the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity;you can lose your identity when you join the army
the individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known;geneticists only recently discovered the identity of the gene that causes it
it was too dark to determine his identity
she guessed the identity of his lover
an operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates;the identity under numerical multiplication is 1
exact sameness;they shared an identity of interests
identity matrix数单位矩阵…identity crisis认同的转折点…identity card身份证,=ID ca…identity theft身份盗窃identity sign恒等号identity parade认人手续 [Lati…mistaken identity认错人identity selector等同选择器identity relation恒等关系式identity operation恒等运算identity hypothesis同一性假说identity test鉴定试验additive identity加法恒等元,加法单位…identity equation计量经济或经济统计中…identity element单位元素identity mapping恒等映射parallelogram identity平行四边形恒等式…identity gate同门,全同门,恒等门…identity philosophy同一哲学identity period等同周期
近义词 agreementaccordance
用作名词n.He had to conceal his identity to escape the police.为了躲避警方,他只好隐瞒身份。
The planners decided to preserve their distinct identities.设计者们决定保留他们各自的特色。
Please note the identities in the two cases.注意这两个案子的相同之处。
The police asked him to show hisidentitycard.警察让他出示身份证。
The journalist did not want to reveal theidentityof his informant.那个新闻工作者不想透露消息提供人的身分。
He had to make hisidentitypublic.他不得不公开自己的身份。
The countries have kept their own distinct political and culturalidentities.这些国家保持了自己独特的政治和文化特征。《麦克米兰英语词典》 Different user identities are asserted on the same physical inbound and outbound connection without the need to tear down and create new connections for each new user.
不同的用户身份可以在同一个物理入站和出站连接上断言,无需针对每个新用户释放连接并创建新连接。 ibm
When restrictive laws began to relax, they looked to Japan and the West for brand and lifestyle identities, but a unique Chinese voice is beginning to emerge.
“当管制的法律松弛时,他们开始从日本和西方的品牌及生活方式中寻找认同,但同时,一个独特的中国声音也在浮现”。 yeeyan