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词汇 impervious
释义 im·per·vi·ous 英ɪmˈpɜːviːəs美ɪmˈpɝviəsAHDĭm-pûrʹvē-əs ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝COCA²⁴⁵⁸⁸BNC²¹⁵¹⁸iWeb¹⁹⁷⁷²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

not admitting of passage or capable of being affected;

a material impervious to water

someone impervious to argument

im-,不,非,pervious,渗透的。impervious bed不透水层impervious blanket不透水面层,不透水铺…impervious zone不透水区impervious element防渗设施impervious soil不透性土,不渗透性土…impervious break不渗透夹层,不透水夹…impervious foundation不透水地基impervious diaphragm不透水性隔膜…impervious lining不渗透性内衬…impervious stratum不渗透地层impervious material防渗材料,不透水材料…impervious barrier防渗层impervious core隔水核心impervious graphite化 不渗透性石墨…
GRE红宝书perviousadj 能被通过的; 可渗透的读: 泼vious
pervious 能被通过的
GRE难词记忆impervious→ im否定+pervious a.能被透过的,能被渗透的→不能渗透的GRE难词记忆pervious → per=through+vi=way+ous →能被透过的im不,非+pervious可渗透的⇒impervious adj.不可渗透的im不+pervious渗透的⇒不能渗透的近义词 proof证明stony石头的rigid坚硬的solid固体的obdurate固执的unfeeling无情的resistant抵抗的rainproof防雨的unyielding不屈的unbending不妥协的unmoved无动于衷的waterproof 防水的unwavering不动摇的watertight不漏水的unaffected不受影响的impermeable不能渗透的water-resistant抗水的invulnerable固若金汤的imperviable=impervious…反义词 pervious可渗透的

This material isimperviousto rainwater.这种材料防雨。
Rubber boots areimperviousto water.橡胶鞋是防水的。
He isimperviousto criticism.他对批评我行我素。adj.(unable to be penetrated
同义词 immune,impassable,impenetrable,inaccessible,invulnerable,resistant,unaffected,unmovedimperviableclosed to,hermetic,impassive,impermeable,sealed,tight,unapproachable,unpierceable,unreceptive,watertight
反义词 affected,moved,susceptibleexposed,open,penetrable,responsive,sensitive,vulnerable
durableadjective sturdy, long-lasting
firmadjective inflexible
hermeticadjective airtight
completely sealed,impervious,sealed,shut,tight,waterproof,watertight
impenetrableadjective dense
impermeableadjective impenetrable
impossibleadjective beyond the bounds of possibility
absurd,beyond,contrary to reason,cureless,futile,hardly possible,hopeless,hundred-to-one,impassable,impervious,impracticable,impractical,inaccessible,inconceivable,inexecutable,infeasible,insurmountable,irrealizable,irreparable,no-go,no-win,not a prayer,out of the question,preposterous,too much,unachievable,unattainable,uncorrectable,unfeasible,unimaginable,unobtainable,unreasonable,unrecoverable,unthinkable,unworkable,useless,visionary,way-out And what policy would supply any useful options at all for Somalia, a wasteland that appears to be impervious to all forms of outside meddling, benevolent or malign?
什么样的政策,能为索马里这个显示出抵制外界任何形式的干预,慈善和毁谤的废墟,提供有用的选择呢? yeeyan

By wonderful good fortune, Sr31 also boosted yieldsand not only because plants were impervious to rust.
非常幸运的是 Sr31还增加了小麦产量并不仅仅是因为植物不受锈病的影响。 ecocn

The result, known as a biofilm, is the source of many hospital-based infections, since biofilms are impervious to antibiotics.
由于这种被称作“生物膜”的物质可以抵御抗生素,结果因此导致了许多医源性感染。 ecocn

And while exact numbers will undoubtedly turn out to be different, the underlying trends are relatively impervious to all but the most severe or disruptive shocks.
虽然最终的确切数字无疑会有差异,但基本趋势是不受任何影响的,除非发生最严重或破坏性的冲击。 worldbank

