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词汇 ignatieff
释义 ignatieff
Coming from behind in the opinion polls, former author and broadcaster Michael Ignatieff will fight his first election as leader of the main opposition Liberal Party.
在民意测验中,前作家和播音员 Michael Ignatieff将首次以主要的反对派自由党领袖的身份参加选举。

Michael Ignatieff, the Liberal leader, miscalculated in threatening to bring the government down. He is overhauling his team of advisers.
自由党领袖迈克尔•伊格纳季耶夫威胁使政府倒台的算盘打错了,他正在重组他的顾问团队。 ecocn

Michael Ignatieff, the Liberal leader, miscalculated in threatening but failing to bring the government down. He is overhauling his team of advisers.
自由党领袖迈克尔•伊格内提夫错打了算盘,没能使哈珀政府倒台,他正对自己的智囊团进行人员调整。 ecocn

Mr. Ignatieff has proposed a single national standard of360 hours of work, which Mr. Harper has categorically rejected.
叶礼庭先生建议对于全国统一工作时数标准为360小时,而这一建议遭到了哈珀先生直接拒绝。 catcmsc

Mr Ignatieff did not help himself by seeming to try to have it both ways on whether the Liberals might forge a post- electoral coalition with the NDP.
叶立庭对大选后自由党是否和新民主党联合的态度十分暧昧,这帮不到他自己的。 ecocn

Mr Ignatieff’s message has been vague and general: that the Liberals believe in an activist federal government with a national vision whereas the Conservatives do not.
Ignatieff表现出来的讯息很模糊又很一般:自由党相信一个有积极行动力的国家政府, 并应该有国家主义的远见;保守党则不符上列要求. ecocn

Stephen Harper’s Conservative government blamed the opposition leader, Michael Ignatieff, for the snub, because he had suggested that Canada did not deserve the seat.
加拿大总理史蒂芬•哈珀将加拿大外交遇冷归罪于反对党领袖叶礼庭,原因是后者曾暗示加拿大不配获得安理会的席位。 ecocn

When the party’s parliamentary caucus gathers on August30th there will be no repeat of Mr Ignatieff’s bold call at the same event last year of“Mr Harper, your time is up.”
自由党国会核心人员8月30日的集会将不会延续去年在竞选中的大胆作风,高喊“哈珀,你的时间到了。” ecocn

Against him, Mr Ignatieff will offer what he calls a“ big tent” Liberal Party.
针对哈珀,伊格纳蒂夫带来的是他称之为“大帐篷式”兼容并包的自由党。 ecocn

And this morning, I had separate meetings with the Right Honorable Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Honorable Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party.
今天上午,我分别会见了哈珀总理和自由党领袖伊格纳蒂夫先生。 hjenglish

But their ability to exploit the anxiety is limited by Mr Ignatieff’s lack of economic expertise, a trait he shares with the rest of his caucus.
但是自由党利用这种焦虑情绪的能力受限,因为叶礼庭欠缺经济方面专业知识,不单单是他,自由党的其他核心人员也是如此。 ecocn

But many countries apparently share Mr Ignatieff’s dislike of Mr Harper’s foreign policy.
但是很多国家明显站在叶礼庭这边,反对哈珀的外交政策。 ecocn

But Mr Ignatieff has not found the transition to politics easy.
但他似乎并没能发现一种相对容易的过渡政策。 ecocn

By contrast a highlight of Mr Ignatieff’s diary was a ploughing contest in rural Ontario.
相比较下,伊格纳蒂夫最重要的日程应该是在安大略省乡村地区的一次艰难的论战。 ecocn

Despite these challenges, Mr Ignatieff can be happy with his opponent in 2011.
虽然挑战重重,伊格纳蒂夫仍然不必害怕2011年的选举对手。 ecocn

FOR the past seven weeks Michael Ignatieff, the leader of the opposition Liberals, has submitted to trial by barbecue.
在过去的七个星期里,加拿大反对党自由党党领叶礼庭经受了一系列的考验。 ecocn

If Mr Ignatieff thinks Canadian politics is tough, just wait until the Conservative Party of the prime minister, Stephen Harper, blasts him with a barrage of negative television advertising.
如果伊格纳蒂夫已经感觉到在加拿大搞政治不容易,那么等到哈珀总理的保守党在电视上向他发难时,他会更难过。 ecocn

Liberals will therefore need to produce an arresting platform and to get Mr Ignatieff better known across Canada.
所以,自由党需要打造一个魅力舞台,让全国人民更熟悉伊格纳蒂夫。 ecocn

Michael Ignatieff, the leader of the Liberals, the main opposition at federal level, also supports development of the tar sands, though he says it has to become more sustainable.
迈克尔•伊格纳季耶夫 Michael Ignatieff是联邦一级的主要反对党,自由党的党首,他也支持开发油砂矿。但他表示,这种开发必须更加注重环保。 ecocn

More than five months after the Liberals, the main opposition, dumped Stéphane Dion and replaced him with Mr Ignatieff, the new leader has yet to set out where he and the party stand on many issues.
在长达五个多月以前,最主要的反对党-自由党让Stéphane Dion下台,并以 Ignatieff取而代之后, 这位新领导在很多事件上,仍需决定党的走向和立场. ecocn

Mr Harper and Mr Ignatieff both seem to have given up on making an increasingly rancorous and unproductive parliament work, and have turned to brinkmanship.
哈珀和伊格纳蒂夫似乎都已放弃了可能遭致怨恨抑或很可能白忙一场的议会工作,转而开始关注边缘政策。 topsage

Mr Ignatieff has at least succeeded in shifting the burden of supporting the government to the other opposition parties.
至少伊格纳蒂夫成功地把支持政府的重担转移到其它反对党身上。 ecocn

Mr Ignatieff's best hope lies in the adage that governments defeat themselves.
伊格纳蒂夫最大的希望在于执政党会不攻自破。 ecocn

The Liberals will be led by Michael Ignatieff, their third leader in three elections.
自由党届时将由迈克尔•伊格纳蒂夫 Michael Ignatieff统帅,他已是自由党三次选举的第三任领袖了。

The Liberals will be preoccupied with replacing their leader, Michael Ignatieff, who said on May3rd that he would quit.
自由党将会集中精力来更换它的领导人麦克尔•伊格纳蒂夫 Michael Ignatieff,他在本月3号表示将会辞职。 ecocn

They have persuaded Mr Ignatieff to stick to generalities and hold back specific policies for an election campaign.
民主党人劝伊格纳蒂夫只需提出大致方案而不要详拟具体的选举政策。 topsage

Unlike Mr Harper, who hates spontaneity and delivers speeches only in the most controlled surroundings, Mr Ignatieff does meet face-to- face with voters, from whom he takes questions.




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