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词汇 ani
释义 a·ni 英ɑːˈniː美ɑˈniAHDä-nēʹ Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

black tropical American cuckoo Al- Ani, who died of heart failure, was seen acting strangely in the High Street in Southend, Essex, around9pm on 31 July2005, the night he died.
阿尔安尼死于心脏衰竭。死亡当晚,2005年7月31日晚9时左右,他被发现在埃塞克斯郡 Essex邵森德的商业街上行为古怪。 yeeyan

Al- Ani was held on the ground for about10 minutes as officers tried to cuff him.
当警察准备铐住他时,阿尔安尼已经被按在地上大约10分钟。 yeeyan

Al- Ani was placed in the back of a waiting patrol car.
阿尔安尼当时被安排在一辆在场等候的巡逻警车的后座上。 yeeyan

Al- Ani's family say that despite the verdict, it is still not clear what happened to him in the car.
阿尔安尼的家人说,不管判决怎么说,他们始终没有弄清当时车里在他身上他究竟发生了什么。 yeeyan

Al- Ani's last moments were captured by an outdoor camera overlooking a ramp leading up to the police station.
阿尔安尼的最后一刻,被一只俯瞰一条通向警局的斜坡的户外摄像头抓拍到。 yeeyan

Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. ANI was founded in 1989 by Dr. RobertAtkins to promote the diet and sell Atkins- branded products.
1989年,罗伯特·阿特金斯博士创建了阿特金斯营养品公司 ANI,目的是推销该饮食法,销售阿特金斯品牌产品。 yeeyan

Damaged frescoes in the Church of St. Gregory of Tigran Honents tell a story of neglect in the medieval city of Ani, now part of Turkey.
狄格兰赫南特斯 Tigran Honents的圣格雷戈里教堂 St. Gregory残缺的壁画向我们诉说着关于被遗忘的中世纪古城阿尼 Ani的故事,阿尼古城是现在土耳其的一部分。 yeeyan

DiscussionThe STZ rat model is used commonly experimental diabetic ani-mal model.
STZ大鼠模型是普遍采用的实验性糖尿病动物模型。 iciba

Marie Al- Ani said the IPCC's investigation into her son's death had been “a shambles” that left many unanswered questions.
玛丽·阿尔安尼说, IPCC对她儿子死亡的调查混乱不堪,他们留下了很多没有解答的问题。 yeeyan

Melbourne, Feb 8 ANI: Boredomcan actually kill you, a new study has revealed.

Melbourne, Feb 8 ANI: Boredomcan actually kill you, a new study has revealed.
来自伦敦大学学院的一项研究显示:无聊、厌烦也会杀掉你。 cri

The command calling number outbound is used only for FGD- EANA signalling to generate ANI digits for outgoing calls.
向外的控制呼叫号码只被用于产生向外呼叫的 ANI数字的 FGD- EANA的信令。

The IPCC initially said Al- Ani“ arrived at the police station and walked into the custody suite waiting area where he collapsed”.
IPCC最初说,阿尔安尼“到达警局,走进拘留室等候区,并在那里瘫倒在地”。 yeeyan

“ We've heard the police officers' account, but no one really knows what went on in that car, ” said Al- Ani's mother, Marie.
“我们听到了警察们的说法,但是没有人真正知道警车里究竟发生了什么,”阿尔安尼的母亲玛丽 Marie说。 yeeyan

At the time, Al- Ani's hands were cuffed behind his back.
而当时,阿尔安尼的双手还被铐在背后。 yeeyan

CCTV footage captured them approaching Al- Ani, who initially appeared to offer to shake an officer's hand.
闭路监控电视的录像片段抓拍到了他们接近阿尔安尼时的情景,最初他像是要伸出手和一位警官握手。 yeeyan

Even as a ruin, Ani has been a disputed city.
即便已经成为废墟,阿尼仍然充满了争议。 ecocn

First Lady, Ani Yudhoyono, during the inaugural speech said that, the Council should encourage the domestic handicraft workers to be a part of the countrywide development of industry.
第一夫人阿尼苏西洛,在就职演说中说,安理会应鼓励国内手工业工人成为全国的工业发展的一部分。 silkcapital

In the papyrus, Ani's journey has a good outcome. Horus, the son of Osiris, speaks up for him, and he's admitted into paradise.
根据纸莎草卷轴的描述,阿尼的旅程得到圆满的结果。奥西里斯之子荷鲁斯为他说好话,他获准进入天堂。 joyen

In a statement, Essex police said it extended its condolensces to the Al- Ani family, and said the inquest had supported the actions of its officers.
在一份声明中,埃塞克斯警方声称他们对阿尔安尼的家人表示哀悼,但同时说,审判对警官们的行为表示支持。 yeeyan

The culture ministry has listed Ani, with an Armenian church on an island in Lake Van, among the sites it is keenest to conserve.
文化部已经把阿尼和一个在 Van湖岛上的亚美尼亚教堂列入最热切进行保护的名单里面。 ecocn

The jury said Al- Ani had posed a risk of injury or harm to himself or a police officer, and decided that officers took appropriate steps in restraining him.
陪审团指出,阿尔安尼当时表现出了可能伤及自己或警官的危险性,因此警官们才决定采取适当步骤将他制服。 yeeyan

The officers in the car said they punched Al- Ani several times and struck him with a baton in self- defence.
警察们说,为了自卫,他们在车里打了阿尔安尼几拳,还用警棍打过他。 yeeyan

The Turks retort that Ani's remains have been shaken by blasts from a quarry on the Armenian side of the border.
而土耳其人则反击说,阿尼遗址被亚美尼亚边境上采石场的爆破所影响。 ecocn

The Turks retort that Ani's remains have been shaken by blasts from a quarry on the Armenian side of the border.
而土耳其人则反击说,阿尼遗址被亚美尼亚边境上采石场的爆破所影响。 ecocn

Washington, Nov12 ANI: According to a proof- of- concept led by researchers, a new technique may help non- verbal autistic children to say their first words.
华盛顿,11月12日 ANI:根据研究者们的思维论证,一项可能促使没有语言表达能力的孤独症儿童说话的科技诞生。 yeeyan

Ani Patel of The Neurosciences Institute in San Diego says this idea just feels right to a lot of people.
圣地亚哥神经科学研究所的研究员阿尼·帕特尔说,许多人确信这个观点是正确的。 yeeyan




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