释义 |
identified with短语¹³³¹⁵ 基本例句 v.相同于;🌏上认同;等同;认同 The source of that unity was the state, usually identified with society itself, at the head of which was a great political ruler, a king or emperor, thought to be a god or god- like. 这种统一的来源就是国家,通常也等同于社会本身,其中领导人是一位伟大的政权统治者,一位国王或皇帝,其社会地位被视为神或如同神。 yeeyan Even Mr Quattrone may welcome this: he has no interest in being identified with another financial craze. 这可能也是奎特隆先生希望看到的,他对新一轮的金融热炒没有什么兴趣。 ecocn They are identified with both Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, and stories about dragons living in ponds and lakes near temples are particularly common. 他们被等同于神道教和佛教寺庙,而生活在寺庙附近的池塘和湖泊里的龙的故事尤其是司空见惯。 yeeyan This god was not identified with nature. 上帝已经不再等同于自然了。163 |