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词汇 animus
释义 animus ˈænɪməs 
a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility二十世纪著名心理学家荣格提出人类心理具有雌雄同体现象。他指出,在男人伟岸的身躯里,其实存在着阴柔的女性特质,荣格把其称为anima阿尼玛;同样,在女人娇柔的灵魂中隐藏着男性特质,荣格称其为animus阿尼姆斯。由于男性特质通常包括攻击性、敌意,所以animus就衍生出“敌意”的含义。参考单词anima灵魂,女性意向钱博士anim灵魂,生命+us阳性名词后缀→意向,意图→男性意向⇒敌意
GRE红宝书anim = animal动物, us我们. 动物与我们之间有敌意. 道理同上. 把ani磨死-因为我们之间有敌意
象enemy 敌人,及animal 畜生
anim灵魂,生命+us阳性名词后缀→意向,意图→男性意向⇒敌意。GRE难词记忆animus→anim=spirit 精神+us→精神上不相容→仇视近义词 hatred仇恨spirit精神offense过错attitude态度ill will憎恶dislike不喜欢animosity憎恶hostility敌意bad blood恶感objective客观的temperament气质personality个性disposition性情detestation憎恶offensive令人不快的

用作名词They are full ofanimustowords us.他们对我们怀有敌意。
His criticisms are clearly colored byanimus.批判明显带有敌意。noun.hostility
同义词 bile,mind,spirit,temper
animositynoun extreme dislike, hatred
acrimony,antagonism,antipathy,bad blood,bitterness,displeasure,enmity,hate,hatred,hostility,ill will,malevolence,malice,malignity,rancor,resentment,virulence
antagonismnoun causing problem;opposition
antipathynoun strong dislike, disgust
abhorrence,allergy,animosity,animus,antagonism,aversion,avoidance,bad blood,contrariety,disgust,dislike,distaste,dyspathy,enmity,escape,eschewal,evasion,hate,hatred,hostility,ill will,incompatibility,loathing,opposition,rancor,repellency,repugnance,repulsion
bad bloodnoun bitterness of feeling
acrimony,anger,animosity,animus,antagonism,antipathy,bad chemistry,bad feeling,bad vibes,bad will,bitterness,disaccord,dislike,distrust,enmity,hard feelings,hatred,hostility,ill will,ill-disposedness,malevolence,malice,mutual hostility,nastiness,odium,oppugnancy,oppugnation,personality conflict,rancor,resentment,unfriendliness,venom
designnoun intention
action,aim,angle,animus,big picture,brainchild,child,conation,conspiracy,deliberation,end,enterprise,game plan,gimmick,goal,intendment,intrigue,lay of the land,machination,meaning,notion,object,objective,picture,pitch,plan,play,plot,point,project,proposition,purport,purpose,recipe,reflection,scenario,scene,schema,scheme,setup,story,target,thinking,thought,trick,undertaking,view,volition,what's cooking,will
designsnoun intention
architectures,arrangements,blueprints,charts,compositions,comps,conceptions,constitutions,constructions,delineations,depictions,diagrams,doodles,drawings,dummies,formations,forms,ideas,layouts,makeups,maps,methods,models,outlines,paste-ups,patterns,perspectives,pictures,plans,schemes,studies,traceries,tracings,treatments By the late 1800s, as massive financial corporations clustered in lower Manhattan, the populist animus found a new target: Wall Street.
十九世纪末,大量的金融机构涌入曼哈顿下城,平民主义于是有了一个新的敌对目标:华尔街。 yeeyan

It is popular with the public because art combined with technology is its animus and the simplicity of conformation is its principle.
现代主义设计以艺术与技术相结合为宗旨,造型简洁为原则而深入人心。 jukuu

The choppy, jolting style is striking. But not as striking, perhaps, as his animus for Isabel Lyon.
时断时续,跌宕起伏的写作风格的确引人注目。但,也许,始终不如他对伊莎贝尔里昂的敌意引人注目。 yeeyan

