

单词 ihh
释义 ihhEconomist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
=idiopathic hypogonadotrop(hic hypogonadism) 特发性促性腺激素分泌不足性腺机能减退,=isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 单纯性促性腺激素分泌不足性腺机能减退
Ihh has an effect on the development of mandibular condyle during both natural growth and chemical excited.
在一定范围内,咀嚼力越大越有利于髁突及下颌骨的生长发育。 fabiao

An American State Department spokesman said IHH representatives have met with top Hamas officials over the past3 years.
一位美国国务院发言人说 IHH代表3年以来一直在和哈马斯领导人接触。 hjenglish

Israel claims it acted in self-defence. It also accuses the organiser of the flotilla, a Turkish charity known as IHH, of being a front for global jihadists.
以方坚称这是一次国防自卫行为,并严厉指责土方本次行动的组织者 I.H.H土耳其一慈善机构支持恐怖主义的行为。 ecocn




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