

单词 idioms
释义 idioms 英'ɪdiəmz美'ɪdiəmz COCA³³⁷⁵²BNC²³⁴⁴¹
名词 idiom:
a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a languagethe usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of peoplethe style of a particular artist or school or movementan expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it upIdioms and proverbs are crystalization of culture and wisdom of a people.习语和谚语是一个民族文化与智慧的结晶,同时也是人民大众口头语典范的实录。
As a precious pearl in the storehouse of languages,idiomsenjoy significant cultural value.习语是语言宝库中璀璨的不可或缺的一颗珍珠,具有重要的文化价值。noun.manner of speaking, turn of phrase
同义词 dialect,jargon,locution,parlance,patois,phrase,vernacularargot,colloquialism,expression,idiosyncrasy,language,lingo,localism,provincialism,style,talk,tongue,usage,wordset phrase,street talk,vernacularism
反义词 silencestandard For today’s lesson, we’ll continue our look at gambling idioms and explore how they are used in business discussions.
今天的课程,我们将继续学习有关赌博的习语并看下如何在商业讨论中使用。 hxen

The propagandist will often attempt to use the accent of a specific audience as well as using specific idioms or jokes.
宣传者会经常试图用一些特别受众的口吻,以及用一些惯用语和笑话。 yeeyan

A lovely evening of new idioms and fresh mozzarella.
一个由新成语和新鲜起司所构成的愉快夜晚。 kekenet

And we have the opportunity to pick which programming idioms and mental models we want to encourage through the selection of language features.
而且我们有机会通过选择语言功能来挑选我们想要的编程语言风格和构思模型。 ibm

As gambling involves money and risk, it’s not surprising that we use gambling idioms in business.
因为赌博涉及到钱和危险,在商业中使用有关赌博的习语也就不足为奇了。 tingvoa

Business also involves taking risks with money, and for this reason gambling idioms have become very common in business.
经商也会用钱去冒险,正因为这个原因,有关赌博的习语在商业中使用得较为普遍。 hxen

By using stale metaphors, similes, and idioms, you save much mental effort, at the cost of leaving your meaning vague, not only for your reader but for yourself.
使用陈腐的暗喻、明喻和习语,你省了不少思考的力气,代价是你的意义的模糊,不仅对读者,也对你自己模糊。 yeeyan

Compare the two idioms to see if you can determine which one is guaranteed to work, and which one is not.
请比较这两种风格,看看您能否确定哪种风格一定可行,哪一种不一定可行。 ibm

Do not use idioms.
不使用成语; blog.sina.com.cn

None of these idioms is wrong in the sense of producing code that won't compile or that yields an incorrect answer.
如果仅仅考虑所编写的这些代码是否能够编译或者是否会得到正确的结果,那么这些方言都不是错误的。 ibm

Since sports and business are so similar, it’s easy to see how there could be so many related idioms.
因为运动和商业是如此相似,很容易明白为何有如此多的相关习语。 hxen

The article is ladled in some idioms.

The fewer such C idioms you use, the clearer your code will be.
您使用的此类 C语言方言越少,您的代码就会越清晰。 ibm

Their effective use is also dependent on applying the correct programming idioms; it's critical that you understand how these classes are implemented and how to program to them.
能否有效地使用它们还取决于是否应用了正确的编程风格;关键在于您要理解这些类是如何实现的以及如何对它们进行编程。 ibm

This new standard adds specialized idioms for XML processing.
这个新标准为 XML处理添加了专门的用法。 ibm

This process can be done with different programming idioms.
这个过程可以用不同的编程风格来完成。 ibm

We use idioms to express something that other words do not express as clearly or as cleverly.
我们使用成语是要表达其它词语无法如此清晰或如此巧妙表达的东西。 ebigear

Idioms tend to be informal and are best used in spoken rather than written English.
成语往往是非正式的,最好用于口语,而不要用在非书面表达中。 ebigear




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