

单词 idled
释义 i·dle·d 英'aɪdl美'aɪdl 高COCA⁴⁹⁷²⁹BNC⁵⁷⁹⁷⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
adj.无目的⁵⁰;无聊的; 懒惰的;闲散的; 无根据的vt.虚度; 使空闲vi.不作事⁵⁰;闲逛; 机器空转原型idle的过去式和过去分词副词idly比较级idler最高级idlest名词idleness过去分词idled现在分词idling三单idles
vt. & vi. 虚度,闲逛

waste time doing nothing

vt. & vi. 空转

tick over


not working or operating productively


lazy, wasting time

无根据的; 无聊的

not based on fact or good reason


having no particular purpose

the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling;

the car engine was running at idle

not in action or at work;

an idle laborer

idle drifters

the idle rich

an idle mind

without a basis in reason or fact;

baseless gossip

the allegations proved groundless

idle fears

unfounded suspicions

unwarranted jealousy

not in active use;

the machinery sat idle during the strike

idle hands

silly or trivial;

idle pleasure

light banter

light idle chatter

lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility;

idle talk

a loose tongue

not yielding a return;

dead capital

idle funds

not having a job;

idle carpenters

jobless transients

many people in the area were out of work

run disconnected or idle;

the engine is idling

be idle; exist in a changeless situation;

The old man sat and stagnated on his porch

He slugged in bed all morning

idle, laze, loaf, loll, lounge

这组词都可表示“无所事事”。它们之间的区别是:idle指人或物闲置无事或无目的、无意义地动作,含有指责的意味,有时也指正当的消遣; loaf指混日子或漫无目的地游荡; lounge指懒洋洋地靠着或躺着,引申指闲逛或吊儿郎当地混日子; loll与lounge同意,但更强调懒散或无拘束的样子; laze则侧重于忙人在假日或空闲的时候闲散。

idle, lazy



In that country many workers were unemployed and forced to remain idle.在那个国家有许多工人失业,被迫闲混。
He is a lazy fellow.Don't expect him to finish the work in time.他是个懒蛋,别指望他按时完成工作。idle,lazy




用作动词 v.
~+名词idle one's time混时间,虚度光阴~+副词idle continually不断地闲逛idle deliberately故意地闲逛idle delightfully高兴地游荡idle dreadfully恐惧地游荡idle languidly无精打采地闲逛idle lazily懒散地闲逛idle naturally自然地游荡idle remarkably不平常地闲逛idle selfishly利己地虚度idle sleepily困乏地游荡idle strangely奇怪地闲逛idle stupidly傻傻地闲逛idle unusually不同寻常地游荡idle about〔along, around〕无所事事idle away虚度idle away one's time虚度光阴idle down a motor让马达空转~+介词idle about在…附近闲逛idle in the driveway停在车道上用作形容词 adj.~+名词idle bread〔capital〕闲饭〔散资金〕idle dream痴心妄想idle fear无端的恐惧idle gear惰轮idle hours悠闲的日子idle personnel闲杂人员idle rumors无根据的谎言idle tales闲话idle worm游手好闲的人动词+~lie idle闲置run idle机器空转stand idle袖手旁观,被闲置
idle about〔around〕¹ v.+adv.

虚度时光 spend time lazily

idle aboutDon't idle about.不要闲逛。
There was no work in the office this afternoon so everyone idled about.今天下午办公室里无事,所以大家都闲着。
She is a very active sort of person and can't bear to see others idling around.她是那种积极肯干的人,看不惯别人的懒散。
idle about〔around〕² v.+prep.

在…附近闲逛 waste time around some place

idle about〔around〕 sthHe is always idling about street corners.他老是在街头角落闲逛。
He idled around the house all morning.他一上午都在房子附近闲逛。
idle away v.+adv.

空转 (of a car to run very slowly without being connected to the wheels, continuously or for some time)

