

单词 iguanas
释义 iguanas 英ɪ'gwaːne美ɪ'gwaːne COCA⁴⁵⁶³⁷BNC⁶³⁷⁰⁹
名词 iguana:
large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back; used as human food in Central America and South America Both male and female green iguanas can store fat under their jaws and in their necks for times when there is not much food available.
这是为了要吓敌人和吸引雌绿蜥蜴。它们可以储存食物在颈部。 kennyp

It must, I suppose, be a lonely existence. She shares the vast home with six dogs, some cats, and two iguanas.
我想住在这里一定很孤独,她在偌大的城堡里养了六只狗,两只猫,还有两只美洲蜥蜴。 yeeyan

Other pets now crowding the zoo include green iguanas and a variety of snakes.
现在挤满动物园的动物还有绿鬣蜥和各种蛇。 yeeyan

What do Iguanas like to eat?
鬣蜥喜欢吃什么? blog.sina.com.cn

Among her favorite animals now: iguanas and sloths.
她先在最喜欢的动物里九游:鬣蜥和树懒。 yeeyan

Conrad explains that scientists have come up with three candidates— iguanas, monitor lizards, and skinks—as the most likely relatives to have made way for the slithering snake.
Conrad解释道,科学家提出了三种候选物种:鬣蜥、巨蜥和小蜥蜴,它们最有可能是滑动行走的蛇的祖先。 yeeyan

DNA evidence has pinned iguanas and chameleons as the closest relatives to snakes.
DNA证据表明鬣蜥和变色龙与蛇的关系最密切。 yeeyan

Green, or common, iguanas are among the largest lizards in the Americas, averaging around6.5 feet2 meters long and weighing about11 pounds5 kilograms.
鬣蜥,又称绿鬣蜥,是美洲体型最大的蜥蜴类动物之一,平均体长约6.5英尺2米,体重约11磅5公斤。 yeeyan

Green iguanas breeding, and very few because of a “ bitch, ” and.
绿鬣蜥繁殖时,很少会因为养的,和。 gdf-jorge-antunes

He didn't think much of land iguanas either: “ hideous animals, but are considered good food”.
对于陆栖鬣蜥,他也没有想得太多:“这种动物虽然面目可憎,却是受人推崇的美食。” yeeyan

In fact, most captive iguanas die within the first year, and many are either turned loose by their owners or given to reptile rescue groups.
实际上大多数豢养的鬣蜥往往在第一年内就会死亡,许多鬣蜥最后不是被主人遗弃放生,就是被送到爬行动物救助小组。 yeeyan

Primarily herbivores, iguanas are active during the day, feeding on leaves, flowers, and fruit.
鬣蜥以素食为主,白天活动,食物为叶、花和果。 yeeyan

Some500 iguanas roam trees and pathways near corrals for peccaries, flamingos, mountain goats and peacocks. Cages house toucans and spider monkeys.
在野猪、火烈鸟、野山羊和孔雀各自的畜栏边上,约有500只的鬣蜥在树上和小路上漫步;犀鸟和蜘蛛猴都关在笼子里。 yeeyan

The archipelago is home to giant tortoises, iguanas, sea lions, penguins, whales and fish and has been a biological marine preserve for fifty years.
该岛上有许多存活了50年之久的海洋生物,例如巨型龟,鬣鳞蜥,海狮,企鹅,鲸鱼和鱼类。 yeeyan

The Galapagos LIzards are so unafraid of humanity that you can walk right up to them, and the marine iguanas are also quite tame.
加拉帕戈斯蜥蜴这样不怕人类,你可以步行到他们的权利,海洋鬣蜥也相当温和。 diroad

The zoo said raising the abandoned iguanas was proving costly because of the expensive ultraviolet lights needed by the reptile and because of their healthy appetites.
动物园说,养护这些被遗弃的鬣蜥证明是代价高昂的,因为它们匍匐休息时需要昂贵的紫外线,而且它们胃口又挺大。 yeeyan

Iguanas eat plants.
鬣鳞蜥吃植物。 blog.sina.com.cn

Iguanas hatch from eggs.
美洲大蜥蜴从蛋中孵化。 blog.sina.com.cn

Iguanas have long tails.
大蜥蜴有长尾巴。 blog.sina.com.cn

Iguanas sleep in the sun.
大蜥蜴在太阳下睡觉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Iguanas' stout build gives them a clumsy look, but they are fast and agile on land.
鬣蜥体型粗壮,貌似笨拙,其实在地面上非常迅捷机警。 yeeyan




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