

单词 hyogo
释义 hyogo ˈhjoɡoʊ COCA²²⁴⁴⁹⁹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
“ We are faced with a number of gripping issues in schools like bullying, truancy, and falling grades, ” said Tetsuya Kajisa, the president of Hyogo University of Teacher Education near Osaka.
在教育中建立研究生项目是大学应对社会对中小学体系日益不满的举措。 “我们面对的是许许多多社会关注的学校问题,如凌辱、逃学、成绩下降等。” yeeyan

“There is no way that Toyota in America or Japan would not have known about a replacement taking place in Europe, ” said Tadashi Nishioka, an auto industry expert at the University of Hyogo in Japan.
来自日本兵库大学的自动行业的专家西冈正说,丰田美国,或丰田日本绝对不可能不知道欧洲发生的踏板更换。 yeeyan

Toward that end, the international community has committed itself to the priorities set out in the Hyogo Framework for Action2005-2015: Building the resilience of the nations and communities.
为此,国际社会已做出承诺,致力于《2005-2015年兵库行动框架:建立国家和社区的抗灾能力》规定的优先事项。 zaihai




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