But even in a place that seems impervious to the passage of time, there is change.
但纵使这种不受时间浸染的地方,也在慢慢变化着。 ecocn

But why does the rest of Japan remain so impervious to something that is already the subject of open speculation in the U. S. media?
不过,其余的日本人何以对那些已经在美国媒体上自由揣测的主题还如此不为所动呢? ecocn

Chronically high levels of insulin often accompany obesity, eventually making muscles and other tissues impervious to the hormone's signals.
长期保持高胰岛素水平常常伴随肥胖的产生,最终使得肌肉和其他身体组织抵抗激素信号。 yeezhe

Given the fact our project will be accessible to the general public, I want to ensure the system is secure and impervious to the casual hacker.
由于我们的项目将来是要面向广大公众的,所以我希望能确保系统的安全,不会被偶尔的黑客行为所破坏。 ibm

GROWTH may have returned at long last to the American economy, but the housing crisis which set the recession in motion rolls on, impervious to government fixes.
美国经济可能重现了久违的增长,但是引发此次衰退的房地产危机却还在兴风作浪,完全不受政府补救措施的影响。 ecocn

I think that in order to break through any kind of glass ceiling, or simply to get through the day, you have to become impervious to the daily gruffness that’s a part of any job.
我认为,在为了打破任何形式的玻璃天花板,或者只是为了熬过一天,你必须成为不为日常冷淡所影响,这是任何工作都需要的。 yeeyan

If so, around one-third of the rise in America’s joblessness is impervious to the business cycle and cannot be solved by boosting demandsee article.
如果是这样,美国上升的失业率中有近三分之一并没有受到商业周期的影响,无法通过促进需求来解决。 ecocn

If so, around one-third of the rise in America's joblessness is impervious to the business cycle and cannot be solved by boosting demandsee article.
如果这样的话,美国的失业人口中有大约三分之一是不受商业周期影响的,而且也不能通过刺激需求来解决。 ecocn

In some corridors of Washington, this impervious middle section of government is jokingly referred to as“the clay layer,” the layer through which no light shall pass.
在华盛顿政府部门,这种政令穿不过的政府中层被戏称为“粘土层”,没有阳光可以透过。 yeeyan

MANY video games feature an invincibility power-up that makes the player impervious to damage, at least for a while.
许多的电子游戏都具有一个很强大的特点,即玩家不会受到失败的影响,至少暂时不会。 ecocn

Most of the southern continent's icy mass, especially the eastern half which rests on some very solid rock, is so deep- frozen that so far at least, it has been impervious to climate change.
这个大陆的南边的大部分冰体,尤其是冰体的东半部,它主要以一些坚硬的岩石为依托,这些冰体冰冻之厚,至少到目前为止,不受气候变化的影响。 ecocn

Since porcelain is ceramic, and therefore glass- like, its surface is smooth and impervious and unlike older bonding materials, it will not be stained coffee, tea, red wine or cigarette smoking.
因为这种瓷料是陶瓷质地的,看起来像玻璃,与老式的物料不一样,其表面是光滑而且具有非渗透性,咖啡,茶叶红酒或是抽烟等都不会在其表面形成斑点。 yeeyan

Some stocks and some sectors, however, seem impervious to any speculation about government action.
然而,某些股票和某些类别似乎对有关政府行动的任何炒作都无动于衷。 yeeyan

The tapes were wrapped in plastic, placed in magnetically impervious metal canisters and remain in pristine condition.
这些磁带用塑料包裹着,放置在一个防磁的金属罐中,仍然处于原来的状态。 yeeyan

The team expressed different human genes in hamster cells, which were impervious to infection, looking for genes that allowed infection to occur.
该团队表示,在不受感染的仓鼠细胞里的不同人类基因正在寻找能被感染的基因。 yeeyan

The toads emit a poison that attacks the heart of predators. But meat ants are impervious to this.
这种蟾蜍射出的毒液能够攻击食肉动物的心脏,但是食肉蚂蚁对此免疫。 yeeyan




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