

单词 iht
释义 ihtBNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
abbr.International Herald Tribune《国际先驱论坛报》
As for HA series compounds, IHT barrier is linear to the change of H- bond length orO- H bond length.
HA模型化合物的 IHT势垒与氧氢键键长变化和氢键键长变化呈良好的线性关系。 cnki

Mr. Golden said that the Reuters deal would' possibly' reduce the IHT's editorial costs and that the paper doesn't plan to reduce the number of business stories written by its own journalists.
高顿说,与路透签署的这项协议将“有可能”减少《国际先驱论坛报》的编辑成本,但他同时表示,《国际先驱论坛报》没有缩减自己记者所写文章篇幅的计划。 ebigear

And now, FOR a limited time, you can subscribe to the IHT at substantial savings.
现在,时间不多了,你可预订了,仍可享受到优惠。 ebigear

Cylindrical horizontal polyethylene storage tanks IHT, AHT are available in various sizes and configurations.
聚乙烯材质,多种尺寸和规格可选。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

In this article authors deal with the influence of IHT on gas metabolism in order to offer necessary and practical basis for its application in our country.
笔者通过人体实验,探讨间歇性低氧训练对气体代谢及运动耐力的影响,为该训练方法在我国的推广应用提供必要的理论,实践依据。 iciba

Intermittent hypoxia training IHT is widely applied as one of supplementary ways of conventional altitude training.
间歇性低氧训练作为传统高原训练方法的补充,已被广泛应用。 cnki

Negotiating the terms of the contract could be enough to secure the IHT relief.
仅通过对合同条款的谈判就足以达到免遗产税。 yeeyan

Objective To investigate the influence of interval hypoxic training IHT on the physiological performance in elite male rowers during the intensive training.
目的:探讨在大负荷训练期间进行间歇性低氧训练对男子赛艇运动员生理机能的影响。 dictall

Recently, IHT intermittent hypoxia traininghas been a highlight in the international academia of sports medicine.
间歇性低氧训练是近些年来国际运动医学界研究的重点。 cnki

The results show that the IHT can well improve the toughness and wear resistance of the medium- manganese cast steels.
试验结果表明,临界温度处理能大大提高中锰铸钢的韧性和耐磨性。 cnki




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