

单词 if
释义 if. ɪf
abbr.=information feedback 资讯回馈


on condition that; supposing








❌ I wonder if she found something.

✔️ I wonder if she found anything.

if引导的从句中,通常用any, anything, anybody, anywhere作从句的宾语,而不用some, something, somebody, somewhere。

if, in case


if可用于任何时间,而in case只指将来时间。例如:

I am taking an umbrella in case it rains later on.我带着一把伞,以防一会儿下雨。
I'll take an umbrella if it rains later on.要是一会儿下雨,我就拿把伞。if, whether


1.if从句可以表示希望; 而whether从句单纯表示事实。

2.if不能用在介词之后的间接疑问句中; 而whether可以。

3.if不能用在“to+动词原形”的前面; 而whether可以。

4.if不能引导主语、表语从句; 而whether可以。

if…not, unless




if作“是否”解时,多用于口语,引出宾语从句,不能直接跟or not连用。

whether多用于书面语中,可与or或or not连用,除引出宾语从句外,还可引出主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句或与不定式连用。

来自PIE*i,那个,那里,它,词源同id,idem,yonder.用作连词指如果。if anything如果有什么的话…if only要是 … 多好…if not不然的话as if犹如,好像,好似,仿…if any若有的话only if 只有当只是在 …if and when如果if possible如有可能if necessary必要时if so如果是这样的话…as if by magic不可思议地what if如果 … 将会怎…if you please随你便(如果你高兴的…if you like如果你愿意nothing if not尤其if need be如果需要的话…not know if one is standing on one's head or one's heels晕头转向,昏头昏脑…look as if one came out of a bandbox装束得十分整洁…if.=informati…cap帽子
用作连词(conj.if anything

更可能的是,总之 express a tentative opinion or after a negative statement to say that the opposite is true

if not

更可能的是,总之 otherwise

非常记忆i蜡烛+f斧头⇒如果蜡烛被斧头砍了会怎样近义词 whether
用作连词conj.If you demand his presence,warn him in advance.如果你要他来,就事先通知他。
If you will be so kind as to help us, we can finish by six.如果你愿意帮助我们,到六点时咱们就能完成了。
If you were a bird,you could fly.如果你是鸟,你就能飞行了。
I should have talked to mother if I had thought of it.如果当初我想到了,我就和妈妈说了。
If I were to ask him for a loan,would he agree ?如果我向他借钱的话,他能同意吗?
If it should rain tomorrow,the rally would be postponed.要是明天下雨,群众大会就会延期举行。
If I were an architect,I'd redesign this house.如果我是建筑师,我会重新设计这房子。
If it were up there, it would be easier to find.如果它在那儿,就会更容易被找到。
If had anything happened, he would have let me know.如果当初发生了什么事,他会让我知道的。
If necessary, give me a ring.如果需要,给我打个电话。
He will come, if invited.如果受到邀请,他会来的。
If only somebody had told us, we could have warned you.如果有人告诉了我们,我们就能事先提醒你。
We will go even if it rains.即使下雨,我们也要去。
If he is poor, at least he is honest.他虽然穷,但至少是诚实的。
I don't know if he was there.我不知道他当初是否在那里。
I wonder if it is the right size.我不知道尺寸是否合适。
I will see if he wants to talk to you.我去了解一下他是否想和你谈话。
If I haven't repeated the mistake!我真不该重犯这样的错误。
And if he didn't try to knock me down!令人惊奇的是他竟没把我打倒。
If ever eyes could speak, hers did very plainly.如果眼睛能说话,她的眼睛可说得清楚极了。
Peter is a lummox, if ever I saw one.如果彼得不是笨蛋,那么在世界上就没有笨蛋了。
I shall call you again next week when or if I have a chance.如果可能,下周我会再给你打电话。
I shall take you round America next year when, or if I get extra vacation.如果我有多余的假期,明年我会带你去美国。
What if she found out that you've broken her necklace?要是她发现你弄坏了她的项链,怎么办呢?
What if he was faithless to his friends and to his wife?要是他对妻子和朋友不忠怎么办?
If only I know!假如我知道那就好了。
If only he could arrive in time.要是他能及时赶来就好了。Pif-block如果块IF-语句块Pif-expression如果表达式Pif-clause如果子句条件子句Piff如果仅仅当且仅当\\等价\\Piffya.富于偶然性的可怀疑的未确定的



if引导条件状语从句,从句可为真实条件从句,也可为虚拟条件从句。如为真实条件从句,谓语用陈述语气,表示可能性很大,作“假使”“如果”解,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时; 如果if从句中用will,表示意愿。从句如为虚拟条件从句,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,表示可能性不大或与过去事实相反,作“要是,假如”解。可指过去的情况,也可指现在和将来的情况。指将来情况时可用were to或should。在现代口语中,一、三人称后常用was代替were。if引导的虚拟条件句中,助动词were,should,had可以移至主语前,此时if可省略。




if可引导名词性从句,作“是否”解,常放在ask, doubt, know, learn, see, wonder等动词后。一般用在口语中,而且不能用于句首。


If ever…在现代英语中,表示强调,用于加强主句的意思,往往含有否定意思。

When or if〔when, or if〕表示从句所说的也许不会实现。

if any的意思是“如果有的话”。

if only可表示对现时或未来的愿望,也可表示与过去事实相反的愿望,作“只要…但愿,要是…就好了”解。

What will happen if…?意思是“要是…怎么办”。常缩略成What if…?

If not后可加动词,通常动词省略,可用于现在时态或现在完成时态,表示“要不,不然”; 也可用于yes〔no〕疑问句之后,表示“许诺,告诫”。

用作连词Do you knowifhe's married?他结婚没结婚,你知道吗?
I can give you a round necklineifyou prefer.如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口。
If he wins and it's a bigifhe'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years.假使他赢了--是否能赢还是一大疑问--他将是二十年来第一个获胜的英国人。
She glares at meifI go near her desk.我一走近她的办公桌,她就瞪我。用作名词Why not,ifthe conditions permit.如果条件允许,没什么不可以的。
Imagineifeveryone did just a few of these atonce?Here is my list.设想一下每个人立刻做了其中的一些事情会如何。conj.provided that
同义词 assuming that,conceding that,granted that,in case that,on the assumption that,on the occasion that,supposing that,whenever,wherever,with the condition that
providing/providedconjunction as long as;with the understanding
contingent upon,given,if and only if,in case,in the case that,in the event,on condition,on the assumption,on these terms,subject to,supposing,with the proviso
whetherconjunction either
even if,if,in case




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