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词汇 animal
释义 an·i·mal 英ˈænəməl美ˈænəməlAHDănʹə-məl ★★★★☆常小中高研IT牛4COCA⁸³⁰BNC¹²⁸⁶iWeb⁸⁰²Economist³⁸⁴³


living thing that can feel and move voluntarily


four-footed creature as distinct from a bird, a fish or an insect


the character of animals


characteristic of animals


the body, not the mind or the spirit

a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
marked by the appetites and passions of the body;

animal instincts

carnal knowledge

fleshly desire

a sensual delight in eating

music is the only sensual pleasure without vice

animal, beast


1.animal指区别于植物的“动物总称”; beast指与飞禽鸟类相对的走兽,即四足动物尤指哺乳动物。可见animal所指的范围比beast大,是动物的总称,而beast则包括在animal之中。例如:

Not all animals have four feet.并不是所有的动物都有四只脚。
We went to the zoo to see the gorillas, elephants, and various other beasts.我们去动物园看猩猩、大象和各种其他四足动物。

2.在比喻意义上,即指人的时候, animal可不含有感情色彩即客观地强调其身体,也可含有感情色彩由语气和上下文语气可以分出,而beast总是带有一定的感情色彩。例如:

Those boys are healthy young animals.那些男孩子是身体强壮的年轻小伙子。
What an animal he is!他是一个非常残暴的人!
Living only for self-indulgence, he is a beast.他过着尽情放纵的生活,无异于一头动物。

