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词汇 IBC
释义 IBCCOCA⁹⁶⁷⁹⁴BNC⁷⁴³⁵³
From four days before the Opening Ceremony August4th2008 to the final event session in the venue, shuttles will be provided from IBC/ MPC to competition venues and back.
开幕式前4天2008 年8月4日至比赛场馆最后一场比赛结束,提供 IBC/ MPC至各比赛场馆之间的往返班车服务。 iciba

The clarity provided by the business goals helped us create a clear language and organization of the IBC content.
业务目标帮助我们更好地描述和组织 IBC内容。 ibm

The description of the IBC vocabulary is also shown in Figure3.
IBC词汇表的描述见图3。 ibm

The IBC primary navigation is dynamic.
IBC的主导航是动态的。 ibm

The IBC vocabulary is meant only to classify announcements, but could have easily been used to classify more node types.
IBC词汇表只用来对公告进行分类,但是也可以轻松地用于对其他节点类型进行分类。 ibm

A lot of reference material is stored on the IBC site.
IBC站点上存储着许多参考资料。 ibm

After the Olympic Games, the complex will serve as commercial service facilities of the National Convention Center, which houses the IBC during the Games.
奥运会结束后,该建筑群将作为国家会议中心的配套设施投入使用。 国家会议中心在赛时则作为国际广播中心使用。 iciba

After installing the operating system and the IBC site in the virtual machine, we are left with a neat package of our software and all of its prerequisites.
在虚拟机中安装操作系统和 IBC站点之后,就获得了一个干净的软件包,包括它的所有必备软件。 ibm

Another use of color was to show the status of some entity, such as an IBC member.
颜色的另一个用途是显示某些实体比如 IBC成员的状态。 ibm

Figure1 compares the presentation of the IBC homepage when styling is available and when it is not.
图1对比了在有样式和无样式的情况下 IBC主页的显示。 ibm

For example, a content editor of the IBC site might decide that they want to cut and paste some text from a document they just read into a field in a new announcement.
例如, IBC站点的内容编辑可能会决定将一个文档中的某些文本剪切到新公告的某个字段中。 ibm

For the IBC site, this was the stage in our process where we asked the client to start entering real data.
对于 IBC站点,在这个开发阶段,我们要求客户开始输入真实数据。 ibm

It also gave us enough ideas for a low- fidelity prototype that we could use as a way to involve the IBC community in the design process.
它还帮助我们建立一个低真实度的原型,我们可以利用这个原型让 IBC社区参与到设计过程中。 ibm

Listing2 shows the commands we used to retrieve the ibc-0-1-0 version of our source code.
清单2显示获得源代码的 ibc-0-1-0版本所用的命令。 ibm

One of the requirements of the IBC site is to force users to authenticate before any content can be displayed.
IBC站点的需求之一是要求对用户进行身份验证,然后才能显示内容。 ibm

Our initial user testing found that many IBC members preferred to print materials for offline viewing, such as conference agendas and session materials.
我们最初的用户测试表明,许多 IBC成员喜欢把资料打印出来供离线查看,比如研讨会议程和会议资料。 ibm

Providing the resource requirements necessary to execute the IBC site is easy; a simple e- mail was all that was necessary.
提出执行 IBC站点所需的资源需求很容易;一封电子邮件就够了。 ibm

The following list shows examples of the modifications applied to the print style of the IBC site.
下面列出了对 IBC站点的打印样式的几处修改。 ibm

The sidebar lists the IBC vocabulary with each term.
边栏列出 IBC词汇表的每个词汇。 ibm

This makes it very simple to distribute the IBC site to the hosting environment and other developers, and to transport for on-site demo purposes.
因此非常容易将 IBC站点分发给主机托管环境和其他开发人员,或者进行现场演示。 ibm

This section allows the announcement to be assigned to one or more terms from the IBC vocabulary.
这个部分允许为公告分派一个或多个来自 IBC词汇表的词汇。 ibm

This section covers some of the common usage scenarios we encountered while developing the IBC site.
本节展示我们在开发 IBC站点时遇到的一些常见的使用场景。 ibm

To adapt to situations where the IBC content may not be seen through a traditional browser, we included extra content structure for wider accessibility.
由于用户可能通过非传统浏览器查看 IBC内容,为了适应这种情况,我们包含了额外的内容结构以便提供更广泛的可访问性。 ibm

We are very excited about the potential that Xen has, but were and still are disappointed that we couldn't use it to host the IBC site.
我们对 Xen的潜力感到非常兴奋,但是还不能使用它部署 IBC站点,我们对此感到失望。 ibm

We chose to use ibc-0-1-0 for our first deployment of the site.
对于这个站点的第一次部署,我们选用 ibc-0-1-0。 ibm

We wanted the IBC content to print well on as many printing devices as possible, so we wanted to control the way a color might print.
我们希望 IBC内容在尽可能多的打印设备上有良好的打印效果,所以希望控制打印颜色的方式。 ibm

We'll be referring back to this as we talk more about the basic content structure for the IBC theme.
在详细讨论 IBC主题的基本内容结构时,我们会回顾这个文件。 ibm

We'll use the tag name ibc-0-1-1 to indicate that this code is an update to the tag ibc-0-1-0.
我们使用标记名称 ibc-0-1-1表示此代码是标记 ibc-0-1-0的更新。 ibm




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