

单词 hypotensive
释义 hy·po·ten·sive 英ˌhaɪpəˈtensɪv美ˌhaɪpəˈtɛnsɪvAHDhī'pə-tĕnʹsĭv 高COCA¹²⁶⁴⁶¹BNC⁵²⁶¹⁵iWeb⁴²²⁹⁹

a person who has abnormally low blood pressure
having abnormally low blood pressurehypotensive drug降压药hypotensive anesthesia低血压麻醉hypotensive agent抗高血压剂
hypo-下|次-tensive⇒adj.血压过低的反义词 hypertensive高血压的normotensive医 正常血压的…
Concomitant therapy with other calcium antagonists, antihypertensives and alcohol may potentiate the hypotensive action of the drug.
与其他的钙桔抗剂、抗高血压药物及酒精饮料同时使用,会增强本品的降低血压的作用。 examw

The effect of four anticholinesterase agents on the hypotensive action of TEA was studied in rats anaesthetized with urethane.
用乌拉坦麻醉的大白鼠研究了四种抗胆碱酯酶药对 TEA降压作用的影响。 cnki

The relationship of hypotensive response% and time on clonidine disks of different doses was also shown in this paper.
可乐定贴片含药剂量的大小与降压作用百分率之间有一定关系。 cnki

The acute hypotensive response of intramuscular frusemide in150 patients with essential hypertension was observed and compared with the control group of18 patients without frusemide injection.
我们观察了150例原发性高血压患者肌注速尿后的急性降压反应,并同18例对照组患者进行对比。 cnki

At initial evaluation in the trauma center, he continued to be hypotensive and tachycardia, with decreased breath sounds on the right side.
在创伤中心,其低血压好心动过速均无改善,右肺呼吸音低。 china-radiology

But yohimbine could not antagonize the central hypotensive action of GABA, while picrotoxin could entirely block it.
但是育亨宾不能阻断侧脑室注射 GABA的中枢降压作用,而苦味毒则能完全阻断其降压效应。 cnki

Conclusion Sanwei hypotensive tablet have the function of depressing blood pressure.
结论三味降压片具有明显的降压作用。 chemyq

Methods Clinical data of16 cases of primary hypotensive cranial pressure headache were retrospectively analyzed.
方法回顾分析16例原发性低颅压性头痛患者的临床资料。 cnki

Objective To explore the clinical features of primary hypotensive cranial pressure headache.
目的探讨原发性低颅压性头痛的临床特点。 cnki

Objective To investigate the hypotensive effect of jujuboside on spontaneous hypertension rats SHR.
目的观察酸枣仁总皂甙对原发性高血压大鼠 SHR的降压作用。 cnki

Objective To observe the effect of Sanwei hypotensive tabletSWH on experimental rat blood pressure.
目的观察三味降压片对实验性大鼠血压的影响。 chemyq

Objective To observe the effect of hypotensive anesthesia by using esmolol and nitroprusside in the old neurosurgical patients.
目的观察艾司洛尔复合硝普钠用于老年人颅脑手术控制性降压的效果及安全性。 cnki

Objective: To investigate the effect of Sanwu hypotensive decoctionSWHD on blood pressure BP and lymphokine activated killer cell LAK and possible mechanism.
目的:研究三物降压汤对血压、淋巴因子激活的杀伤 LAK细胞的影响及其可能机制。 cnki

Objective: To observe the hypotensive effect on DBP with nifedipine tardy-released tablets.
目的:观察硝苯地平缓释片对舒张压 DBP的降压效果; cnki

Observe hypotensive effect and adverse reactions.
观察降压效果和不良反应。 taojz

Patients placed in the sitting position for a surgical procedure may become hypotensive, especially if hypovolemic.
作为手术的病人容易发生低血压,特别是容量不足时。 mdchome

Results Sanwei hypotensive tablet can depress the blood pressure for NA effects and the nerve irritation hypertension.
结果三味降压片可降低去甲肾上腺素引起的大鼠血压升高和应激状态下引起的高血压。 chemyq

Results Supine hypotensive patients were with effective prevention and control.
结果仰卧位低血压患者均得到有效预防及控制。 syue

Study on the preventive treatments and nursing intervention of supine hypotensive syndrome under combined spinal and epidural anesthesia for caesarean section.
探讨剖宫产腰硬联合麻醉下仰卧位低血压综合征的预防和护理方法。 cnki

Hypotensive patients with these fractures present a major challenge in the diagnosis and treatment of the source of bleeding.
有这种骨折的低血压患者,诊断和处理其出血的来源存在很大的挑战。 med66




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