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词汇 HXR
释义 HXR
However, it has not been answered properly that whether the impulsiveHXRloop-top source is thermal or non-thermal in nature.但 关于脉冲环顶源是热的或是非热的性质仍未从观测中得到肯定的结论。
And the non-thermal nature of the double sources in impulsive phase is basically demonstrated. The ``impulsive loop-top source'' ofHXRemission in flares is discovered.发现了耀斑“环顶脉冲源”。
I askedHXRto make a reservation for me on line, and choose a major at random, since I just want to enjoy the experience of participating in the famous exam as an orbicular end of my university life.学活前面煞有介事的搞起了假面舞会,说是专门给男女光棍提供交友机会,于是,一片喧嚣,伤感的情歌此起彼伏。这样的气氛有点矛盾,明亮的焰火可以映得出闪烁的泪光,喧闹的人群中隐藏的都是孤寂而不安定的心。
Our results further demonstrate that, in addition to conventional separation motion of flare ribbons and corresponding upward motion ofHXRcoronal sources, there exists an opposite motion pattern.结果表明:耀斑相偶亮核间距离的时间曲线,与HXR亮度曲线具有相反的相关性,亮核间距离在HXR流量上升阶段会减少;
Keywords viral myocarditis;acute;Decoction for Restoring Pulse and Warming Bladder;HXRinjection;CoA;病毒性心肌炎;生脉温胆汤;肌苷注射液;辅酶A;




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