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i·dle·st 英'aɪdl美'aɪdl 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句 adj.无目的⁵⁰;无聊的; 懒惰的;闲散的; 无根据的vt.虚度; 使空闲vi.不作事⁵⁰;闲逛; 机器空转原型idl的最高级副词idly比较级idler最高级idlest名词idleness过去分词idled现在分词idling三单idles v.动词 vt. & vi. 虚度,闲逛waste time doing nothing vt. & vi. 空转tick over adj.形容词 空闲的,闲着的not working or operating productively 懒散的,无所事事的lazy, wasting time 无根据的; 无聊的not based on fact or good reason A无意义的,无特别意图的having no particular purpose Noun: the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling;the car engine was running at idle Adjective: not in action or at work;an idle laborer idle drifters the idle rich an idle mind without a basis in reason or fact;baseless gossip the allegations proved groundless idle fears unfounded suspicions unwarranted jealousy not in active use;the machinery sat idle during the strike idle hands silly or trivial;idle pleasure light banter light idle chatter lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility;idle talk a loose tongue not yielding a return;dead capital idle funds not having a job;idle carpenters jobless transients many people in the area were out of work Verb: run disconnected or idle;the engine is idling be idle; exist in a changeless situation;The old man sat and stagnated on his porch He slugged in bed all morning v.动词 idle, laze, loaf, loll, lounge这组词都可表示“无所事事”。它们之间的区别是:idle指人或物闲置无事或无目的、无意义地动作,含有指责的意味,有时也指正当的消遣; loaf指混日子或漫无目的地游荡; lounge指懒洋洋地靠着或躺着,引申指闲逛或吊儿郎当地混日子; loll与lounge同意,但更强调懒散或无拘束的样子; laze则侧重于忙人在假日或空闲的时候闲散。 adj.形容词 idle, lazy这两个词的共同意思是“懒散的”。其区别是: lazy指人的性情贪闲偷懒,松懈拖沓,在工作或学习上不勤奋或根本厌恶努力向上,一般用作贬义词;idle多指人由于客观原因而一时无事可做或物闲置他处,一般不含贬义,有时也指懒惰,但不如lazy常用。例如: In that country many workers were unemployed and forced to remain idle.在那个国家有许多工人失业,被迫闲混。 He is a lazy fellow.Don't expect him to finish the work in time.他是个懒蛋,别指望他按时完成工作。idle,lazy这两个形容词均有“闲散、懒惰”之意。 idle通常指不忙,无事可干,一般不含应责备之意。 lazy指好逸恶劳,贪闲偷懒,或不愿学习或工作等,常含应受责备之意。 直接源自古英语的idel,意为空的,无用的。 用作动词 v. ~+名词idle one's time混时间,虚度光阴~+副词idle continually不断地闲逛idle deliberately故意地闲逛idle delightfully高兴地游荡idle dreadfully恐惧地游荡idle languidly无精打采地闲逛idle lazily懒散地闲逛idle naturally自然地游荡idle remarkably不平常地闲逛idle selfishly利己地虚度idle sleepily困乏地游荡idle strangely奇怪地闲逛idle stupidly傻傻地闲逛idle unusually不同寻常地游荡idle about〔along, around〕无所事事idle away虚度idle away one's time虚度光阴idle down a motor让马达空转~+介词idle about在…附近闲逛idle in the driveway停在车道上用作形容词 adj.~+名词idle bread〔capital〕闲饭〔散资金〕idle dream痴心妄想idle fear无端的恐惧idle gear惰轮idle hours悠闲的日子idle personnel闲杂人员idle rumors无根据的谎言idle tales闲话idle worm游手好闲的人动词+~lie idle闲置run idle机器空转stand idle袖手旁观,被闲置 用作动词v. idle about〔around〕¹ v.+adv.
虚度时光 spend time lazily idle aboutDon't idle about.不要闲逛。 There was no work in the office this afternoon so everyone idled about.今天下午办公室里无事,所以大家都闲着。 She is a very active sort of person and can't bear to see others idling around.她是那种积极肯干的人,看不惯别人的懒散。 idle about〔around〕² v.+prep.
在…附近闲逛 waste time around some place idle about〔around〕 sthHe is always idling about street corners.他老是在街头角落闲逛。 He idled around the house all morning.他一上午都在房子附近闲逛。 idle away v.+adv.
空转 (of a car to run very slowly without being connected to the wheels, continuously or for some time) 近义词 unusedunoccupiedadj. inactive反义词 busyengagedoccupiedadj. active 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThey idled before cafes.他们在餐馆前闲逛。 The car idled in the driveway.这辆车在行车道上停着。 The windmill idled in the breeze.风车在微风中慢慢地转动。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.The strike idled the workers for days.罢工使工人们好多天无事可做。用作形容词adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.We spent many idle hours during the holidays.在假期中我们度过了很多空闲的时间。 They didn't want to live idle lives.他们不愿过闲散的生活。 How much trouble in this life is caused by idle talk!这一生中,无聊的闲话引起多少烦恼啊! I don't know why I asked—just idle curiosity.我不知道我为什么问这问题——只是出于无意义的好奇心吧。 An idle person will never find or understand real happiness.一个懒汉永远找不到也永远不懂得真正的幸福。 An idle worker is a waste of money.工人懒散就是浪费金钱。 Every evening on my way home I see that idle fellow.每天晚上在回家的路上我都能见到那个游手好闲的家伙。 用作表语 S+be+~When men can't find employment, they are idle.当人们找不到工作时,他们便空闲着。 Men are idle when machines break down.机器坏了时,人们都没事做。S+be+~+to- vHe is too idle to do anything.他太懒了,不干任何事。It is/was+~+to- vIt's idle to expect help from that man.指望那人帮助是没用的。 It would be idle to argue further.再辩论下去也不会有什么效果。 I knew what would happen, but it was idle to warn them;they wouldn't listen.我知道将要发生什么事,但是警告他们也没用,他们不听。 用作宾语补足语 S+V+O+~The factory closed and left hundreds of employees idle.工厂关闭使数百名雇员无事可做。 The fuel shortage has left many airplanes idle.燃料的短缺使很多飞机停飞。 v.动词
idle的基本意思是指人不是把时间花在工作上,而是懒散、无目的地“虚度光阴”“闲逛”。本词可用于强烈地责备,也可用于指正当的、愉快的行为。引申可表示机器等“空转”。 idle既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与about, around , away等连用。 形容词71%,动词29% No matter how rich, one shall not live an idle life.不管一个人多么富有,都不应该过着闲散的生活。用作及物动词The strikeidledmany workers.罢工使许多工人没事干。 It is impossible to enjoyidlingthoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.除非有大量的工作,否则就不可能尽情享受空闲时光。用作不及物动词He is alwaysidlingabout street corners.他总是在街道角落那闲逛。 |