释义 |
IBBM 基本例句 =iron body bronze mounted 嵌青铜铸铁¹⁰⁰ The thesis approves through the demonstration that theIBBMmobility has been improving but takingas the integer still is comparatively low.从银行间债券市场流动性的实证分析可看出,我国银行间债券市场的流动性是在不断提高和完善的,而且有些方面还发展较快,但就总体而言还是相当低的,即流动性不足,不能适应市场高度发展的需要。 Comparing with direct ion implantation, the cost of equipment ofIBBMis only half or a quarter of that of implanter and the productivity can be increased by 1-2 order.通过对轴承材料经Cr、N、Ta不同元素的混合处理后;在0.;5M H_2SO_4和0 The main topic of this research is theIBBMparticipated by the financial institutions, except the OTC bond market in four state-owned commercial banks.本文研究对象是银行间债券市场,特指金融同业场外债券市场。 3.The main topic of this research is theIBBMparticipated by the financial institutions, except the OTC bond market in four state-owned commercial banks.本文研究对象是银行间债券市场,特指金融同业场外债券市场。 |