

单词 1900
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Ernest Shackleton This is an advertisement placed by Ernest Shackleton, the explorer, in a London newspaper about1900, and pardon the sexist nature of it.

In the now- classical characterization delineated around1900 by Henri Fayol and Frederick Taylor, the purpose of management was to plan the one overall best way to approach work.
法约尔和泰勒1900年左右对管理目的的描述,已经成为现代的经典:管理就是计划一条完成工作的最佳路径。 yeeyan

The design of these two sides was inspired by the medal of the1896 Athens Games and1900 Paris Games.
本届奥运会奖牌的设计灵感来自1896年雅典奥运会和1900年巴黎奥运会奖牌。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The March11 quake was the largest ever recorded in Japan and is the world's fifth largest earthquake to strike since1900, according to the USGS.
根据美国地质调查局,3月11日大地震是日本有史以来最大的地震,也是1900年以来全球五大地震之一。 ebigear

The world's Muslim population grew from200m in 1900 to its current levels.
全球穆斯林人口从1900年的2亿增加到目前的水平。 ecocn

Theodore Roosevelt became the vice president in 1900 and was elected president in1904.
1900年,西奥多·罗斯福成为美国副总统,并在1904年当选为美国总统。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Before1900, when walking was the most common means of transportation, very few people died of heart disease.
1900年之前,那时步行还是最通用的交通方式,极少有人死于心脏疾病。 yeeyan

Below are some more facts and figures relating to the causes and consequences of the world's fifth- largest earthquake since1900.
下面更多的事实和数据,和1900年以来的世界第五次大的地震产生的原因和结果有一定的关联。 yeeyan

By1900, the coast of Britain had many towns and villages.
到了二十世纪,英国的海岸边有了许多城镇和村庄。 edu.sina.com.cn

Data from the World Resources Institute puts China's cumulative emissions since1900 at third behind the US and Russia.
根据世界资源研究所的数字,中国自1900年以来累计碳排放量紧随美国和俄罗斯之后排在第三位。 yeeyan

He acknowledges though that, unlike1900, transporting oneself to1973 might actually be worthwhile for many.
尽管如此他承认,不同于1900年,返回1973年对很多人来讲是值得的。 yeeyan

In1900 there were several contenders for the title of capital of the20th century.
早在1900年,就有数座城市角逐20世纪“世纪之都”的称号。 yeeyan

It seems like science fiction, but one wonders how somebody in1900 would have felt about a description of what World War II was going to be like.
就像科幻小说一样,但是人们感到疑惑,生活在1900年的人对于二次世界大战如何进行的描述会做何感想。 yeeyan

It was a cold winter's day in 1900. He wanted to buy some bread, but he didn't have any money.
那是1900年寒冬的一天,卓别林想买一些面包,但他没有钱。 ebigear

So China is a long way from posing the kind of challenge to America that the kaiser's Germany posed to Britain in 1900.
因此中国对美国的挑战远没有1900年德国皇帝对英国的挑战来得迅猛。 yeeyan

The first Olympic backstroke competition was the1900 Paris Olympics men's200 metre.
奥运史上第一次仰泳比赛是1900年的巴黎奥运会男子200米仰泳。 kekenet

The year was1900 and Britain's newest member of parliament was26 years old.
那是1900年,而这名英国国会最新的成员年仅26岁。 edu.sina.com.cn

The village is situated not far from the lake above and was founded in1900.
这个村庄离伊曼德拉湖不远,始建于1900年。 yeeyan

There were few fishing ships on the sea in 1900 when an enormous number of fish swam freely; in contrast, in1995 a large fleet of ships were endeavoring to search for the only fish in the sea.
1900年的时候海上只有一艘船,而海里有许许多多鱼儿在自由地遨游;相反,到了1995年,海上有许多渔船,它们都在努力寻找海里仅剩的一条鱼。 hjenglish

This insight is what led Iceland to go from being one of the poorest countries in Europe circa1900 to being one of the richest circa2000.
正是这一洞见使得冰岛从1900年前后欧洲最贫穷的国家之一转变为2000年前后最富裕的国家之一。 yeeyan

In 1900 many of America’s best minds were to be found on farms. Now most go to college.
1900年,美国最优秀的人才,许多都是在农场上奋战,而现在,大多数是去了大学。 ecocn




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