

单词 illuminated
释义 il·lu·mi·nate·d 英ɪ'ljuːmɪneɪtɪd美ɪ'lumɪnetɪd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁹³¹⁵BNC¹⁹⁴²²iWeb¹⁵⁰⁰⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
vt. 使明亮; 照亮

give light to; throw light on

vt. 装饰

ornament buildings, streets, etc. with lights for a special occasion

vt. 说明,阐明

make clear

make lighter or brighter;

This lamp lightens the room a bit

make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear;

Could you clarify these remarks?

Clear up the question of who is at fault

add embellishments and paintings to medieval manuscripts
illuminate, enlighten, illumine, illustrate, light, lighten

这组词的共同意思是“照亮”。它们之间的区别是:illuminate指用光线照亮黑暗处,引申可指启发、阐明复杂或难懂的问题; illumine与illuminate同义,多为文学和诗歌用语; light多指照亮道路或某一处所; lighten也指使黑暗处明亮一些,常引申作诗歌用语; enlighten原指照耀,现只用于引申义指启发、开导或使人摆脱偏见、迷信等; illustrate指增加光泽,引申指美化或润色。

用作动词 v.
~+名词illuminate a difficult passage阐明一段难懂的文字illuminate the picnic areas照亮野餐地illuminate the room照亮房间illuminate the sky照亮天空illuminate the stage照亮舞台illuminate a street building用彩灯装饰街道建筑物~+副词illuminate brightly照得更亮illuminate brilliantly照得灯火辉煌illuminate electrically用电照明illuminate greatly大受启发illuminate indirectly间接启发illuminate partially不完全地照亮illuminate poorly光线暗淡illuminate singularly大受启发~+介词illuminate by〔with〕用…照明,用…阐明illuminate by oil lamps用油灯照明illuminate for为…照明,给某人阐明
illuminate for v.+prep.

给某人阐明 make clear for (sb)

illuminate with v.+prep.

用…阐明 make clear with (sth)

illuminat-ed如|被…的⇒vt.照明⁴⁶;阐释;说明⁴⁵n.有专门知识的人;受到特别启迪的人v.阐明;解释;用彩灯装饰;用金色装饰;照亮;照射;进行辐射;使光辉灿烂;使辉煌;使明亮;装置照明;启发;启蒙;使明白;使容光焕发;使生气勃勃;使快活;使活跃;兴奋;发光;发亮近义词 light光show证明illume照明inform通知unfold展开explain说明clarify澄清radiate放射clear清楚的light up点亮clear up打扫illumine照明simplify简化sort out整理enlighten启发elucidate阐明irradiate照耀highlight强调brighten使变亮illustrate说明crystalize明确crystalise结晶spotlight照明灯expound详细说明shed light on照亮crystallise使结晶crystallize使结晶straighten out成一直线lighten使轻松,变得轻松…
S+~+ n./pron.The lamp illuminated the room.灯照亮了房间。
A lot of electric lamps illuminated the stage.许多盏灯照着舞台。
Torches illuminated the picnic areas.火把照亮了野餐地。
The sun illuminates the sky.太阳照亮了天空。
Footnotes illuminated the difficult passages of the text.脚注阐明了文中难解的段落。
Our interesting teacher could illuminate almost any subject we studied.我们这位有趣的老师几乎能解释清楚我们所学的所有科目。
The whole city was illuminated in celebration of National Day.庆祝国庆节之际,全市一片灯火辉煌。
The garden was illuminated by hundreds of small lamps.数百个小灯泡照亮了花园。
Some old books and manuscripts were illuminated.有些古书及古旧抄稿配有各种装饰。
We were greatly illuminated by the discussion.那次讨论使我们受到很大启发。



用作及物动词plastic foodA sudden smileilluminatedher face.突然的微笑使她容光焕发。
Footnotesilluminatethe difficult passage of the book.脚注中解释了书中许多难懂的道理。
Our interesting teacher couldilluminatealmost any subject we studied.我们这位有趣的老师几乎能解释清楚我们所学的所有科目。
This article mostlyilluminatethe importance of brand innovation.本文章主要说明品牌创新的重要作用。adj.lighted
同义词 bright,lit up
brightadjective shining, glowing in appearance
brighteradjective shining, glowing in appearance
brightestadjective shining, glowing in appearance
burningadjective blazing, flashing
afire,aflame,alight,blistering,broiling,conflagrant,enkindled,fiery,flaming,flaring,gleaming,glowing,heated,hot,ignited,illuminated,in flames,incandescent,kindled,on fire,oxidizing,red-hot,scorching,searing,sizzling,smoking,smouldering,torrid,white-hot
illuminatingadjective lighting up
illustratedadjective pictorial
adorned,decorated,delineated,depicted,embellished,embossed,engraved,exemplified,garlanded,graphic,illuminated,pictured,portrayed,wrought As such, it was proposed that the explosion happen on the border of the visible part of the moon, so that the resulting mushroom cloud would be clearly visible, being illuminated by the sun.
因此,曾提出爆炸应该在我们可以看到的月球部分发生,这样产生的“蘑菇云”就可以清楚地看到,被太阳所照亮。 yeeyan

Based on his experience with the Science Barge, he has devised a rule of thumb: generating enough electricity using solar panels requires an area about20 times larger than the area being illuminated.
根据在驳船上的经验,他总结出一条规则:要为特定面积的土地提供照明,就需要使用约相当于此面积20倍大小的太阳能面板来提供电力。 yeeyan

Once it was on the ground, the moon was a pockmarked, sandy boulder, so dull and opaque that it was incredible to think that it had once illuminated the sky with its shining reflection.
月亮一落到地面,就像一个布满痘疮的沙质的石头,如此的晦暗无光,简直难以相信它曾经用反射的光芒照亮了整个天空。 yeeyan

So long as she was in Boulanger Lane and in the neighborhood of the church, the lighted stalls illuminated the road; but soon the last light from the last stall vanished.
只要她还走在面包师巷和礼拜堂左近一带地方,总还有店铺里的烛光替她照路,可是最后一个摊子的最后一点微光也终于消逝了。 ebigear




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