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词汇 ice edge
释义 ice edge
Test forecasts and simulations on the sea ice thickness, concentration, drift velocity andice edgehave been carried out by using the dynamic sea ice model for the Bohai Sea.该项工作使用海冰动力模式对黄、渤海海冰厚度、密集度、漂流速度和流冰外缘线进行了模拟和试报。
The scientist confirmed with the aid of the satellite imagery that a South Pole Wilkins shelfice edge's giant glacier breaks gradually entering the sea.科学家借助卫星图像证实,南极威尔金斯冰架边缘的一块巨大冰川逐渐断裂入海。
Theresults are compared with those obtained from Jason-1 altimeter data and SAR images, andthe results show that it is valid to use the PSSM algorithm to retrieveice edgein LiaodongBay.通过提取结果与Jason-1高度计和SAR探测海冰边缘线的比较,验证了PSSM方法探测辽东湾海冰边缘线的有效性。
Fushan area in Chekiang Huangyan is found the central area with the sight of grettes,rift valley,megalith river,modern timesice edgephysio gnomy,a string of beads falling water in East China.浙江黄岩富山地区是迄今发现的华东地区规模最大、旅游开发前景看好的旅游景区,有因花岗斑岩山体崩塌而成的洞穴地貌景观、裂谷地貌景观、巨石川地貌景观、现代冰缘地貌景观、串珠状跌水瀑布景观。




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