近义词 unusedunoccupiedadj. inactive反义词 busyengagedoccupiedadj. active
S+~+AThey idled before cafes.他们在餐馆前闲逛。
The car idled in the driveway.这辆车在行车道上停着。
The windmill idled in the breeze.风车在微风中慢慢地转动。
S+~+ n./pron.The strike idled the workers for days.罢工使工人们好多天无事可做。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.We spent many idle hours during the holidays.在假期中我们度过了很多空闲的时间。
They didn't want to live idle lives.他们不愿过闲散的生活。
How much trouble in this life is caused by idle talk!这一生中,无聊的闲话引起多少烦恼啊!
I don't know why I asked—just idle curiosity.我不知道我为什么问这问题——只是出于无意义的好奇心吧。
An idle person will never find or understand real happiness.一个懒汉永远找不到也永远不懂得真正的幸福。
An idle worker is a waste of money.工人懒散就是浪费金钱。
Every evening on my way home I see that idle fellow.每天晚上在回家的路上我都能见到那个游手好闲的家伙。
S+be+~When men can't find employment, they are idle.当人们找不到工作时,他们便空闲着。
Men are idle when machines break down.机器坏了时,人们都没事做。S+be+~+to- vHe is too idle to do anything.他太懒了,不干任何事。It is/was+~+to- vIt's idle to expect help from that man.指望那人帮助是没用的。
It would be idle to argue further.再辩论下去也不会有什么效果。
I knew what would happen, but it was idle to warn them;they wouldn't listen.我知道将要发生什么事,但是警告他们也没用,他们不听。
S+V+O+~The factory closed and left hundreds of employees idle.工厂关闭使数百名雇员无事可做。
The fuel shortage has left many airplanes idle.燃料的短缺使很多飞机停飞。


idle既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与about, around , away等连用。

