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词汇 ifop
释义 ifopEconomist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
Institut Franξais d'Opinion Publique French-French Institute of Public Opinion 法语法国舆论协会
Some 81% of his backers say they are sure of their choice, according to Ifop, a pollster, compared with 59% for Mr Sarkozy, 53% for Ms Royal and a mere 38% for Mr Bayrou.
据民调机构 Ifop报道,他的支持者中,有约81%的人表示他们确定其选择,相比之下,这一比例在萨尔科齐则是59%,罗亚尔为53%,贝鲁为38%。 ecocn

The deputy director of the IFOP polling institute, Jerome Fourquet, told French radio that if the charges proved true it would be extremely hard for Strauss- Kahn to rally back as a politician.
研究民调的法国舆论研究所副主任热罗姆。富尔凯对法国广播电台说,如果指控属实,这将使施特劳斯-卡恩极其难以重整旗鼓再度成为政界人物。 neworldedu

Even more startling, fully 59% think France should help Greece financially, according to a recent Ifop poll, next to only41% of Germans.
更令人惊奇的是,根据最近的 IFOP民调显示,59%的法国人认为法国应该在财政上帮助希腊,而德国这一数字仅有41%。 ecocn

Even today, fully 89% of respondents told Ifop, a pollster, that Mr Sarkozy's divorce was a purely private matter.
即使现在,据一分民意测验 Ifop,接近80%的法国人认为离婚纯属萨科齐的私事。 ecocn

His popularity rating fell to 36% in March, its lowest since he took office, according to Ifop, a pollster.
据民意测验专家 Ifop所说,3月份他的民望跌至36%,这是他上任以来最低点。 ecocn

The footballer had already come first in a comparable survey by pollster Ifop six months ago.

When asked by Ifop, a pollster, how best to raise their purchasing power, only42% of respondents picked out more retail competition.
在民意测验机构 Ifop就如何最好地提高民众购买力进行调查时发现,仅有42%的受访者认同更多的零售竞争行为。 ecocn

Yet, whereas Mr Sarkozy’s poll numbers have fallen to 36%, according to Ifop, a pollster, Mr Fillon’s are basking at 55%—and have even climbed over the past year.
可是相反,根据伊弗普民意调查所的数据,萨科奇的支持率降至36%,而菲永的支持率狂热走高,达到55%。去年甚至超过了这个数字。 ecocn




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