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词汇 Hyphantria
释义 Hyphantria

fall webwormsHCNPV and Bt were used againstHyphantriacunea Drury.The result showed they could kill over 74% of the pest.摘要采用美国白蛾核型多角体病毒和苏云金杆菌对美国白蛾幼虫进行了防治试验,效果均在74%以上。
Hyphantriacunea Drury is a exotic species and has invaded and spread to Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Shanxi and Shanghai.美国白蛾为外来入侵种,现已扩散蔓延到辽宁、河北、天津、山东、陕西、上海等省市。
Hyphantriacunea invaded Jinan for the first time in 2007, and has caused serious damage to city scape and ecological security of Jinan.摘要2007年美国白蛾首次入侵济南市,对城市景观和生态安全构成严重威胁。
Quarantine and monitoring procedures and techniques were described in accordance with characteristics and scale ofHyphantriaCunea in terms of its occurrence, damage symptom, host, phases as well as its spread modes.本文依据美国白蛾发生、危害症状、寄主、虫态、特征、发生期、传播方式等方面的特点与规律,探讨了美国白蛾的监测检疫检验技术程序与方法。
Z,12Z ) octadecadienal and octadecatrienal were two major components of the sex pheromones emitted by females of theHyphantriacunea . The compounds were prepared from linoleic and linolenic acids as if the pathway of biosynthesis.采用仿生合成法制备了美国白蛾Hyphantriacunea性信息素的两个主要成分 , -十八碳二烯醛和 -十八碳三烯醛。
Z,12Z,15Z)-Octadecatrienal is one of the principal components ofHyphantriacunea pheromone. In the synthetic process of the compound its efficiency of separation and purification was monitored by GC._十八碳三烯醛是美国白蛾信息素的主要有效成分之一,在其合成的过程中 ,采用气相色谱监测分离提纯效果 ;




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