用作形容词Being at anidleend,we often go to and look around the shops.闲来无事,我们常去逛逛商店。
No matter how rich, one shall not live anidlelife.不管一个人多么富有,都不应该过着闲散的生活。
I never believeidlereports.我从来不信捕风捉影的传闻。用作及物动词The strikeidledmany workers.罢工使许多工人没事干。
It is impossible to enjoyidlingthoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.除非有大量的工作,否则就不可能尽情享受空闲时光。用作不及物动词I hate you toidleabout.我不喜欢你游手好闲。
We should notidleaway our valuable time in the claver.我们不应该把宝贵的时间消磨在闲谈之中。
He is alwaysidlingabout street corners.他总是在街道角落那闲逛。
You're perfectly right when you say that one shouldn't let one's machinery lieidleand go rusty!“你这话对极了,机器搁着就生锈!as in.lag
同义词 decrease,diminish,fail,fall off,falter,slacken,slow,trail,wanedally,dawdle,dillydally,drag,ebb,flag,hobble,idle,inch,jelly,limp,linger,loiter,lounge,plod,poke,procrastinate,retard,saunter,shuffle,slouch,stagger,stay,straggle,tail,tarry,tool,trudgebe behind,drag one's feet,get no place fast,hang back,inch along,lose strength,put off,slow up
反义词 advance,complete,do,finish,go,hasten,hurry,rise,run,rushas in.linger
同义词 dawdle,drift,idle,remain,stay,stick around,waitamble,crawl,dally,dillydally,falter,hesitate,hobble,lag,loll,lumber,mope,mosey,plod,poke,procrastinate,putter,saunter,shuffle,slouch,stagger,stop,stroll,tarry,tool,totter,trail,traipse,trifle,trudge,vacillatebe dilatory,be long,be tardy,fool around,fritter away,goof off,hang around,hang out,put off,sit around,take one's time,wait around
反义词 forge,forward,go,leave,advance,carry on,complete,continue,finish,go ahead,remain,run,rush,tiptoehalt,hurryas in.loaf
同义词 laze,lollbum,dally,dillydally,dream,drift,evade,goldbrick,idle,lie,loiter,lounge,malinger,piddle,relax,saunter,shirk,slack,stall,stroll,trifle,vegetatebe inactive,be indolent,be slothful,be unoccupied,bum around,fool around,fritter away,hang out,kill time,knock around,let down,lounge around,not lift a finger,pass time,sit around,slow down,stand around,take it easy,twiddle thumbs,waste time,while away hours
反义词 do,face,hurry,meet,run,rushachieve,energize,labor,work hardas in.loiter
同义词 amble,dawdle,linger,loll,lounge,ramble,saunter,traipsedabble,dally,delay,diddle,drag,flag,halt,hover,idle,lag,loaf,pause,poke,procrastinate,shamble,shuffle,slacken,slough,tarry,trail,waitfritter away,get no place fast,pass time,put off,waste time
反义词 hurry,run,rush,advance,carry on,complete,continue,do,finish,forge,forward,go,go ahead,hasten,pushleave,vamooseas in.loll
同义词 laze,loiter,lounge,recline,slouch,sprawlbum,dangle,dawdle,droop,drop,flap,flop,hang,idle,lean,loaf,relax,rest,sag,slumpgoof off,hang loose
反义词 straighten,achieve,ascend,do,energize,increase,rise,sit up straightas in.lounge
同义词 idle,laze,loiter,loll,recline,relax,saunter,sprawlbum,dawdle,goldbrick,loaf,reposefritter away,goof off,kill time,pass time,take it easy
反义词 straighten,energizedo,hustleas in.moon
同义词 daydream,idle,languish,mope,pine,yearnwaste time
反义词 dislike,hateabhor,despiseas in.mope
同义词 brood,sulkache,bleed,chafe,despair,despond,droop,fret,grieve,grumble,grump,idle,lament,languish,moon,pine,regret,repine,sink,yearnbe apathetic,be down in the mouth,be gloomy,be in a funk,eat one's heart out,lose heart,pine away,stew over,sweat over,waste time,wear a long face
反义词 compliment,despise,dislike,grow,hate,please,praise,rise,strengthenbe elated,be happyas in.poke
同义词 dragdally,dawdle,delay,idle,lag,loiter,mosey,procrastinate,tarry,toddle,trailget no place fast,put off,schlepp along
反义词 advance,complete,finish,hasten,hurry,push,rush,speedleave aloneas in.rest
同义词 breathe,lean,lie down,relax,sit down,stretch outdoze,dream,drowse,idle,laze,loaf,loll,lounge,nap,nod,recline,repose,slack,slacken,slumber,snooze,spell,unbend,unlax,unwindbe at ease,be comfortable,compose oneself,ease off,ease up,let down,let up,lie by,lie still,put feet up,refresh oneself,slack off,take a break,take a nap,take five,take it easy,take life easy,take ten,take time out,wind down
反义词 do,energizeactivate,be active,carry out,move,stand,walkas in.slack/slacken
同义词 abate,decrease,diminish,dodge,drop off,dwindle,ease,ease off,featherbed,flag,goldbrick,goof off,idle,lax,lay back,lessen,let up,lie down on job,loose,moderate,neglect,reduce,relax,release,shirk,slack off,slow down,taper,tire,untighten,wane
反义词 stiffen,tightenas in.spend
同义词 consume,devote,employ,go,kill,put in,wastedrift,fill,fritter,idle,laze,misuse,pass,squanderfool around,let pass,while away
反义词 build,create,misuse,save,take,usebe lazy,earn,get,receiveas in.stagnate
同义词 fester,hibernate,languish,stall,stand stillconstipate,decay,decline,idle,putrefy,rot,rust,stand,stifle,stultify,trammel,vegetatego to seed,lie fallow,not move
反义词 build,flourish,grow,help,improvestrengthenas in.trifle
同义词 coquet,dabble,dally,dawdle,dilly-dally,doodle,fidget,flirt,fool,fritter,idle,loiter,lollygag,lounge,misuse,monkey,palter,philander,play,potter,putter,squander,toy,twiddle,wanton,wasteamuse oneself,be insincere,fool around,fool with,fribble,futz around,horse around,indulge in,lead on,mess with,monkey with,play games with,play with,string along,use up,waste time,wink at
反义词 hasten,hoard,hurry,push,rush,save,workas in.vegetate
同义词 decay,deteriorate,exist,hibernate,idle,languish,loaf,stagnate,weakenbe inert,go to pot,go to seed,pass time
反义词 build,develop,flourish,grow,improve,strengthenactivate,carry out,die,doas in.dillydally
同义词 dally,delay,fritter,idle,lag,linger,loaf,loiter,stall,trifle,vacillate
反义词 advance,further,hasten,hurry,leave,rushas in.immobilize
同义词 clog,lock up,restrain,shackle,tie upbind,confine,curb,delay,fetter,hog-tie,hold,idle,leash,limit,obstruct,restrict,stop,trammelbring to a screeching halt,entrammel,tie one's hands
反义词 free,advance,aid,allow,assist,encourage,help,let go,loose,loosen,release,supportas in.dabble
同义词 dally,dilly-dally,idle,monkey,play,trifleamuse oneself with,be amateur,fiddle with,flirt with,horse around,kid around,mess around,monkey around,muck around,not be serious,play around,play games with,toy with,trifle with,work superficially
反义词 take seriouslyas in.dally
同义词 boondoggle,drag,idle,lag,linger,loiter,lollygag,procrastinate,putter,tarry,trailfool around,fool with,fritter away,hang about,horse around,jerk off,play around,play games with,put off,trifle with,waste time,while away
反义词 complete,finish,go,hurry,leave,rushhasten,pushas in.dawdle
同义词 laze,loiter,mosey,procrastinate,saunteramble,dally,dilly-dally,drag,idle,lag,loaf,loll,lounge,poke,stay,stroll,tarry,toddle,trifle,waitbum around,diddle-daddle,fool around,fritter away,get no place fast,goof off,hang around,hang out,lazy,put off,scrounge around,shlep along,sit around,sit on one's butt,warm a chair
反义词 run,rushhasten,hurry,push,speedas in.fool around
同义词 dawdle,hang around,idle,kill time,lark,mess around,play around
反义词 labor,toil,workas in.fritter
同义词 dissipate,lavish,misspend,squanderblow,consume,dally,frivol,idle,triflebe wasteful with,cast away,diddle away,go through,run through,spend like water,throw away
反义词 hoard,savehold,store And already some projects have been idled by the global financial crisis.
由于受全球经济危机影响,有些项目已经停工。 yeeyan