从上述例子可以看出,就感情成分来说, animal强调的是残暴,而beast强调的是肉欲的放纵,有贬义。








词根词缀: -anim-生命,呼吸 + -al名词词尾
用作名词 n.
动词+~breed animals饲养动物butcher animals屠宰动物catch an animal抓住动物domesticate animals驯养动物feed animals喂动物hunt animals捕杀动物kill animals杀死动物protect animals保护动物raise animals饲养动物slaughter animals屠宰动物stuff an animal剥制动物标本train animals训练动物trap animals诱捕动物形容词+~alpine animals高山动物amphibious animals两栖动物bizarre animals奇怪的动物bloody animals残忍的动物carnivorous animals食肉动物clever animals聪明的动物cold-blooded animals冷血动物dangerous animals危险动物dead animals死动物domestic animals家养动物fat animals肥的动物ferocious animals凶猛动物flesh-eating animals食肉动物frugivorous animals以果实为食的动物graminivorous animals草食动物gregarious animals群居动物grotesque animals奇形怪状的动物hairy animals多毛动物herbivorous animals草食动物higher animals高等动物huge animals庞大的动物indigenous animals土生土长的动物large animals大型动物lower animals低等动物marine animals海里的动物marsupial animals有袋的动物meek animals温顺的动物monstrous animals畸形的动物nocturnal animals夜间活动的动物oviparous animals卵生动物pachydermatous animals厚皮的动物porcine animals像猪的动物predatory animals食肉的动物reptilian animals爬行动物savage animals凶猛的动物small animals小动物unruly animals难驾驭的动物venomous animals有毒的动物voracious animals贪吃的动物warm-blooded animals温血动物wild animals野生动物名词+~land animals陆地动物pet animals宠物sea animals海洋动物water animals水生动物~+名词animal breeding家畜饲养animal food荤菜animal husbandry畜牧业animal park野生动物园~+介词animal of prey肉食性动物用作形容词 adj.~+名词animal appetites兽欲animal body动物的躯体animal charcoal兽骨的碳animal courage蛮勇animal desires兽欲animal fats动物脂肪animal heat体温animal instincts动物的本能animal life动物的生态animal magnetism对异性的吸引力animal needs肉体的需要animal oil动物油animal painter动物画家animal pole动物极animal products畜产品animal spirits精神愉快animal story动物的故事animal world动物界
串联记忆Animal World动物世界:动物园常见动物:bear 熊 tiger 老虎 elephant 大象 fox狐狸 panda熊猫 giraffe长颈鹿 kangaroo袋鼠 hippo河马 zebra斑马 dolphin海豚 crocodile鳄鱼哺乳类动物:cat猫 kitten小猫 dog狗 pig猪 cow奶牛 ox公牛 deer鹿 goat山羊 sheep绵羊 horse马 donkey驴 monkey 猴子禽类动物:duck 鸭子 duckling小鸭子 hen母鸡 chick小鸡 goose鹅 penguin企鹅钱博士anim呼吸,气息-al…的形容词后缀→能呼吸的生物⇒动物的
非常记忆a苹果〖编码〗+ni你〖拼音〗+mal猫〖谐音〗⇒苹果、你和猫,哪个是动物?方振宇词汇奥秘anim生命,活的-al…的名词兼形容词后缀→动物,动物的anim呼吸,气息-al…的形容词后缀→能呼吸的生物⇒动物的。词根记忆anim-al…的=有生命的东西=动物近义词 wildbodilybrutishfleshlyphysicaln. beastcreatureadj. bestial反义词 human人的plant植物vegetable蔬菜mineral矿物石)
用作名词(n.In biological terminology life is divided into two groups: plants and animals.在生物学术语中,生物分为两大类:植物和动物。
Some animals are awkward on land but able to move easily in the water.一些动物在陆地上动作笨拙,但在水中却行动自如。
Men, dogs, birds, flies, fish and snakes are all animals.人、狗、鸟、蝇、鱼和蛇都是动物。
The literal meaning of the word “cat” is an animal, not a girl.“猫”一词的本义是动物,不是小女孩。
All animals including men feed on plants or other animals.包括人类在内的所有动物都以植物或其他动物为食。
This creature has the largest eyes in the whole animal kingdom.在整个动物界,这种动物的眼睛最大。
Every animal has its proper instincts.动物各有其特有的本领。
I don't like animal food.我不喜欢吃荤菜。
Birds that fly in the air, fish that swim in the water, beasts that live on land— they are all animals.天上飞的鸟,水里游的鱼,地上生活的走兽——这些全都是动物。
An animal has senses but no reason.动物有感觉,而无理性。
All human beings are much more intelligent than animals.整个人类都比动物聪明得多。
It makes her furious to see animals being treated cruelly.看到动物受到残忍的对待,她非常气愤。
The child drew grotesque animals.这孩子画奇形怪状的动物。
Many thousand years ago people learned how to domesticate animals.数千年以前人们就学会了饲养动物。
They used to hunt animals for food.他们过去常常猎杀动物为食。
Don't be cruel to animals.别虐待动物。
The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake.各种动物都变得焦躁不安,像是感到了地震即将发生。
Many animals have a sharper sense of sight or hearing than mankind.许多动物有比人类更敏感的视觉或听觉。
The field was full of dead animals.遍地都是死去的动物。
Vicious animals must be kept in cages.凶恶的动物必须关在笼子里。
The animal is frugivorous.这只动物以果实为食。
We can't find the animals everywhere.这种动物并不是到处可见。
The higher animals have feelings.高等动物是有感情的。
Tigers are among the ferocious animals.老虎是凶猛的动物之一。
Pigeons are prevalent animals.鸽子是很常见的小动物。
The cow is a sacred animal to Hindus.牛对印度教徒来说是神圣的动物。
Horses are useful animals.马是有用的动物。
The monkey is a wild animal.猴是野生动物。
The blue whale is the world's largest living animal.蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。
Cats are very clean animals.猫是很爱干净的动物。
Some people saw a bizarre animal in the lake.有人在湖中看见一个奇怪的动物。
The old lady is a benevolent towards small animals.这个老太太对小动物有爱心。
Marine products come from sea animals and plants.海产品取自海洋动物和植物。
When spilled into the sea, oil can be toxic to marine plants and animals.石油溢入海洋可能危害海生动植物。
They don't know the name of the animal.他们不知道这种动物的名字。
We had to get these animals over beforehand.我们得先把这些牲畜赶过去。
She married an animal.她嫁了一个畜生般的人。
If a person behaves like an animal, that is too bad.如果一个人的行为举止像动物那样,那可糟糕了。
When a crowd behaves like an animal, that is terrible.当一群人像野兽那样行事的时候,那是很可怕的。
Football hooligans at their worst are worse thananimals.足球恶棍们最糟糕的时候比动物还要坏。
He behaved like a ferocious animal.他的行为像一头凶恶的野兽。
Her husband was an animal.她丈夫是一个粗暴的人。
He is a disgusting animal who cared for no one but himself.他是一个令人讨厌的家伙,只顾自己,不顾别人。
He was unable to control the animal in himself.他控制不了自己兽性的发作。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.She is cooking with animal fats.她正用动物的脂肪来烹调。Panimalismn.兽欲Panimalityn.兽性Panimalise动物性化Panimalistn.纵欲者Panimallyad.肉体上Ppack-animaln.驮畜Panimalculen.微动物Panimalization动物化Panimalizevt.使动物化Pvegeto-animal动植物的Pcontrol-animal对照动物Panimalculist精原论者微动物说者


animal用作名词的意思可分为几个层次:①指区别于植物、矿物的动物,即有感觉、能运动的生物; ②指除人和细菌等以外的动物; ③指哺乳动物,尤指四足动物; ④常用于指牲畜。animal是可数名词。





