

单词 hypertrophy
释义 hy·per·tro·phy 英haɪˈpɜːtrəfiː美haɪˈpɝtrəfiAHDhī-pûrʹtrə-fē 高COCA⁵³²¹⁴BNC⁴⁵⁰⁶⁵iWeb¹⁹⁹⁷⁵
abnormal enlargement of a body part or organ
undergo hypertrophy;

muscles can hypertrophy when people take steroids

hyper-,超过的,过度的,-trophy,营养,词源同atrophy,dystrophy.即过营养化。myocardial hypertrophy心肌肥大inflammatory hypertrophy炎性肥大true hypertrophy医 真肥大facial hypertrophy颜面肥大症physiologic hypertrophy生理性肥大adaptive hypertrophy适应肥大vicarious hypertrophy代偿性肥大work hypertrophy劳动性心肌肥厚…muscular hypertrophy肌肥大functional hypertrophy功能性肥大,机能性肥…cardiac hypertrophy心脏肥大ventricular hypertrophy心室肥厚,心室肥大…pathological hypertrophy医 病理性肥大…atrial hypertrophy心房肥大asymmetric hypertrophy不对称肥厚compensatory hypertrophy代偿性肥大false hypertrophy医 假肥大eccentric hypertrophy离心性肥大bone hypertrophy骨肥大concentric hypertrophy向心性肥大
用作名词This form of muscle growth is calledhypertrophy.这种肌肉增长的方式就叫做“肥大”。
The objective is to discuss the therapeutic methods of adenoidhypertrophyin adults.目的探讨成人腺样体肥大的治疗方法。 Conclusion The pubertal mammary hypertrophy may be related to the excessive expression of ER within breast tissue.
结论:青春期乳房肥大症的发生可能与乳腺组织中 ER的表达增加有关。 cnki

In the most severe cases of onychocryptosis, there is chronic inflammation, granulation, and marked nail- fold hypertrophy.
最严重的嵌甲伴有有慢性炎症,肉芽肿,并有显著的趾褶肥厚。 dxy

The high- risk factors of child snoring were snoring of parents, adenoidal hypertrophy, supine sleep and obesity.
儿童鼾症发生的主要危险因素有父母打鼾、腺样体肥大、仰卧睡眠、肥胖。 iciba

The cardiac muscle cell hypertrophy is a complicated dynamic process with many regulation factors to participate in.
心肌细胞肥大是一种多因素参与调节的复杂的动态过程。 cnki

The lack of correlation of lymphoid tissue size with obesity suggests that this hypertrophy is caused by other mechanisms.
淋巴组织大小与肥胖相关性的缺乏表明,淋巴组织增生肥大是由其他机制引起的。 dxy

Background-: Age and left ventricularLV hypertrophy are risk factors for the development of LV dysfunction and congestive heart failure.
背景:年龄和左室肥厚是左室功能不全和充血性心衰进展的危险因素。 degree-distance

Bags under the eyes of the lower eyelid skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and orbital septum relaxation, orbital fat hypertrophy, protruding bag process.
眼袋系下睑皮肤,皮下组织,肌肉及眶膈松弛,眶后脂肪肥大,突出形成袋状突。 jf501

Conclusion Symmetrical and giant negative T wave not complicating with left ventricular hypertrophy in electrocardiogram has a predictive value for coronary heart disease.
结论心电图巨大对称性倒置 T波且不伴左心室肥厚对冠心病有一定的预测价值。 cnki

DATA SYNTHESIS: During continuous exercise, myocardium hypertrophy induced by exercise was the physical basis of the increase in cardiac output.
资料综合:在持续性运动期间运动诱导心肌肥大是心输出量增加的生理基础。 cnki

I do not like restraint, so always hypertrophy jeans, neutral shoes, a short hair, there is a cool face.
我不喜欢拘束,所以永远都是肥大的牛仔裤,中性运动鞋,一头短发,还有一张酷酷的面孔。 dota123

In fact, the most common cause of functional nasal airway obstruction is inferior turbinate hypertrophy.
事实上,最常见的功能性鼻气道阻塞原因就是下鼻甲肥大。 doctorhe.com

Mammary hypertrophy and ptosis is one of common diseases in female.
乳房肥大及下垂是女性较常见的疾病之一。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the clinical application valuation of spiral CT techniques for children adenoidal hypertrophy.
目的评价螺旋 CT技术在儿童腺样体肥大中的临床应用价值。 cnki

Objective To investigate the effects of Losartan on hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy LVH and left ventricular systolic and diastolic functions.
目的探讨氯沙坦对高血压左室肥厚 LVH的逆转及左室收缩和舒张功能的影响。 cnki

Objective:To explore the relationship between proadrenomedullin N terminal20 peptide PAMP and left ventricular hypertrophy with essential hypertension EH.
目的:探讨原发性高血压 EH患者血浆中肾上腺髓质素前体 N端20肽 PAMP与左室肥厚的相互关系。 iciba

These findings suggest that aliskiren was as effective as an angiotensin receptor blocker in attenuating this measure of myocardial end- organ damage in hypertensive patients with LV hypertrophy.
这些结果表明阿里克伦在减轻高血压合并左室肥厚患者心脏终末损伤方面,与血管紧张素受体阻滞剂的效果类似。 mdchome

This form of muscle growth is called hypertrophy.
这种肌肉增长的方式就叫做“肥大”。 putclub

Ultimately, muscle fibers hypertrophy by increasing their protein content.
最后,提高肌肉蛋白质含量来使其过度增长。 putclub

Hypertrophy of the physique, especially the waist did not leak like the fat on the swimming circle, it is painfully blatantly not be ignored.
肥大的身板,特别是腰上的赘肉像个没漏气的游泳圈,招摇得叫人实在无法忽视。 dota123




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