

单词 angular displacement
释义 angular displacement ˈæŋgjələdɪsˈpleɪsmənt S短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
A method for measuring angular displacement of mark less objects with spherical surface is presented in this paper.
本文提出了测量球面无标记物体定轴转动角位移的客观散斑法。 cnki

In other words, describing an orientation is mathematically equivalent to describing an angular displacement.
换句话说,在数学上描述方位就等价于描述角位移。 blog.sina.com.cn

The application of the linear Hall element to position or angular displacement measurement for the servo system is proposed.
提出了将线性霍尔器件用于伺服系统的位置或角位移检测的方法。 dictall

The amount of rotation is known as an angular displacement.
旋转的量称作角位移。 blog.sina.com.cn

The yawing can apparently attenuate the angular displacement of both the tail and the attack angle of tail fin.
艏摇的存在会明显的衰减尾柄主臂和尾鳍攻角的角位移。 jukuu

A non- contact calibration method for angular displacement sensor of aileron, flap, rudder and elevator for vehicle based on computer monocular vision is proposed.
提出一种基于计算机单目视觉的飞行器副翼、襟翼、方向舵和升降舵角位移传感器的非接触标定方法。 cnki

A novel optical fiber angular displacement which can be used to measure micro angular displacement second level and all angle continuously is introduced.
提出了一种全角度并且可以连续测量微小角位移秒级的新型光纤角位移传感器。 cnki

An optimal design method of parallel plate interferometer is proposed in order to increase the measurement accuracy of angular displacement.
提出一种可提高平行平板角位移干涉测量仪测量精度的优化设计方法。 dictall

An angular displacement detecting system with a8098 single board microcomputer as heart and a synchro as testing element is described.
本文介绍一种以8098单片机为核心,以自整角机为检测元件的角位移检测系统。 cnki

Based on the equivalent circuit, the resonance frequency equation, the expression of resonance frequency and the angular displacement amplitude magnification are obtained.
在此基础上得到了空载时扭转振动的频率方程、共振频率表达式及角位移放大系数表达式。 dictall

Electrical power pulse signal will be entered into angular displacement or displacement of the Central Line control components.
步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。 kuenglish

Grating sensor is a type of accurate sensor which is widely used for linear and angular displacement measurements.
光栅传感器是一类精密传感器,在直线位移或角位移的测量中有广泛的应用。 cnki

In the case of small angular displacement, the natural frequency of the corresponding damping-free linear system is obtained, which is consistent with the experimental observation.
在小角位移的情形下,可近似得到相应的无阻尼线性系统的固有频率,它与观测结果吻合。 cnki

In the system of open-loop control, load angular displacement corresponds for certain missing momentum.
在开环控制系统中,负载失调角对应于一定的失动量。 cnki

In this paper, a theoretical method of monitoring the working face floor stability by angular displacement is used to provide a theoretical basis for the on-site monitoring.
从理论上运用角位移方法监控工作面底板稳定性的原理和可行性,为现场监控工作做理论基础。 dictall

In engineering construction, the measurement and control for the motion location including linear displacement and angular displacement on the same plane will be carried out.
在工程中,往往要对一平面内的运动位置,包括直线位移和角位移进行测量和控制。 cnki

Sineshaped and cosine shaped PVDF sensors are designed, and it can measure displacement, angular displacement, bending moment, shear force, power flow and so on.
设计了正弦和余弦形状 PVDF传感器,可以测量位移、角位移、弯矩、剪力和功率流等多个振动参数。 cnki

The field type time grating displacement sensor, based on time space coordinate transformation, is one novel angular displacement sensor.
基于“时空坐标转换理论”的时栅位移传感器是一种新型角位移传感器。 cnki

The main factors determining the measurement accuracy are respectively discussed based on the analyses of the measurement error of angular displacement.
对角位移干涉测量系统进行了误差分析,讨论了影响角位移测量精度的主要因素。 cnki

This system consists of steering electronic control unit ECU, all hydraulic steering, stepping motor, stepping motor driver and angular displacement sensor, etc.
该系统由转向电子控制单元 ECU、全液压转向器、步进电机、步进电机驱动器、角位移传感器等组成。 cnki

Angular displacement of the servo motor was calculated when drawing and coining. And the analysis of interplay between the process conditions and the kind of drive mode was given.
通过计算两种驱动模式在完成拉伸和锻压工艺时伺服电机的角位移,分析了工艺条件与驱动模式间的相互影响; fabiao

Angular displacement sensor is used to measure the travel curve of the movable contacts indirectly, which solves the problems of sensor assembling and high voltage isolation effectively.
采用角位移传感器间接测量动触头的行程曲线,有效解决了直线位移传感器安装困难和高电位隔离的问题; cnki




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