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词汇 angle
释义 angle 英ˈæŋgəl美ˈæŋgəlAHDăngʹgəl


the space between two lines or surfaces that join,measured in degree;the shape that is made where two straight lines join or cross each other


a position from which you look at sth


a particular way of presenting or thinking about a situation,problem,etc.;a point of view

vt. 把…放置成一角度

turn or move at an angle

vt. 歪曲,使新闻、报道等偏向某一观点

represent sth from a particular point of view; slant

vi. 垂钓,钓鱼

try to catch fish with a hook and line

the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radiansa biased way of looking at or presenting somethinga member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons
move or proceed at an angle;

he angled his way into the room

to incline or bend from a vertical position;

She leaned over the banister

seek indirectly;

fish for compliments

fish with a hookpresent with a bias;

He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders




angle, fish


fish指使用渔网、渔杆等工具捕钓鱼,而不暗示目的; angle则专指作为运动或消遣活动而钓鱼。例如:

Do you often go fishing?你常去钓鱼吗?
He loves to go angling on a fine summerday.他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去钓鱼。angle,corner










同源词:anchor, ankle 词组/短语:right angle 直角angle bar 角钢
用作名词 n.
动词+~consider all angles of a question考虑问题的各个方面cross at angle相交成角form an angle of 45° with与…成45°角have a wrong angle on it在这一点上看错了measure an angle测量角度turn an angle of 180°转180°角形容词+~acute angle锐角alternate angle错角auxiliary angle补角blunt angle钝角complementary angle余角different angles不同方面exterior angle外角human angle人的角度interior angle内角new angle新的观点obtuse angle钝角opposite vertical angle对顶角optical angle视角right angle直角sharp angle锐角solid angle立体角straight angle平角various angles各个方面wide angle很大的角度介词+~at a high angle成大仰角at a rakish angle成倾斜的角度at an angle of thirty degrees成30°角at a right angle成直角from a new angle从新的角度from an angle从一个角度〔方面〕from the legal angle从法律的角度the side of an angle角的边the vertex of an angle角顶~+介词angle of circumference圆周角angle of depression俯角angle of elevation仰角angle of incidence入射角angle of reflection反射角angle of spires尖塔角angle of vision观点用作动词 v.~+名词angle the mirror把镜子摆成某一角度angle one's reports歪曲报告
用作名词 an angle

以一定的角度,斜着 not straight,but leaning to one side

angle for v.+prep.