The truth is that this book is short on reasoned analysis and long on animus, directed at elite universities, at administrators, and more than anything else at the“ professoriate, ” as they call it.
实际上,这本书缺乏合乎情理的分析,而且充斥着敌意,箭头直指精英型院校、行政管理者、尤其是他们口中的“教授团”。 yeeyan

The viciousness of the official animus toward the indigent can be breathtaking.
官方针对穷人的敌意之恶毒可以说是惊人的。 yeeyan

There is a large difference between “the Belief in Zheng Chenggong” and popular folk belief, the former has conveyed a strong political animus with an active official interference.
“郑成功信仰”有别于其它一般汉人社会里常见的民间信仰,官方的介入极深,其中隐藏着强烈的政治意图。 cnki

But not as striking, perhaps, as his animus for Isabel Lyon.
但,也许,始终不如他对伊莎贝尔里昂的敌意引人注目。 yeeyan

But the animus derived from something else.
但是他的敌意是来源于其他的一件事。 icxo

By all accounts, his animus toward the U. S. was rooted in a hatred of Israel.
人人都说他对美国的憎恨来自于美对以色列的仇恨。 yeeyan

Capitalism also embraces competition as its animus, and America is nothing if not capitalistic.
资本主义也把竞争奉为主旨,而美国若不是资本主义那就毫无名堂了。 poemlife

He shows little animus about his brother’s death, is on good terms with senior Pakistani officers and has been allowed to use the military archives.
对于其兄弟的死,他对政府几乎没有表示出敌意,还与巴基斯坦各部高官的关系甚好,甚至一直都被允许查阅军方的档案。 ecocn

Israeli ministers and diplomats speak of him with warmth, in private as well as in public, and Israeli citizens have begun to exclude him from their anti- UN animus.
以色列的各个部长及外交官员不管私下还是公开都对潘基文的态度十分热情,因此即使潘基文作为联合国的一员,以色列人也不再那么抵抗他。 ecocn

It may be that Americans are unusually willing to break rank with scientific authority—as seen in the occasional flare-ups of vaccine scepticism— but it's not a thoroughgoing animus.
所以,美国可能还是偶尔会和科学的权威性对着干—比如有时对疫苗倍加质疑—但也不是彻头彻尾的反科学者。 yeeyan

Mr Jumblatt himself is expected in Damascus soon, as is another Lebanese leader with a personal animus, Saad Hariri, now filling his slain father’s shoes as Lebanon’s prime minister.
朱巴拉特本人很快就要到达大马士革,与此同时,另一位带着个人深仇大恨的黎巴嫩总理,接替已故父亲哈里里职位的阿萨德哈里里也要到来。 ecocn

Of note, the post garnered some animus toward me especially from a few fellow bloggers.
值得注意的是,这篇帖子让我受到了一些敌意,特别是来自几个同道的博客。 yeeyan

Several other women also chimed in, with an animus which none of them would have been so fatuous as to show but for the rollicking evening they had passed.
还有几个其他的女人也齐声响应,她们骂得粗鲁毒辣,要不是她们晚上事先都在寻欢作乐,她们也不会那样愚蠢地乱骂一气的。 ebigear

The real story here is not about personalities, political animus, or ideological conflict.
事实的真相其实无关个性、政治倾向或意识形态冲突。 yeeyan

The animus towards the Fed is striking, considering that its unprecedented market interventions almost certainly averted a financial meltdown last year and a far more severe recession.
考虑到去年联储前所未有的市场干预几乎可以肯定地避免了金融垮台和更为深重的经济衰退,这种对联储的敌意让人惊讶。 ecocn

Though David defeated me in the election I bear no animus toward him; we are good friends.
虽然大卫在选举中击败我,我对他不存丝豪恶意,我们是好朋友。 jukuu

We must build a positive reputation based on reality, or others will create one for us based on speculation or animus and we won’t like what they create.
我们必须基于现实树立积极的声誉,否则其他人将会基于他们所观察到的或者主管意志为我们创造声誉,我们希望靠自己建立声誉。 yeeyan




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