

单词 immunised
释义 immunised 英'ɪmjʊnaɪzd美'ɪmjʊnaɪzd COCA¹³⁹⁹³³BNC⁴³⁹⁶⁸
having been rendered unsusceptible to a disease近义词 vaccinated动词vaccinate的…immunized动词immunize的过…
And it's getting rarer now that children are immunised against one of the commonest strains of meningitis.
它变得罕见的儿童接种针对最常见的脑膜炎菌株之一。 www.360doc.com

Everyone who is going abroad will need to be immunised against typhoid.
准备出国者均需注射伤寒预防针。 iciba

“ For effective and long-term eradication of HPV, all adolescents must be immunised, ” said The Lancet.
《柳叶刀》表示,为了有效且长期根除人乳头瘤病毒,所有青少年都必须进行抗性传播疾病疫苗接种。 dxy

British parents who could afford it frequented plush Harley Street clinics to have their toddlers immunised with three separate jabs, as Dr Wakefield had recommended.
正如韦克非尔德医生所建议的那样,可以支付相应费用的英国父母频繁地光顾名医汇聚的哈利街,让自己的孩子分三次接种疫苗。 ecocn.org

But The Lancet states that Europe should follow the lead of the US state of Michigan, which passed a bill on September21 ruling that all11 to12-year-old sixth grade girls must be immunised.
但是《柳叶刀》表示,欧洲应该效法美国密歇根州。9月21日,美国密歇根州通过法案,规定11-12岁六年级女生必须进行免疫接种。 dxy

Few pregnant women choose to be immunised against winter flu.
极少有孕妇为预防冬季流感选择接种疫苗。 yeeyan

Meningitis is relatively rare but extremely serious and universities advise students to be immunised against meningitis C, following outbreaks on a number of UK campuses in recent years.
脑膜炎是相当罕见而非常严重的疾病。由于近来年在英国大学里爆发过数起脑膜炎疾病,大学往往建议学生打脑膜炎疫苗以抵抗脑膜炎。 yeeyan

Pertussis is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory system, which is mainly caused by Bordetella pertussis and found in non- immunised children of developing countries.
百日咳是主要由百日咳杆菌引起的一种传染性强的急性呼吸系统疾病,主要见于发展中国家未接种相应疫苗的儿童。 chemyq

Rabbits were immunised with the methods of Freund's adjuvant and lymphocyte adsorption.
用弗氏佐剂法和淋巴细胞吸附法免疫家兔; fabiao

Swine flu's threat is so great that the NHS must avoid only small numbers of personnel getting immunised, as usually happens with seasonal flu every winter, the letters add.
信函还补充说,猪流感的威胁极大,因此国民保健署必须避免象每年冬天季节性流感时那样,常常只有少数员工接受免疫接种的情况。 yeeyan

The government's chief commissar for immunisations, Professor David Salisbury, has said that nurses have a “ duty” to be immunised against swine flu.
政府免疫工作负责人戴维·索尔兹伯里教授 David Salisbury说,护士有“义务”去接种猪流感疫苗。 yeeyan




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