

单词 Ikeda
释义 Ikeda
n.池田在日本;东经 133º48' 北纬 34º02'
In Daisaku Ikeda s ideology, peaceful thinking gets a very important position, and it plays a positive and effective role in the post- Cold War world pattern reforming.
在池田大作先生的思想体系中,和平思想占有极其重要的地位,而且在冷战后世界格局的重组方面发挥了积极而有效的作用。 dictall

Using as its basis the variations of tone colors carefully selected ranging from both ultra high and low frequencies, Ikeda's music is an assemblage of tones and beats of various qualities.
通过仔细选择从极高到低频声音自身变化的音色,池田亮司的音乐成为一个不同声音的音调与节拍构成的组合。 artt.com




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