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词汇 iea
释义 ieaCOCA⁵⁴¹¹⁸BNC⁴⁵⁶⁸⁸
abbr.International Education Association国际教育协会
That would be enough, the IEA calculates, to displace40 years of gas imports at current levels.
IEA估测,如果进口当量维持在当前水平,该储备足够替代欧洲40年的进口总量。 ecocn

That's over now, according to the International Energy Agency, or IEA.
不过,根据国际能源署 IEA的统计,这个时代似乎结束了。 yeeyan

The Guardian revealed in May an IEA analysis that found emissions had risen by a record amount in 2010, despite the worst recession for80 years.
《卫报》五月份披露的一份国际能源机构的分析显示,2010年,排放再创新高,尽管这时有80年来最严重的经济衰退。 yeeyan

The British government, among others, always uses the IEA statistics rather than any of its own to argue that there is little threat to long-term oil supplies.
其中,英国政府一贯使用 IEA的统计数据,而将自己的统计数据束之高阁,从而认为,全球石油的长期供应没有什么威胁。 yeeyan

If it meets its own targets, China will be responsible for more than a quarter of the emissions reductions the IEA says are needed to avoid the worst climate change risk.
如果中国实现了自己的目标,在 IEA提到的避免最糟糕气候变化风险所必须的碳排放削减量中,将占到四分之一以上。 tesoon

Man-made greenhouse gas emissions will drop3% in 2009 largely because of the worldwide financial crisis, the International Energy Agency IEA said today.
国际能源协会 IEA今天表示,受金融危机影响,2009年人工温室气体排放将减少3%。 yeeyan

Production has peaked at10 of the11 biggest oilfields in the country, according to the International Energy Agency IEA.
根据国际能源署 IEA的报告,中国11个最大的油田中有10个产量达到峰值。 ecocn

The IEA reckons that even without any new policy measures to raise fuel efficiency or encourage biofuels, US oil demand will fall by0.7 per cent a year over the next20 years.
国际能源机构预计,即使没有任何提高能效或者鼓励使用生物燃料的新政策出台,未来20年内,美国的石油需求也会以每年0.7%的速度下滑。 iciba

Three days later, a paper published by researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden showed that the IEA's forecasts must be wrong, because it assumes a rate of extraction that appears to be impossible.
三天之后,由瑞典乌普萨拉大学的研究者发表的一篇文章显示 IEA的预测肯定是错误的,因为它假设的开采率看起来无法实现。 yeeyan

While the IEA focused its most recent outlook on China and India, it also forecast booming demand in the Middle East.
尽管 IEA在报告中重点关注了中国和印度市场,但它预计中东地区的需求也将增长。 kekenet

The IEA says that Libya is the reason for the decision to release stocks.
但 IEA还是将利比亚局势作为其决定投放储备的理由。 ecocn

The IEA bluntly says consumers and governments globally are doing too little to improve energy- supply security and to cut pollution.
IEA坦率地表示,全球的消费者和政府所作甚少,不足以加强能源供应安全和降低污染。 kekenet

The IEA says that its intervention done with Saudi acquiescence, the agency hinted is designed to plug the gap between now and when that oil might appear on the market.
IEA说它的介入 IEA暗示它的行动已得到沙特默许目的是为了填补沙特增产石油进入市场以前的真空期。 ecocn




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