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IEEECOCA³⁸³⁵⁶BNC⁴⁰⁹⁴⁷ 基本例句 abbr.电气与电子工程师协会=Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers异体字I.E.E.E. An official effort to develop an RDF binding for LOM IEEE1484.12.4 is under way. 为 LOM开发 RDF绑定的正式研究计划 IEEE1484.12.4正在进行之中。 ibm However, most definitions of architecture do not define the term “ component,” and IEEE1471 is no exception, as it leaves it deliberately vague to cover the many interpretations in the industry. 正如有意留下一个模糊的概念来解释,大部分架构定义没有提到“组件”, IEEE1471也不例外。 ibm In particular, this approach advocates using viewpoints, a model organizational structure that the IEEE1471 standard advocates. 具体来说,此方法支持使用视角viewpoint, IEEE1471标准所倡导使用的一个模型组织结构。 ibm It was introduced in the specification IEEE1471. 在 IEEE1471规范中有详细介绍。 infoq So says the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE. 说这个预言的是电气与电子工程师协会 IEEE。 yeeyan The floating point environment functions are not always supported, and some platforms will not have support for IEEE arithmetic. 浮点环境函数并不是总被支持,有一些平台不会支持 IEEE运算。 ibm The layout of IEEE floating point values is shown in Figure1. IEEE浮点值的格式如图1所示。 ibm The technology, detailed in a paper in the IEEE Xplore digital library, also filters out inanimate objects. 根据 IEEE Xplore数字图书馆里的一篇论文详细记述,这项技术还可以筛选出无生命的物体。 yeeyan The IEEE refers to linking elements from one artifact to another and uses such definitions as the pure justification of this exercise. IEEE引用从一个工件到另一个工件的连接元素,并用这种定义作为这个练习中单纯证明。 ibm The IEEE1471 standard notes that the architect is“ the person, team, or organization responsible for systems architecture.” IEEE1471标准将架构师定义为“负责系统体系架构的人员、团队、或者组织”。 ibm For example, if you’re an electrical engineer, it’s useful to see what things the IEEE is offering. 比方说,如果你是一名电气工程师,查询下 IEEE协会能够提供些什么会很有用。 yeeyan In a paper presented at the2009 IEEE Symposium on Biological Circuits and Systems, Sarpeshkar designed a circuit that allows any genetic network reaction to be simulated on a chip. 在2009年电气与电子工程师学会 IEEE生物电路与系统研讨会上演示的一份文件中,萨派斯卡设计了一个可以在芯片上模拟任何基因网络反应的电路。 yeeyan It’s also an open standard supported by IEEE. 它还是一个电气与电子工程师协会 IEEE)支持的开放标准。 yeeyan It is simply a textual representation of the value according to the IEEE floating point standard. 根据 IEEE浮点标准,它只是值的文本表示。 ibm Jackson has published over 20 papers at Intel Technology Journal and IEEE Conferences. Jackson已经在 Intel技术期刊和 IEEE会议上发表了20多篇论文。 infoq Numbers are all in IEEE double precision format. 数值全部采用 IEEE双精度格式。 ibm She is also a senior IEEE member. 她也是资深的 IEEE成员。 ibm Some have short sections on validation and verification, but those simply point either to IEEE standards or other formal methods. 其中几本教材中有很少的篇幅涉及到确认和验证,但是仅仅是简单的引用 IEEE标准或其他正式的方法。 ibm Standard IEEE floating point has other oddities that you need to be prepared for, such as positive and negative infinities, and negative zero as well as positive zero. 您还需要知道标准 IEEE浮点数的其他特殊定义,比如正无穷大和负无穷大,负零(还有正零。 ibm The“ unified” memory device, outlined in the journal IEEE Computer, is still undergoing testing. 根据《 IEEE计算机》杂志的描述,这种“统一的”存储装置,仍在测试中。 yeeyan The research was presented last month at the2009 IEEE International Conference on Social Computing. 在上个月举行的2009 年 IEEE社交计算国际会议上他展示了这一研究。 yeeyan To be published in IEEE Software, September2005. 将在2005年9月的 IEEE Software上发表。 ibm We call that IEEE Corporate Innovation Award for really creating the digital publishing market based on our digital technologies. 叫做 IEEE公司创新奖,以奖励我们在数字技术基础上,创立的数字出版市场。 open.163.com IEEE Software Magazine offers pioneering ideas, expert analyses, and thoughtful insights for software professionals who need to keep up with rapid technology change. IEEE软件杂志致力于为那些紧跟快速技术变更的软件从业者提供创新性思想、专家分析和各种真知灼见。 infoq IEEE Std 12207-1995. IEEE标准12207-1995。 ibm IEEE754 represents floating point numbers as base2 decimal numbers in scientific notation. IEEE754用科学记数法以底数为2的小数来表示浮点数。 ibm |