取得,谋取try to get

angle for sthShe always angles for a free ticket.她总是转弯抹角地想要一张免费票。
He was angling for an invitation to the party.他正想尽办法弄到那场聚会的邀请函。
I'm quite sure she was not angling for fame and compliments.我确信她不是在沽名钓誉。
It was obvious she was angling for sympathy.显然她在博取同情。
She's angling for compliments.她在谋求别人的恭维。钱博士angl=angul,角+e→角→住在角形地区今荷兰荷尔斯泰因的人⇒盎格鲁人
非常记忆an一〖熟词〗+gl〖象91〗+e鹅〖编码〗⇒一个91度的角是鹅画的angl=angul,角+e→角→住在角形地区今荷兰荷尔斯泰因的人⇒盎格鲁人。联想记忆爱的天使angel丘比特射箭的角度angle不能偏词根记忆angl角+e→角本身为词根,意思是“角”近义词 be after
viewpointv. aim for
用作名词n.The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.等腰三角形的底角相等。
The plane's angle and speed of approach were too great.飞机的着陆角度太大,速度太快。
David's play was amusing and its pacifist angle had a great appeal.戴维的剧本很有趣,剧中的和平主义倾向性有很大的吸引力。
There are many angles to this question.这个问题有许多方面。
What's your angle on this matter?你在这件事情上持什么立场?
What is the best news angle for this story?什么是这篇报道的最佳新闻角度?
A square has four right angles.正方形有四个直角。
I would like to hear your angle of the dispute.我想听听你在这个争论中的观点。
They have their own angle of observation.他们有自己的观察问题的角度。
The accountant emphasized the tax angle of the leasing arrangement.会计强调了租赁协议中税收的一面。
They were afraid a member of the rival team might spot a story or news angle they hadn't thought of.他们怕对方会有什么人发现他们未曾想到过的题材或新闻视角。
The press was looking for a new angle on the story.新闻界正在为这件事寻找一个新的角度。
Angles are measured in degrees.角以度计量。
Angles of less than 90 degrees are called acute angles.小于90度的角叫锐角。
How big is the angle contained by these two sides?这两边的夹角多大?
He hit his knee against the angle of the chair.他的膝盖撞在椅子角上。
He lay in the boat with his head against the angle of its bow.他躺在小船里,把头靠在船头的角落上。
He fumed, pacing up and down between the table and the sofa, his open overcoat catching against the angles.他气呼呼的,在桌子与长沙发之间踱来踱去,他的敞开着的大衣不时地碰着桌子和沙发的角。
The tower is visible from every angle.从每个角度都可以看见这座塔。
Viewed from this angle,the tower looks smaller than it really is.从这个角度看,塔看起来比实际小。
They photograph people from the most surprising angles.他们以各种令人拍案叫绝的角度替人拍照。
He took photographs of the statue from several different angles.他从好几个不同的角度拍摄那座雕像。
He held the vase close to his face, peering at it from all angles.他把花瓶贴近面部,从各种角度细加察看。
Try looking at the problem from another angle.试着从另一个角度观察这个问题。
They discussed the matter from all conceivable angles.他们从各种可能的角度讨论那件事。
I realized I was looking at it from the wrong angle.我意识到我是从错误的角度来观察的。
He looked at the problem only from his own angle.他只从一己的私利出发来看待这个问题。
We need to approach this from the angle of new participants.我们需要从新参加者的角度来看待这事。
The figure was formed with six angles.这是个六角形图案。用作动词v.≪用作不及物动词
S+~+AAn old man was angling for fish in a brook.一位老翁正在小溪中钓鱼。
S+~+ n./pron.Angle the mirror so that you can see behind you.把镜子转个角度,这样你就能看到身后面。
He angled his chair so that he could sit and watch her.他斜移了椅子,以便坐着观察她。
He angled the camera towards the sea.他把相机对准大海。
A good reporter does not angle his story.一名优秀记者从不使自己的报道带上倾向性。
She angled her column toward teenagers.她的专栏文章侧重于少年读者。
She angles her reports to suit the people she is speaking to.她歪曲报告以迎合她的听众。
She angled the mirror so as to reflect light from a window.她为了反射窗外的光线而把镜子摆成某一角度。
The programme is angled towards younger viewers.这个节目的对象是较年轻的观众。
The whole thing was angled towards flirtation and amusement.整件事的唯一目的就是调情取乐。
Our efforts have been angled very much towards improving customer service.我们的工作主要侧重于提高对顾客的服务。
The news story was angled to make the suspect look guilty.这则新闻报道故意扭曲角度使那个嫌疑犯好像有罪。其他Little John blasted an angled shot well wide of the goal.小约翰以斜角大力射门,球射飞了。
Let's go angling!我们去钓鱼吧!
He loves to go angling on a fine summer day.他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去钓鱼。Pbinangle双角器Phalf-angle半角Pcontra-angle反角Pseptanglen.七角形Pdouble-angled双角的Pmany-angleda.多角的Panglern.钓鱼攫取追逐Pright-angleda.直角的Psharp-angleda.尖角的Phyperrectangle超矩形Pangle-riser角度升降器Prectanglen.长方形矩形Piron-triangle铁三角架Pangleda.有角的成角度的Pangledozern.侧铲推土机Psexanglen.六角形六边形Pclass-anglevt.使具有阶级色彩Phigh-anglea.高角射击的高角的Pquadranglen.四角形四边形四方院Ptrianglen.三角形三个一组三角关系



