

单词 IBS
释义 IBS ˌaɪbiːˈes COCA⁷²²³⁶BNC⁴²⁸⁹²
abbr.腸躁症 =irritable bowel syndrome原型ib的三单 Bian is now combining the active extracts of JCM-16021 to develop a new drug that attacks IBS from different angles.
卞兆祥结合 JCM-16021中的活化成分研制出来一种从不同角度治疗 IBS的新药。 yeeyan

Objective:In order to study the effect of Combination of Colon Therapy System and Live Microorganismal Agent in the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS.
目的研究结肠途径治疗系统与微生态活菌制剂联合治疗肠易激综合征 IBS的疗效。 cnki

Patients taking the placebo also doubled their average rate of improvement to that achieved with the most powerful IBS medications.
服用安慰剂病症的平均改善率是使用最强 IBS药物治疗的两倍。 yeeyan

“ I didn't think it would work, ” says senior author Anthony Lembo of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and an expert on IBS.
“我不觉得这能起什么作用,”贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心的资深医师安东尼•莱柏,同时也是一名 IBS专家说到。 yeeyan

After only four months, Crowell is jogging twelve miles a week, has lost20 Ibs. and has reformed her diet.
仅花了四个月的时间, Crowell坚持每周12英里的慢跑,并成功地减掉了20磅肉,改善了自己的饮食习惯。 yeeyan

Conclusion: Spasmomen is an effective agent for treatment of IBS.
结论:斯巴敏是一种治疗 IBS的较理想药物。 cnki

Conclusion: Tongxie Mixture has a good therapeutic effect on IBS.
结论:痛泻合剂用于治疗 IBS有良好疗效。 cnki

Conclusion:The prevalence of anxiety and depression in the out patients of IBS and FD is high, but diagnosis rate is low.
结论: FD和 IBS病人中抑郁症、焦虑症的患病率高,抑郁症和焦虑症共病率高; cnki

Conclusions IBS have abnormal illness behaviors, which is related with bad coping style and abnormal psychology.
结论 IBS患者存在异常患病行为,与应对方式和心理异常有关。 iciba

In college Sarah Jenkins was diagnosed with a mild case of irritable bowel syndrome IBS, a condition causing gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
莎拉·詹金斯大学时期曾被诊断为轻度的肠易激综合征 IBS,这一综合征有肠胃不适、胃气涨、腹泻和便秘症状。 yeeyan

In the trial, the IBS patients were monitored for three weeks.
在实验过程中,研究人员对 IBS病人进行了为期三周的观察。 yeeyan

Indeed, in the past six months as Jenkins' life spun out of control, her IBS followed.
事实上,过去的6个月中莎拉·詹金斯的生活失去了控制,她的 IBS也随之而来。 yeeyan

Irritable bowel syndrome IBS is a chronic digestive disorder that causes recurring belly pain, cramps, bloating, and diarrhea or constipation.
肠易激综合症 IBS是一种慢性的消化系统功能紊乱的综合症。 其主要症状有脐周疼痛、腹痛、腹胀以及便秘或腹泻。 yeeyan

It may be a harmless sign of fertility, a digestive disorder like IBS, or a red flag for a life- threatening emergency.
它可见于怀孕时候出现的生理性的征象,也可见于类似于消化功能的紊乱如肠易激综合症 IBS,或者是有生命危险急症的象征。 yeeyan

Last year, Bian found that giving JCM-16021 to rats with IBS- like symptoms broke down serotonin in their bowel faster than normal, reducing their discomfort.
去年,卞兆祥给有 IBS类似症状的白鼠注射了 JCM-16021,结果发现能够比平常更快的降低肠胃里的血清素含量,减少它们的不适。 yeeyan

One of the most common physical manifestations of stress is IBS.
最常见的一个身体表现就是 IBS。 yeeyan

Professor Ted Kaptchuk divided80 patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome IBS into two groups.
教授 Ted Kaptchuk把患有过敏性肠综合征 IBS的80位病人分成二组。 yeeyan

This article reviews5- HT receptor and its specific regulator about its action of mechanism and clinical effect in IBS.
本文简要综述5- HT受体及其特异性调节剂在 IBS中的作用机制及临床疗效。 cnki

Various findings suggest indirectly that allergen exposure may lead to IBS symptoms in some patients, but the frequency has not been studied.
众多发现提示暴露于过敏原能导致一些患者出现 IBS症状,但是其中的比例还没人研究过。 dxy

IBS affects up to 20 per cent of people, causing abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhoea.
IBS影响了20%的人群,引起腹痛,便秘和腹泻。 yeeyan

IBS patients reported more gastrointestinal symptoms but less anxiety with acute tryptophan increase compared with acute tryptophan depletion.
急性色氨酸增加期和急性色氨酸缺失期比较, IBS患者胃肠道症状更多,而焦虑减少。 iciba




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