animal用作形容词的意思是“动物的”,指具有某些动物的特征; 还可指“肉体的”。animal引申还可指“活泼的,开朗的”。



The RSPCA英国皇家防止虐待动物协会。

用作名词The jackal is a wildanimalin Africa and Asia.豺狼是产于亚非的一种野生动物。
This smallanimalhas a pair of brown eyes.这只小动物有一双棕色的眼睛。
A pig is a domesticanimal.猪是一种家畜。
Theanimalis dangerous when cornered.野兽一旦陷于绝境就会变得很危险。用作形容词Try to cut down on the amount ofanimalfats you eat.尽量减少你食用的动物脂肪的量。
People are people because the human mind can contain theanimalinstinct.人之所以为人,是因为能用头脑里的人性遏制本能的兽性。adj.beastlike;carnal
同义词 bodily,naturalbrute,mammalian,wildbeastly,bestial,brutish,corporeal,earthly,earthy,feral,fleshy,muscular,physical,sensual,untamed,zoological
反义词 gentle,mildnoun.animate being;mammal
同义词 beast,creature,petbeing,brute,critter,invertebrate,mutt,stray,varmint,vertebrateliving thing,wild thing
反义词 mineral,plant
athletenoun person involved in sports
amateur,challenger,competitor,contender,contestant,games player,gorilla,iron person,jock,jockey,muscle person,player,professional,shoulders,sport,sportsperson,superjock
athletesnoun person involved in sports
amateurs,animals,challengers,competitors,contenders,contestants,games players,gorillas,iron persons,jockeys,jocks,muscle persons,players,professionals,shoulders,sports,sportspersons,superjocks
beastnoun large wild animal
animal,beastie,creature,critter,lower animal,mammal,quadruped,varmint,vertebrate,wild animal
beastlyadverb savage;vulgar
beingnoun animate object
animal,beast,body,conscious thing,creature,entity,human,human being,individual,living thing,mortal,organism,person,personage,soul,thing
bodilyadjective concerning animate structure
actual,animal,carnal,corporal,corporeal,fleshly,gross,human,material,natural,normal,organic,physical,sensual,somatic,substantial,tangible,unspiritual The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth.
一个动物的一生就是痛苦和奴役,这是一个不争的事实。 yeeyan

All animal products, like meat and dairy.
所有动物产品,如肉类和奶制品。 yeeyan

But no animal escapes the cruel knife in the end.
但是没有动物能逃过最终那残忍的屠刀。 yeeyan

But what do you do when it’s not you but your friend who is the animal freak?
可是如果不是你而是你的朋友有动物怪癖的时候你会怎么做? yeeyan

But when we receive an animal we try to put its past behind it and worry about its future.
但当我们接收了一只动物,我们就尽量把它的过去抛在脑后,而去为未来打算。 yeeyan

He used nicotinamide to tranquilize the animal.

How do the legs of this toy animal join on?

How does an insect or animal live in the wild without anyone knowing it exists?
一个昆虫或动物是怎么生活在野外而没有人知道它们的存在? yeeyan

I kept my friend back from the dangerous animal.

I quickly released the animal, and lifted it into the garden.
我赶快放开这个动物,把它提到花园里去。 putclub

I really believe in immersing yourself in the environment of the animal.
我真的相信你可以将自己融入于动物的环境中。 yeeyan

I'm sure I can hear a small animal pattering about in the bushes.

If you got an animal doll, lets we reveal the meaning of it.
如果你得到了一个动物娃娃,让我揭示他的涵义。 yeeyan

If you need an analogy, use an animal.
如果你需要类推,那就用动物作比吧。 yeeyan

In an ideal world, there would be no animal testing.
在一个完美的世界里,动物实验并不存在。 ecocn

In their model, the radius is the distance from the centre of the animal to its skin.
在他们的模型中,半径是从动物中重心到其皮肤的距离。 yeeyan

It shows that we should never underestimate an animal because it is small.
“这说明,我们永远不要因为某种动物个头小而低估它们”。 yeeyan

Many of them are not and, as William James points out, every animal, most animals, many animals love their children.

Neither one remembers what kind of animal they are, so they decide to feel each other.
他们谁也不记得自己是什么动物,所以他们决定用感觉来判断彼此。 yeeyan

Our purposes are different from yours, however, complementary, and considered by us, of the animal kingdom, just as important.
我们的目的与你们的不同,然而,我们认为其对动物王国的互补性是同样重要的。 yeeyan

Similar abuse occurs in all of the farmed animal industries.
类似的虐待发生在所有的动物养殖业中。 yeeyan

So why not switch to another animal?
为什么不换别的动物呢? yeeyan

The next step would be to test this system in a living animal, but this will be difficult.
下一步将是在动物活体上进行这个系统的测试工作,但这却很难做到。 yeeyan

They seemed to think nothing of human rights, but lots about animal rights.
他们对人权根本不以为然,但是动物的权利却有很多。 yeeyan

This is not that animal.
但这不是那类动物。 yeeyan

We are all part of the animal kingdom.
我们都是动物王国的一部分啊。 hjenglish

We recommend that you read this book and also the book, Animal Liberation.
我们建议你们读一读该书,还有《动物解放》这本书。 yeeyan

Animal and man come unto me, the anchorite.
动物和人都来找我这个隐士。 yeeyan




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