

释义 IAASCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
n.国际农业大学生协会¹⁰⁰原型iaa的复数 The New Zealand government recently moved to cloud- based infrastructure as a service IaaS, making it the first government in the world to roll out the technology.
新西兰政府最近移入了云中的基础设施即服务,它成为了世界上第一个使用此技术的政府。 chinamobile

The possible applications of cloud computing in the library include: SaaS, ILS based on cloud computing, cloud storage and PaaS or IaaS.
云计算在图书馆的可能应用包括:软件即服务、图书馆集成系统、云存贮、平台即服务或基础设施即服务。 cnki

Cloud Infrastructure as a Service IaaS.
云计算软件即服务。 sciencenet

Conclusion:The anti- is chemical reperfusion injury effect of Naotaifang on ischemic brain tissue is probably related with its regulation on the relative equilibrium of EAAs and IAAs.
结论:调节脑组织兴奋性和抑制性氨基酸类神经递质含量的平衡可能是脑泰方抗脑缺血再灌注损伤的机制之一。 cnki

IaaS offers basic computing services, from number crunching to data storage, which customers can combine to build highly adaptable computer systems.
基础设施层提供从数字运算到数据保存的计算服务,消费者可以将二者结合起来建立一个高度适应的计算机系统。 ecocn

These numbers give at least an estimate of the size of the market for IaaS.
这些数字至少可以帮助我们预测基础设施层的市场规模。 ecocn




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