释义 |
Hylaeosaurus 基本例句 n.林龙¹⁰⁰ The term “dinosaurs” was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842 to describe these “fearfully great rep- tiles”, specifically Megalosaurus, Iguanodon and Hylaeosaurus, the only three dinosaurs known at the time.“恐龙”这一名词是由理查得·欧文在1842年首先使用的,用来描述这种“可怕的巨型爬虫类”,特指斑龙、禽龙和热带雨林龙,这是那时仅知的三种恐龙。 The term “dinosaurs” was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842 to describe these “fearfully great rep- tiles”,specifically Megalosaurus,Iguanodon and Hylaeosaurus,the only three dinosaurs known at the time.“恐龙”这一名词是由理查得·欧文在1842年首先使用的,用来描述这种“可怕的巨型爬虫类”,特指斑龙、禽龙和热带雨林龙,这是那时仅知的三种恐龙。 |