用于比喻,angle 可指看问题的出发点、观点或立场。





We must consider the question from various angles.我们必须要从多角度考虑问题。
用作名词The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from thisangle.旭日从这个角度看起来特别美。
Try looking at the affair from a differentangle.试从不同的角度来看这件事。
The two roads lie at anangleof about 45 degrees.这两条路交叉成45度角。
We would like to hear youranglein this dispute.我们想听听你在这场争论中的观点。
Viewed from anyangle, drinking heavily on an empty stomach is very dangerous to the liver.从任何观点看来,空腹大量饮酒对肝绝对是危险的。用作动词Angle the mirror so that you can see behind you.调整镜子的角度,你可以看见你的后面。
A good reporter does notanglehis story.一位好记者是不持偏见来报道的。用作动词He is keen onangling.他喜欢钓鱼。
He used toanglefor prestige.他过去一贯沽名钓誉。noun.shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
同义词 corner,edge,intersection,slant,twistV,Y,bend,crook,crotch,cusp,decline,divergence,dogleg,elbow,flare,flection,flexure,fork,incline,knee,nook,notch,obliquity,point,turn,turningnoun.personal approach, purpose
同义词 aspect,direction,perspective,point of view,slant,standpoint,viewpointaim,approach,hand,intention,outlook,plan,position,
同义词 castdangle a line,drop a line
aimverb point or direct at a goal
address,aspire,attempt,cast,concentrate,contemplate,covet,design,direct,endeavor,essay,fix,focus,intend,level,mean,plan,propose,purpose,set one's sights on,sight,slant,steer,strive,target,train,try,want,wish,zero in on,zoom in
aimingverb point or direct at a goal
addressing,angling,aspiring,attempting,casting,concentrating,contemplating,coveting,designing,directing,endeavoring,essaying,fixing,focusing,intending,leveling,meaning,planning,proposing,purposing,setting one's sights on,sighting,slanting,steering,striving,targeting,training,trying,wanting,wishing,zero in on,zooming in
aimsverb point or direct at a goal
addresses,angles,aspires,attempts,casts,concentrates,contemplates,covets,designs,directs,endeavors,essays,fixes,focuses,intends,levels,means,plans,proposes,purposes,sets one's sights on,sights,slants,steers,strives,targets,trains,tries,wants,wishes,zero in on,zooms in
askverb request
angle,appeal,apply,beg,beseech,bite,bum,call for,charge,claim,command,contend for,crave,demand,entreat,file for,hit,hustle,implore,impose,knock,levy,mooch,order,petition,plead,pray,promote,request,requisition,seek,solicit,sue,supplicate,touch,urge
aspectnoun element to consider
angle,bearing,direction,facet,feature,gimmick,hand,outlook,perspective,phase,point of view,position,prospect,regard,scene,side,situation,slant,switch,twist,view,vista
aspectsnoun element to consider
airs,appearances,attitudes,bearings,conditions,countenances,demeanor,expressions,faces,facets,forms,looks,manners,miens The angle is too great.

Before testing, look over the whole enterprise forward, backwards, and from every angle.
在测试之前,展望、回顾以及从每个角度检查整个企业。 ibm

Easy to install on any bike, you can adjust its height and angle for optimal screen viewing.
易于安装在任何自行车,你可以调整它的高度和角度以便在最佳的屏幕上观看。 yeeyan

Find an angle.
找到一个角度。 yeeyan

For example, insects can see polarised light— light to them appears as different colours, depending on the angle at which reflects off different surfaces.
例如,昆虫能够看到极光——光对它们来讲会根据从不同的表面反射的不同角度而显现出不同的颜色。 yeeyan

From another angle.
从另一角度看。 yeeyan

Gaines orders Kevin to circle around and come at Jack from another angle.
盖恩斯命令凯文从另一个角度与他两面包围杰克。 yeeyan

It could be at any angle.

It lets us set an angle to all our open windows so we can always have the desktop in view.
它可以帮助我们对所有打开的窗口设定一个角度好让我们能一直看到桌面。 yeeyan

Let ABC be an angle of ninety degrees.
假设 ABC为直角。《21世纪大英汉词典》

No matter from which angle you look, there should always be uniformity, so that the formation looks like a steel panel.
不管你从哪个角度看,都应该是一致的,所以这个队形看起来应该永远就像一块钢板。 ebigear

Not all low angle shots need to be right on the ground looking up.
不是所有的低角度摄影都是基于从地面往上看的办法。 yeeyan

OK, so, of course, one solution is to build a model and then go and measure the angle But, we can do better than that.

These dimers sit at an angle to the surface, with one atom protruding slightly farther than the other.
这些二聚体以一定角度坐落于表面,其中一个原子突起得比另一个稍微远一些。 yeeyan

They would both start to slide at the same angle and the same kind of rubber.

This way, you can observe the actual structure and behavior of a real system, by walking around it and viewing it from any angle in a virtual world.
这样,您就可以通过在虚拟世界中在真实系统周围走动并从某个角度进行查看,从而观察真实系统的实际结构和行为。 ibm

This side angle will give you soft transfer edges between the highlights and shadows.
这个侧面的角度会在高光和阴影中给你柔和的边缘转换。 yeeyan

Three police officers sat across from me, and the police videographer continued to film us from every angle.
三个警官坐在坐在我对面,并且警方的摄影师继续从每个角度给我们录像。 yeeyan

Use your compass to bisect an angle.

Watch the way the color of the sand changes throughout the day with the angle of the sun.
仔细观察在一天之内沙子颜色随着阳光的照射角度的变化而变化的方式。 yeeyan

We can also set the transparency and exact angle of the window.
我们也可以设定窗口的透明度和确切的角度。 yeeyan

What kind of angle in this direction shall we start with?

What’s the best angle?
那么,什么是最佳视角? yeeyan




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