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词汇 hw
释义 hw.
Both HW and SW monitoring methods are used to improve the device availability.
采用了软、硬件互相监视的方法,提高录波完好率。 cnki

Model DGT tiltable electric stock pot HW has such functions as cooking rice, soup, noodles, boiled dumplings, etc. It is suitable for ships, hotels, enterprises and institutions, etc.
DGT型可倾式电热汤锅具有煮锅、烧汤、下面条、下水饺等烹调功能。适用于舰船、宾馆及工矿企事业单位的炊事工作。 iciba

MW gets upset upon finding out that HW had known that her heart doner was Eunhye.
敏宇得知惠媛已经知道她的心脏捐赠者是恩惠而感到不安。 seungheonhome

MW goes to meet HW but she is cold toward him.
敏宇去见惠媛,但是惠媛对他很冷酷。 seungheonhome

The boot strategy of an embedded system should fit for its peculiar HW and specific application.
嵌入式系统的程序引导启动策略需要根据特定硬件资源和具体应用目的而设计。 fabiao

The formula calculating stabilization coefficient of HW- section steel beams is induced according to ANSYS's results.
根据 ANSYS计算结果并进行了一定的折减拟合了 HW型截面梁整体稳定系数计算公式。 cnki

The HW and SW design of measuring and control unit based on single-chip microprocessor 80C196KC for intelligent breaker is focused.
介绍一种以80C196KC单片机为核心的智能型断路器测控单元及其软硬件设计。 cnki

The HW structure and SW programming of whole system are explained.
叙述了整个系统硬件电路的组成和软件程序的编制。 cnki

They do it for the same reason that George HW Bush talked about Willie Horton when he was running against Michael Dukakis.
这样做的目的跟布什跟杜卡基斯竞选总统时讨论威利霍顿的目的是如出一辙的。 yeeyan

Design layout of PCB in consideration of HW design and production technology.
根据硬件设计和制造工艺的要求设计印制电路板的电路走线。 wuxircw

Design, implement and optimize RF driver with HW RF engineer.

Experiment results show that the algorithm's effectiveness in solving the HW-SW partitioning problem.
实验结果说明了该算法对解决软硬件划分问题是有效的。 cnki

Facing the different application system and the design level, the technologies of HW/SW partitioning have a lot of differences.
由于面向不同的应用和设计层次,软硬件划分采用的技术存在较大的差别。 cnki

Find out integrated HW solution that is optimized in cost, production, purchase, logistics and quality to meet all customer requirements.

Good communication skills in HW/ SW, team spirit and adaptability.

If you still have same problem, after the above suggestion, you might want to seek HW help.

In this dissertation, using HW/SW co design technique, a new RTOS HW/SW synthesis method and co- processor based system architecture is proposed.
在本文中,采用软硬件协同设计的方法,提出了一种面向多媒体集成解码芯片应用的 RTOS软硬件综合方法和基于协处理器的系统结构。 iciba

One part of the HW is to prepare a story.
作业的一部分是准备一个故事。 wwwilsonw

Support the operation department up to mass production. Support other departments about HW issues and maintenance.
支持生产部门的转产工作,支持其他部门的所有和硬件有关的需求。 cdworking

The thesis employs theory and practice combination method to explore compensation administration of Yancheng HW company.
本文采用理论与实践相结合的方法进行了盐城 HW公司薪酬管理研究。 zidian8

The impeller inlet prewhirl flow in a HW- G1 centrifugal fan has been measured by means of the three- hole probe and micro pressure gauge.
使用三孔探针和补偿式微压计对 HW- G1型离心风机的叶轮进口流场进行了测量和分析。 cnki

The HW series of super early- strength& quick- hardening repairing materials, as we name them, are new materials which are rich in resources, low in cost and convenient to be produced.
而被我们命名为 HW系列的超快速硬修补材料,就是一种资源丰富、成本低廉,可加工性强的新型的超早强水泥混凝土修补材料。 cnki

While HW/SW partitioning is a critical step in the codesign, the partitioning result has direct effect on the performance of the system.
软硬件划分是软硬件协同设计的一个关键步骤,划分结果的好坏直接影响着系统的性能。 iciba

HW Dept. is responsible for hardware design of mobile phone, including Baseband design, RF design, PCB layout, production support, Etc. Now we need the below people.
硬件设计部门主要手机产品硬件部分的设计、开发工作。包括基带电路的设计、调试。射频电路的设计、调试。 PCB布线。生产支持等相关工作。需招聘如下人员。38cf

HW Feed Technology Limited Company is a foreign solely-invested enterprise. Its main product is premixed feed and the second is concentrated feed.
HW饲料科技有限公司是一家专业的预混料生产外商独资企业,主要产品是预混合饲料,其次为浓缩料。 cnki

HW volume keys always have same orientation.
HW音量按键始终保持同一个方向。 pdaxp




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