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词汇 Iger
释义 Iger ˈaɪɡər COCA⁴²⁸⁵¹Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
Michael Eisner was pushed out of Disney in 2005, to be replaced by the quieter Bob Iger.
2005年,迈克尔•埃斯纳被迫离开迪士尼公司,更加文静的鲍勃•伊格尔接替了他。 yeeyan

One former Mouseketeer argues that Mr Iger cannot take much credit for Disney's recent string of hits.
也有人认为不能把迪斯尼业绩快速增长的原因全部归功于依格。 ecocn

Robert Iger, who takes over as Disney's CEO in October, told reporters he dreamed of going to Disneyland when he was a child.
将于今年10月接任迪斯尼首席执行官的罗伯特·伊格尔向记者表示,当他还是个孩子的时候,就梦想去迪斯尼乐园游玩。 cri

“ I'm convinced that the children of this region will have that same dream. They will dream of one day being able to come to Hong Kong Disneyland,” Iger said.
伊格尔说:“我相信,这里的孩子们一定也和我一样有著同样的梦想,他们梦想著有一天可以来香港迪斯尼乐园玩。” cri

“ There are so many opportunities to mine both characters that are known and characters that are not widely known, ” Iger said.
伊格说:“奇迹娱乐的卡通角色,无论有名的还是不太出名的,都有许多潜力可挖掘。” yeeyan

“The TV and studio creative cycle lasts several years, so we will have to wait some time yet to see what Bob Iger's cautious, centralised and consensual management style produces, ” he adds.
他又补充到:“电视与制片厂的创作循环都要经历几年的时间,所以,鲍伯·依格的谨慎、集中且交感式的管理方式会收到怎样的成效还有待观察。” ecocn

And the board has ample time to plan for life after the esteemed Mr Iger, who is said to fancy a new career in politics.
艾格口碑不错,且钟情于政治生涯,董事会在后艾格时代将有充足时间重新规划公司未来。 topsage

Before Mr Iger took over, Disney had a factory-like process for animation in which a business- development team came up with ideas and allocated directors to them.
在 Iger上任之前,迪斯尼对动画的制作相当于工业流程,商业发展部提出一个新的发展方案之后交由动画导演操作。 yeeyan

Before Mr Iger took over, says Mr Staggs, Disney had a factory- like process for animation in which a business-development team came up with ideas and allocated directors to them.
斯塔格斯还说,在依格接管迪斯尼以前,迪斯尼制作的动画片都有一个流水线一样的制作过程,由专门的小组想出点子,然后交给导演去拍摄。 ecocn

But Mr. Schwartz was in a box: If he left the conference too hastily, it would betray panic to important, powerful clients such as Mr. Iger and CBS Corp. CEO Leslie Moonves.
但施瓦茨也是进退两难:如果他急匆匆的离开发布会,必然会得罪一些大客户,包括艾格,以及哥伦比亚广播公司 CBS Corp.的 CEO莱斯利•穆维斯 Leslie Moonves。 yeeyan

Disney Chief Executive Robert Iger has said DVD sales are in an irreversible decline, but he said Marvel's strong brand profile should offer a measure of protection.
迪士尼首席执行长依格 Robert Iger表示, DVD销售额正在不可挽回地下滑,但他认为 Marvel强劲的品牌实力应该能够提供某些保护。 iciba

Disney executives counter that Mr Eisner had made Mr Iger responsible for ABC, the Disney Channel and ESPN, its sports network.
迪斯尼的执行官们认为艾斯纳使得艾格要对迪斯尼 ABC频道及其运动网络 ESPN负责。 ecocn

Disney's chief executive, Bob Iger, said Marvel had a“ treasure trove” of intellectual property that “ transcends gender, age, culture and geographical barriers”.
迪斯尼总裁鲍勃·伊格 Bob Iger说,奇迹娱乐拥有“超越性别、年龄、文化和地理限制”的知识产权“宝藏”。 yeeyan

He said goodbye to longtime colleagues including the venture capitalist John Doerr, the Apple board member Bill Campbell and the Disney chief executive Robert A. Iger.
他与长久以来一起工作的同事告别,这其中就包括风险投资家、苹果董事会成员并且是迪士尼首席执行官的罗伯特·艾格。 yeeyan

His successor, Bob Iger, has turned out to be a relatively hands-off boss, with the Pixar acquisition a model of the sort of treatment Marvel can expect.
其接任者 Bob Iger给了公司更大自由,收购后的皮克斯就是一个很好的典型,预示了惊奇可能的待遇。 ecocn

In addition, Mr Iger's acquisition of Pixar, a studio that insists on creative originality, has sent a signal to people inside and outside Disney.
加上迪斯尼又兼并了向来以坚持原创出名的皮克斯制片厂,这无疑又向迪斯尼内外的人传递着这一信息。 ecocn

Mr. Schwartz, a longtime investment banker more accustomed to rubbing shoulders with clients like Walt Disney Co.'s Robert Iger than to monitoring trades or capital levels, was named sole president.
长期从事投资银行业的施瓦茨先生被任命为唯一的总裁,相比于监管交易和投资水平,他更加擅长与像迪斯尼总裁罗伯特•艾格 Robert Iger这样的客户保持关系。 yeeyan

Mr. Iger called the approval“ a very significant milestone” in a statement, taking care to praise China as“ one of the most dynamic, exciting and important countries in the world.”
Iger先生在一次公开发言中把这个批准称为“一个意义重大的里程碑”,谨慎地把中国赞扬为“最富活力,令人兴奋的重要国家之一”。 yeeyan

Mr Iger's management style is said by many to have unlocked Disney's creativity.
很多人都认为是依格的管理方式解放了迪斯尼的创造力。 ecocn

Robert Iger, Disney's boss, calls it a“ game changer”.
迪士尼的老板 Robert Iger称它是“游戏改变者”。 yeeyan

Spielberg called Disney CEO Bob Iger.
斯皮尔伯格打电话给迪斯尼的首席执行官鲍勃·伊格尔。 yeeyan

' They are not immune from the changes that we're seeing, ' Mr. Iger said, referring to Marvel, during a conference call with analysts Monday morning.
依格周一早间在一个分析师电话会议上表示,就我们所目睹的变化而言, Marvel也无法避免遭受冲击。 iciba

Today under Bob Iger, who took over as chief executive in2005, Disney is enjoying a remarkable and profitable run of hit TV programmes and films.
在2005年鲍伯·依格接任行政总裁职位后,如今的迪斯尼在电视和电影领域做的风生水起。 ecocn

What is certain is that under Mr Iger, Disney has perfected the art of media synergy.
但有一点是肯定的,在依格的领导下,迪斯尼现在能很好的综合其他媒介形式。 ecocn




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