

单词 hypokalemia
释义 hy·po·ka·le·mi·a 英ˌhaɪpəʊkeɪˈliːmiːə美ˌhaɪpokeˈlimiəAHDhī'pō-kā-lēʹmē-ə COCA²¹⁰⁰⁰⁴iWeb³⁹⁸²²

abnormally low level of potassium in the circulating blood leading to weakness and heart abnormalities; associated with adrenal tumors or starvation or taking diureticshypo-下|次-kalem-血-ia…的⇒n.血钾过少³¹;低钾血⁶⁹反义词 hyperkalemia医血钾过多…

用作名词She hadhypokalemiaon a routine chemistry panel.常规电解质检测显示低钾血症。
There were higher incidences of atrial fibrillation,hypokalemia, and headache in the levosimendan group.多巴酚丁胺组心衰发生率更高,而左西孟旦组房颤,低钾血症和头痛的发生率更高。 Enhanced possibility of arrhythmias or digitalis toxicity associated with hypokalemia. Potassium levels should be monitored and potassium supplements used if necessary.
联合使用时会出现低血钾和心率失常,应密切检测,需要时补钾。 blog.sina.com.cn

Of the 91 cases, complicated with COPD in38 cases, severe malnutrition32 cases, and hypokalemia14 cases.
其中合并慢性阻塞性肺病COPD38例,重度营养不良32例,低钾血症14例。 cnki

The major consequences of severe hypokalemia result from its effects on nerves and muscles including the heart.
严重低钾的后果主要在于对神经肌肉的影响包括心脏。 haodf

The hypokalemia was more high in incidence and presenting as the characteristic of the electrolytes disorder61.5%.
发现电解质紊乱的特点是低钾血症较多61.5%。 cnki

Conclusion: Metabolic disorder of neurons, brain edema, and hypokalemia which resulted from organotin was pathologic basis of organotin toxicoencephalopath…
结论:有机锡引起神经细胞代谢障碍,脑水肿、低钾血症是产生中毒性脑病的病理基础; cnki

Conclusion The arrhythmias in acute barium poisoning are due to secondary hypokalemia, direct effect of barium on myocardium, and toxic myocarditis.
结论急性钡中毒引起的心律失常是由于继发性低血钾、钡剂直接刺激心肌和中毒性心肌炎所致。 cnki

Conclusion Under careful monitoring, it was safe and effective to infuse concentrated potassium for the quick correction of hypokalemia.
结论高浓度快速静脉补钾的方法在严密监护下用以纠正重症低钾血症是安全有效的。 cnki

Methods Review the medical records of30 hypokalemia cases retrospectively and analyse possible etiological factors.
方法对30例低钾血症进行回顾性分析。 chemyq

Objective To investigate the effect and safety of big dosage for complementarily the potassium treatment severity hypokalemia.
目的探讨大剂量补钾治疗严重低钾血症的效果及安全性。 cnki

Objective To study the relationship between the occurrence of hypokalemia and hydrocortisone in patients with Cushing syndrome.
目的探讨库欣综合征病人低钾血症的发生与氢化可的松的关系。 iciba

Objective: To explore the relationship between the occurrence of hypokalemia in patients with Cushing syndrome and cortisol.
目的:探讨库欣综合征患者低钾血症的发生与氢化可的松的关系。 iciba

Objective: To investigate the characteristics and high risk factors of epidemiology of hypokalemia in towns of Dongguan.
目的:探讨东莞市镇区低钾血症流行病学特点和高危因素。 dictall

Objective: To summarize the preliminary preventive and therapeutic experience for hypokalemia following critical neurosurgical insults.
目的:初步总结神经外科危重病人继发低钾血症的防治经验。 cnki

Recently, it was found that the incidence of hypokalemia was higher.
近年发现 TMT 中毒者低钾血症发生率较高。 chemyq

Reducing operation duration time and adequately using of bicarbonate fluid are key measures to reduce the incidence of hypokalemia.
缩短手术时间、恰当使用碳酸氢盐是降低低钾血症发生率的关键。 zgsyz

Results The incidence of hypokalemia in the mental department had no significant relationship with in patients' sex and age P>0.05, while it was correlated with seasons P0.05.
结果精神科住院患者低钾发生情况,在不同性别及年龄上差异无统计学意义均P>0.05,而与季节有关 P0.05。 cnki

Results: The advantage of duodenal feeding tube is advantageous to maintain body nutrition, to avoid hypokalemia, to reduce post operative complication.
结果:早期肠内营养有利于术后营养状况改善,避免低钾血症,降低术后并发症的发生。 cnki

The basic laboratory findings of BS was hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis.
最基本的特征为低钾血症和代谢性碱中毒。 dictall

To investigate the incidence of hypokalemia and its effects on prognosis in patients with acute myocardial infarction AMI.
目的探讨急性心肌梗死 AMI患者低钾血症的发生情况及其对预后的影响。 www.zhlnxnxg.com.cn

Used to treat the hypokalemia associated with the syndrome.
用于治疗与本综合征相关的低钾血症。 haodf

Hypokalemia group of heart failure, 52%to 20%higher than the normal group.
低钾血症组心力衰竭的发生率为52%高于正常组的20%。 fabiao

Hypokalemia was the most ordinary inducer.
低钾血症是最常见的诱因; www.365zhongliu.com




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