护appeal恳求claim要求invoke援引demand要求entreat恳求beseech恳求request请求require要求conjure变戏法

用作动词Iimploreyou to go now.我恳求你现在就走吧。
Sheimploredme to do her a favor.她恳求我帮她这个忙。verb.beg
同义词 beseech,plead,pray,urgeappeal,conjure,crave,entreat,importune,solicit,supplicatego on bended knee
反义词 disgust,refuse,turn offanswer Every movie we see, every story we're told, implores us to wait for it, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rules.
我们看的电影,听的故事,都是等待这一刻的到来,不期而遇的爱的宣言,惯例中的特例。 blog.sina.com.cn

Every movie we see, every story we're told, implores is to wait for it.
我们看过的每场电影,听过的每个故事,都告诉我们要耐心等待。 jxuz

Phil Jackson, head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, implores his players to visualize victory before games.
菲尔•杰克逊,洛杉矶湖人队主教练要求队员们在比赛之前都要设想获取比赛的胜利。 chinastudents

“ Rahul, ” she implores in a stifled tone.
“拉胡尔,”她压低声调恳求。 yeeyan

“ Rahul,” she implores in a stifled tone. “ Please, don't make a scene. Tom's still in the kitchen.”
“拉胡尔,”她压低声调恳求。“求你了,别大呼小叫。汤姆还在厨房里。” yeeyan

After they leave the White house grounds, he expresses his doubts to Bubba, who again implores him to name anyone else.
当他们离开白宫后,他再次表示对布巴怀疑,但布巴让他再说个人名。 yeeyan

As she implores them for help, Ahsoka finds she needs to practice the Jedi philosophy that prohibits personal attachments.
就在她向他们乞求帮助时,阿索卡发现自己需要将绝地断绝私情的哲学付诸实践。 starwarsfans.cn

But in Britain the documents have constitutional force; the Salisbury convention implores the House of Lords to let a government’s manifesto commitments pass through.
但是在英国,这种文件具有宪法威力;索尔兹伯里大会乞求上议院让某政府宣言承诺通过。 ecocn

Every movie we see, every story we're told… implores us to wait for it.
我们看过的每一部电影,读过的每一个故事,都是为了鼓励你等待那一天的到来。 mumucun

He has the coveted backing of Jon Cruddas, a thoughtful, ostensibly left-wing MP who implores colleagues to get to grips with Mr Cameron's“ emotionally literate” conservatism.
他拥有令人羡慕的约翰克鲁德式的支持。约翰是一位深思熟虑,显而易见的左派下院议员,他恳请同事们努力对付卡梅伦先生的“情绪上的修养”的保守主义。 ecocn

He implores the expanse, the waves, the seaweed, the reef;
他向空际、波涛、海藻、礁石请求; chinabaike

He implores the expanse, the waves, the seaweed, the reef; they are deaf.
他向空际、波涛、海藻、礁石哀求;它们都充耳不闻。 ebigear

Nighttime implores daybreak quickly to approach, only then you give me to warm the dawn.
黑夜里祈求黎明快来临,只有你给我温暖晨曦。 www.dota123.com

One bigwig at a large Indian firm says he implores his younger relatives: “Make something. Don’t just look at numbers and criticise things.”
一位来自印度一家大型公司的要人曾恳求他年轻的亲戚:“自己动手干点事情,不要总是看着那些数字,然后吹毛求疵。” ecocn

The astral configuration today implores you not to be so obtuse in your interactions with someone who is very dear to your heart.
今天的天体配置恳求你不要在两人互动中再这么迟钝了好么!尤其是那个你亲爱的人。 douban

This paper tries to establish mathematical model of center of percussion on body limbs in sports activities, implores its calculation formula.
本研究建立了人体上、下肢打击中心的数学模型,并推算了相应的计算公式。 cnki

Implores the passing tribute of a sigh.
恳求过往行人献出一声叹息。 blog.sina.com.cn




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