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词汇 hypocrellin A
释义 hypocrellin A
Objective To obtain anamorphosis of Shiraia bambusicola producing the component,hypocrellin Aeffectively.目的获得能稳定产生竹红菌素的竹黄无性型菌株,通过人工培育获得其活性成分竹红菌甲素。
Hypocrellin A , which was studied in this paper, is a potential phototherapeutic drug.本课题所研究的竹红菌甲素HA是一种具有应用前景的天然光疗药物。
Using SERS, the Raman spectra of Hypocrellin A in the silver colloid are obtained for the first time.应用表面增强拉曼散射方法,首次获得了竹红菌甲素在黄银胶中的拉曼光谱;
The effects ofhypocrellin Aon the conformational changes of hemoglobin and myoglobin were studied using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy.利用同步荧光光谱方法研究了竹红菌甲素对肌红蛋白和血红蛋白构象的影响。
Cells at G_1, S and G_2 stages were then treated in the medium with chlorophyll dcrivative orhypocrellin Aand irradiated by laser microbcam with a wavelength 632.8nm.同含有叶绿素衍生物或竹红菌甲素的培养基分别处理处于G_1;S和G_2时期的细胞;然后用632.;8nm波长的激光进行微束照射。
Using acetone as extraction agent,Hypocrellin A is seperated and purified from Shiraia bambusicola by acid-alkaline precipatation combined with Soxhlet extraction.以丙酮作为提取剂,采用索氏提取法与酸碱沉淀法相结合,从竹黄中分离、纯化竹红菌甲素。




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