And our idled workforce is losing its skills.
因为我们闲置的劳动力正在遗失着他们技能。 yeeyan

Lao Zheng was not pleased with Xiao Zheng, who always idled about the town.
小郑总是在镇里闲逛,老郑对他有些不满。 italki

That news came a day after the automaker halted all but one of its Japanese assembly lines, a move that idled tens of thousands of workers across the country.
在此消息发布的前一天,除一条生产线照常运转之外,丰田位于日本的所有生产线全部停产一天。 与此同时,全国数以万计的丰田工人暂停工作。 yeeyan

There was no work in the office this afternoon so everyone idled about.

After prices fell and global inventories rose, Chief Executive Officer Klaus Kleinfeld idled20 percent of Alcoa’s aluminum- smelting capacity.
由于铝价下跌,全球铝储备上涨,美铝首席执行官克劳斯·克莱恩菲尔德 Klaus Kleinfeld不得不闲置该公司20%的炼铝能力。 yeeyan

An organised- crime unit has been idled by a dispute with the United States, which provides the bulk of its funding, over the control of lie detectors.
某一犯罪帮派因掌控测谎器与美国发生争执而无所事事,美国提供该帮派的大部分资金。 ecocn

But a near tripling of natural gas prices in the past seven years has idled many gas- fired plants and put a damper on new construction.
天然气是一种相对洁净的能源,但是近三倍的天然气价格使得许多燃气发电厂在过去七年内遭到闲置,新的电厂的建设也受到了抵制。 huaxia-ng

He idled around the house all morning.
他一上午都在房子附近闲逛。 dj.client.iciba.com

In Michigan, which led the nation in jobless workers, newspapers offered idled auto workers free“ job wanted” ads in the classified section.
在失业人数位于全国首位的密歇根州,报纸在分类版块为失业的汽车工人免费提供应工广告。 blog.sina.com.cn

Instead of laying off cherished staff, management deployed idled workers to new assignments.
闲置员工被安排新工作,公司没有裁掉一个宝贵的员工。 yeeyan

Many factories slashed their output and idled assembly lines over the last year as demand for their products dried up and the turmoil of the housing market spilled into the broader economy.
去年房地产市场的恐慌波及到更广泛的经济领域,由于产品需求量很低,许多工厂大量减少生产,去掉闲置装配生产线。 yeeyan

On Monday, the knee- high water invaded shops, damaged merchandise, idled transportation including the city's public water buses and led to some power cuts.
周一,深及膝盖的海水涌进店铺,摧毁了货物,导致交通中断,水上巴士停运,此外还造成部分地区停电。 yeeyan

Other steel makers have idled plants but stopped short of closing them.
其他钢铁公司则实施了停产,而没有关闭炼钢厂。 acsf

Prominent firms idled along on government favours and captive markets.
优秀的企业在政府的偏爱下和垄断的市场中虚度光阴。 ecocn

Ski lifts idled above aspens, their leaves just beginning to show a tinge of yellow.
滑雪索道悬吊在白杨树上空,白杨树的叶子刚刚开始染上一丝黄色。 yeeyan

The real threat, economists say, is that America, like some of its Old World peers, may simply become accustomed to a large class of idled workers.
经济学家告诉我们,最恐怖的事情是,美国会像其他古老的国家一样,可能会简简单单习惯大批不工作人的存在。 yeeyan

The strike idled many workers.

The discrepancy could be explained by the spending of money borrowed in 2010 but idled since then, and credit expansion outside the banking system.
其差异可以由以下两个原因解释,其一,2010年已签订贷款合同但尚未正式启用的那部分贷款;其二是银行体系之外的信贷扩张。 yeeyan

Third, growth in industrial output continues to slow. Bankruptcy or idled factories may drive up unemployment rates and affect household income growth.
最后,工业产出继续放慢,企业停产或倒闭带来的失业或收入下降,也会导致消费走弱。 blog.sina.com.cn

When he let go of the throttle, it idled like glass.
当他松开油门后,它空转得简直就像玻璃板一样平滑。 yeeyan




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