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HXMT 基本例句 硬X射线调制望远镜¹⁰⁰ HXMTcan achieve the following science missions: Observing the hard X-ray in the whole space and plotting its distributional map.它能完成下述科学任务:1完成硬X射线巡天观测,描绘硬X射线天图; HXMTis based on the direct demodulation method and the well developed NaI/CsI phoswich detecting techniques.HXMT建立在我国学者对硬X射线成像技术的原始性创新和成熟可靠的探测器技术基础之上。 HXMTMagnetic Shield Design and Test ResultsHXMT主探测器磁屏蔽设计与实验结果 Calculation of theHXMTDetector Energy Response MatrixHXMT探测器能量响应矩阵的计算 |