

单词 ifwe
释义 ifweIMDB⁸¹⁴²
“ Ifwe are here for a year and don't fire one round, I'm happy,” the sergeant said.
“如果我们在这的一年可以不发一枪,我会很高兴,”上士说到。 yeeyan

“ Ifwe can't contain the CO2 problem and enact strong coral reef conservation measures, we will lose them, ” says Carpenter.
“如果人类不能解决 CO2 含量升高的问题并加强保护珊瑚的措施,人类将会失去它们,”卡彭特说。 suiniyi

Ifwe want to move toward the sustainable forestry, the critical problem is to realize the forest resources sustainable management.
要向可持续林业迈进,其首要的问题是实现森林资源的可持续经营与管理。 cnki

Ifwe form the habit of reading thenewspaper, we will get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.
如果我们养成阅读报纸的习惯,我们会得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。 ybask




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