

单词 Anhalt
释义 Anhalt 'ɑ:nhɑ:lt COCA¹²⁷⁷⁷⁹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
The patch protects an eye that Prince Frederic Von Anhalt accidentally glued shut Tuesday morning, publicist John Blanchette said.
曝料者约翰·布兰斯切说,这个眼罩是用来保护冯安沃在周二早上不小心粘住的眼睛的。 www.china.org.cn

By the time Bach and her mother, brother and grandmother escaped from Saxony Anhalt on21 May1961, 2,000 East German citizens a day were arriving in West Berlin.
当时巴赫女士和她的母亲,兄弟以及祖母在1961年5月21号逃离了萨克森安哈特,一天就有2000名东德居民涌向了西柏林。 yeeyan

In nearby Saxony- Anhalt it may come top, but the SPD might continue its coalition with the CDU rather than accept a Left Party premier.
在邻近的萨克森-安哈尔特 Saxony- Anhalt,左翼党或将赢得最多席位,但社会民主党可能会将其与基督教民主联盟的政党联盟维持下去,而不是接受一位左翼党州长。 ecocn

Saxony- Anhalt, in eastern Germany, voted on March20th.
德国东部的萨克森-安哈尔特州已于3月20日举行了选举。 ecocn

The law had been challenged by the rural eastern state of Saxony- Anhalt even before it was passed.
该法已经由农村质疑萨克森安哈尔特州东部甚至之前获得通过。 ufochn




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