

单词 imagination
释义 i·mag·i·na·tion 英ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃən美ɪˌmædʒəˈneʃənAHDĭ-măj'ə-nāʹshən ★★★☆☆高四六研I牛4八COCA³⁷²⁷BNC³¹³⁶iWeb⁴⁰⁶³Economist⁶⁵⁴⁰


the ability to imagine


the mind


sth only imagined and not real

the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses;

popular imagination created a world of demons

imagination reveals what the world could be

the ability to form mental images of things or events;

he could still hear her in his imagination

the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems;

a man of resource

imagination, fancy, fantasy


1.fancy和fantasy多指无事实依据的凭空想象; imagination的想象则依据所见所闻或现实。

2.fancy的内容多是虚构的、幻想的; fantasy的内容更是荒诞古怪; imagination的内容则一般是合理的。






词根词缀: imagine想像e略 + -ation
用作名词 n.
动词+~defy sb's imagination令某人难以想象develop imagination培养想象力lack imagination缺乏想象力show imagination显示出想象力形容词+~creative imagination创造性的想象力wild imagination荒诞的想象active imagination活跃的想象力介词+~beyond imagination无法想象in one's imagination在遐想中with imagination运用想象力
故事记忆有一个 Nation国家最崇拜 Examination考试不考查 Creation创造只检查 Information知识不管你有多 Imagination想象力也只能听到老师的 Explanation解释imagin图像+at拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用来构成动词+ion名词后缀,表行为本身及能力、结果→在头脑中形成图像的行为及其能力和结果⇒想象,想象力、幻想物。非常记忆imagine想象〖熟词〗+ation爱神〖谐音〗⇒无法想象爱神的想象力有多强词根记忆imagine想象来自imaginev. 想象近义词 fancyfantasy
用作名词n.The story shows plenty ofimagination.这个故事表现出丰富的想象力。
My son has a richimagination.我的儿子很有想象力。
Nobody was trying to kill him—that was pureimagination.没有人要杀他——那纯属空想。
Her pains are mostly pureimagination.她的疼痛多半是纯粹的想象。
用作名词That's beyond the reach of myimagination.那是我想象不到的。
These plans reveal a complete failure ofimagination.这些计划显得毫无想象力。
A sketch can stimulate one's ownimagination.图形能促进一个人的想象力。
He tried to practice upon theimaginationand credulity of the public.他企图利用群众的空想和轻信。
You didn't really see a ghost, it's onlyimagination.你并没有真地看见鬼,这仅仅是幻象。noun.power to create in one's mind
同义词 artistry,awareness,fancy,fantasy,idea,image,imagery,ingenuity,insight,inspiration,intelligence,inventiveness,originality,resourcefulness,thought,vision,witacuteness,chimera,cognition,conception,creation,creativity,enterprise,fabrication,ideality,illusion,invention,notion,perceptibility,realization,sally,supposition,thoughtfulness,unreality,verve,visualization,wittinesscreative thought,flight of fancy,mental agility
反义词 concrete,fact,ignorance,inability,reality,truth,deathbeing,entity,existence,material,substance
artnoun skill, creativity
creationnoun development of entity
conception,constitution,establishment,formation,formulation,foundation,generation,genesis,imagination,inception,institution,laying down,making,nascency,nativity,origination,procreation,production,setting up,siring
creationsnoun development of entity
achievements,brainchilds,chef-d'oeuvres,concepts,handiwork,magnum opuses,opera,pieces,pièce de résistances,productions,work of genius,works
creativenessnoun creativity
creativitynoun artistry
daydreamnoun fantasy thought of when awake
castle in the air,conceiving,dream,fancy,fancying,figment of imagination,fond hope,fool's paradise,head trip,imagination,imagining,in a zone,mind trip,musing,phantasm,phantasy,pie in the sky,pipe dream,reverie,stargazing,trip,vision,wish,woolgathering All you have to do is start using your creative power to move in the direction of what you most want your life to look like, by exercising the power of your imagination.
你所要做的就是运用你的创造力将你的方向转向你最想让你的生活变成什么样子上来,通过这个可以锻炼你的想象力。 yeeyan

Each little separate picture I ringed round with the light of my imagination and the joy of my heart; every one of them, moreover, being variously coloured by a pathos of its own.
再小的单独的一幅画面,我也用想象的光芒和心中的喜悦把它包裹起来;并且每一幅画,都因其本身的哀婉动人而具有各种色彩。 yeeyan

The options within the field of fashion are vast, limited only by your imagination and creativity.
在时尚界,选择是相当多的,这一切仅仅受限于你的想象力和创造力。 putclub

For the citizens of Ohio and Wisconsin, at least, this vision seems destined to remain in the realm of the imagination for some time to come.
对于俄亥俄州和威斯康星州的市民来说,至少,这一设想似乎注定要在想象里停留一段时间才能变成现实了。 ecocn

I do write every day, but not about the characters born in my imagination, who have accidentally killed a tramp or crashed a car, only to disappear into oblivion.
我的确每天在写,但不是我脑中想象中的人物,那些偶然地杀害了一个流浪汉或撞坏一辆汽车,只能消失湮没。 yeeyan

In my imagination, they seemed to have an uncanny ability to know what I was thinking, and were eager to punish me for any malfeasance.
在我的想象中,他们似乎有不可思议的能力——知道我在想什么,他们因为任何不正当的行为急不可耐地惩罚我。 yeeyan

It is astonishing what you can do with chocolate if you have enough of it, and let your imagination loose.
如果有足够的材料,你就可以放纵想象,用巧克力做出种种令人称奇的物件。 yeeyan

It exists only in his imagination.
它只存在于他的想象。 yeeyan

It reaches deep inside of us and plays on our imagination, wishes and inspiration.
它触及了我们的内心深处,激发了我们的想象,愿望和灵感。 yeeyan

No, it is not your imagination, dear friends.
不,这不是你的想象,我亲爱的朋友。 blog.sina.com.cn

Our imagination was quickened by his story.

Poems are the product of a poet's imagination.

She has plenty of imagination.

Sometimes, in my imagination, that is exactly what I tell them.
有时候,在我的想象中,那才是我真正想要告诉他们的。 yeeyan

The writer's imagination seems to have dried up.

They harness their imagination to discover new things about both themselves and the world around them.
他们利用自己的想象力发现他们自己和周围世界的新鲜之处。 yeeyan

This kind of movies could always arouse my imagination.
这类电影总是能激发我的想象力。 tingvoa

Those who lack imagination can't conceive of the world being better or different from what it is, so why would they be concerned about changing it?
那些缺乏想象力的人,不能从当前的境况中想象这个世界正在变得更好还是正相反,那么他们怎会关心去改变它呢? yeeyan

Use your imagination to create the life of your dreams.
运用你的想象力来创造你梦想中的生活。 yeeyan

What are you using your imagination for?
试问你动用你的想象力干了什么? yeeyan

Why do we get pleasure from the imagination?
为什么我们能从想象中获得乐趣? yeeyan

With this method I always remember that there has to be a contrast between your imagination and the reality of the photo.
当使用该方法进行创作时,我总是牢记这样一点:在照片中,个人想象和现实必须形成鲜明对照。 yeeyan

You are only limited by your imagination.
你仅仅被你的想象力所限制。 yeeyan

You can do almost everything with it, you imagination is the only border.
用它你几乎可以制作任何东西,唯一的界限是你的想象力。 yeeyan

You can find that guy of the imagination by using statistics.
你可以通过运用统计学寻找那想象中的家伙。 yeeyan




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