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词汇 HVI
释义 HVI
=High Viscosity Index 高粘度指数¹⁰⁰
The evaluation of the hydro-upgraded HVI150 and HVI500 base oils showed that the combined process could produce lube base oils met theHVIStandard.对生产的HVI150和HVI500加氢改质基础油进行跟踪评价的结果表明,能够生产出符合HVI标准的润滑油基础油。
Notable application of power electronics isHVI)C power transmission over long distance.电力电子技术引人注目的应用是远距离高压直流输电。
AnHVIsystenm provides a moderate level of containment, and HVII as a high level.而I-W1系统提供了一个中等水平的遏制,HV2系统则是高水平的。
African ginners will bring cotton samples andHVIresults of interest to Chinese cotton traders and spinners.非洲轧花商会带一些当地的棉花样品和HVI检测结果,希望中国的棉花贸易商和棉纺厂能感兴趣。
The averages of 25% span length,HVIstrength, micronaire value of the entries were 28. 8mm, 21. 9g/tex and 4. 5 mike,respectively.5%跨长、比强度、马克隆值平均值分别为28.;8mm,21
Tests result showed that the base oils possesses good oxidation stability.And theHVI,HVIW lube base oils can be obtained by conventional processes.试验结果表明,中东润滑油基础油抗氧化性能好,采用传统工艺能够生产高粘指数HVI、HVIW等级的基础油。




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