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IFIA 基本例句 n.国际化肥工业协会¹⁰⁰ SUF is a member ofIFIA, the International Federation of Inventors Associations.瑞典发明者协会是国际发明者联合会的成员之一。 People can view virtual exhibition offered byIFIAinventors and MAFE inventors via the website.通过该网站可以观看IFIA和匈牙利发明家协会提供的虚拟发明展览。 The website providesIFIA's press information ,it also has the interactive discussion Forum.网站介绍了发明者协会国际联合会的出版物情况,并设有发明方面的交互式论坛。 IFIA's objectives are to improve the status of inventors at national and international levels, and to promote cooperation between inventor associations.其目标是提高发明家的国家和国际地位、促进发明家协会间的合作。 the Internation Federation of Inventors' AssociationsIFIAis a non-profit, nongovernmental organization created by seven European inventor associations.发明者协会国际联合会是一个非赢利性、非政府性的国际发明家组织,是由欧洲的七个发明家协会创办的。 |