

单词 implied meaning
释义 implied meaning imˈplaidˈmi:niŋ 短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
The implied meaning of the pie charts is both disappointing and exciting.
该饼图寓意是令人失望,令人振奋。 kb120

The implied meaning of the drawing can be interpreted in terms of responsibility and morality.
图表的含义可以从责任和道德这两个方面来进行解释和说明。 qnr

Combine nursery tale implied meaning, guide a kid to consider, investigate, say the reason wants to be deep than the simplicity.
结合童话寓意,引导孩子去思考、探索,比单纯说理要深刻。 cmfei

Idioms are the highlights of the languages, which reflect the human being's vast wisdom, rich imagination, thought- provoking implied meaning and great manifestation.
成语是语言的结晶,它集中反映人类在运用语言方面无穷的智慧,丰富的想像,深邃的寓意和巨大的表现能力。 cnki

Lao She is adept in extending implied meaning from noumenal meaning, therefore, symbolism in his works is always based on reality, without any mysterious sense.
老舍运用象征善于从本体涵义中自然地引申出深层的象征寓意,作品的象征性总是从现实性中引发出来的,不带神秘色彩。 iciba

Sociolinguistics has made great progress in this field, but it cannot give a satisfactory explanation to the implied meaning the addresses bring out in specific context.
社会语言学对称呼的研究已开展得卓有成效,然而社会语言学并未解释称呼语在特定的语境之下所带来的语用暗含。 cnki

The patterns on the underwear bear various auspicious implied meaning.
内衣上的图案又有着种种吉祥的寓意; chemyq

This paper chiefly deals with the formation, implied meaning and social significance of“ constant development” theory in social economy.
本文主要论及持续发展理论的形成、内涵及其对发展社会经济的意义; cnki

With lanterns flowers for the design element, the Lantern Festival is the symbol of the Chinese people, the implied meaning is celebrating reunion, good luck.
以灯笼花为设计元素,灯笼是中国人喜庆的象征,寓意团圆欢庆、吉祥如意。 expo2011eshop




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