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angular momentum ˈæŋgjələməuˈmentəm 短语⁶⁸¹⁹⁰ 基本英英例句例句 角动量
Noun: the product of the momentum of a rotating body and its distance from the axis of rotation;any rotating body has an angular momentum about its center of mass angular momentum makes the world go round Angular momentum is an axial vector quantity.角动量是一种轴矢量。 In this chapter we will discussangular momentum.本章将讨论角动量。 I'm going to spin it with a high angular momentum, high spin angular momentum. 以高的角动量来旋转,高旋转的角动量。163 So spin angular momentum has the property of stabilizing things. 旋转的角动量有,稳定事物的性质。163 What will the spin angular momentum do? 而旋转的角动量是怎样的呢?163 And now the angular momentum is rotating like this, is pointing here. 现在的角动量是像这样,转动的,指向这。163 Bohr expressed the quantum condition by the angular momentum, quantum condition in the following manner. 波尔阐明了他的量子理条件,通过角动量,和以下的量子条件进行量子化。163 I add angular momentum in this direction and you see that here. 我在这个方向加入了角动量,你们可以在这看到。163 I am the spin angular momentum. 我就是旋转的角动量。163 In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in much the same way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation. 在旋转运动中的角动量产生的方式与平移运动中的线动量的产生是基本相似的。 ebigear It has spin angular momentum. 有了旋转的角动量。163 It describes the angular momentum of the electron. 它描述的是,电子的叫角动量。163 Look at that spin angular momentum. 观察那个旋转角动量。163 So this only holds in situations where the spin angular momentum is way, way larger than the angular momentum that you get due to the precession. 所以成立的情况是,旋转的角动量,比旋进的角动量要,大很多很多才行。163 Spinning this direction, angular momentum is in this direction. 这个方向旋转,角动量是,这个方向。163 That means if there's torque, there's a change of angular momentum. 这意味着,如果那有一个力矩,就会有角动量的改变。163 We have here the spin angular momentum that you saw. 这有一个旋转的角动量,如你们所见。163 When I do that, I apply, I add angular momentum in this direction. 当我这样做的的是,我将角动量,加到这个方向。163 You give it spin angular momentum, it becomes stable. 有了一个旋转的角动量,就变得稳定。163 Angular momentum is pointing straight at me, away from you. 角动量直接指向我,远离你们的方向。163 Angular momentum is in this direction. 角动量是这个方向了。163 Angular momentum is now in this direction. 角动量现在是在这个方向。163 |