

单词 Hutts
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赫特姓氏原型hutt的复数 Indentured to the Hutts for millennia, the Klatooinians are nonetheless a proud people with a strong sense of tradition.
克拉图因人被赫特人束缚了数千年,但他们仍然十分自豪,有着强烈的传统意识。 starwarsfans.cn

It was the ancient pre- Republic Hutts that delivered the Nikto salvation from the cult.
前共和国时期的古老的赫特人把尼克托人从邪教中拯救了出来。 starwarsfans.cn

The Klatooinian reverence for age was exploited by the ancient Hutts.
克拉图因人对长者的尊敬被古老的赫特人阴险地利用了。 starwarsfans.cn

When Hutts are born, they weigh less than100 grams.
赫特人出生时,体重不足100克。 starwarsfans.cn

But through all this, the Hutts survived.
历经此劫,赫特人却幸存下来。 starwarsfans.cn

If the Republic was once thought invincible, and it fell, then perhaps too the Hutts could be overthrown.
既然一度被视为无敌的共和国都会垮台,那么或许赫特人也可以被推翻。 starwarsfans.cn

Like aquatic sea mammals, Hutts are able to seal their slit-like nostrils, and Hutts can hold their breaths for significant lengths of time.
他们像水生哺乳动物,能闭合缝状的鼻孔,屏息相当长的时间。 starwarsfans.cn

Like marsupial mammals, Hutts nurse their young Huttlets in special brood pouches.
他们像有袋类哺乳动物,在育婴袋里抚育幼崽。 starwarsfans.cn

Like serpents, Hutts can open their jaws to incredible widths, allowing them to swallow almost anything.
他们像蛇,能把颌骨张开到惊人的程度,几乎可以吞下任何东西。 starwarsfans.cn

Since that time, the blood cult has arisen anew on several occasions, each time being put down by the Nikto, the Jedi, the Hutts or others.
从那以后,血腥的邪教屡次死灰复燃,又屡次被尼克托人自己、绝地武士、赫特人或其他人扑灭。 starwarsfans.cn

They originate on the planet Vodran, an ancient planet whose discovery by the Hutts predates even the Republic.
它们起源于沃德兰行星——一个早在共和国成立前就被赫特人发现的古老行星。 starwarschina

Hutts are some of the longest lived species in the galaxy, some of them living at least 1,000 standard years.
赫特人是银河系最长寿的种族之一,有的能活到1000个标准年。 starwarsfans.cn

Hutts most closely resemble gastropods, moving about on a single, giant foot.
赫特人与腹足纲软体动物最为相似,以一只巨大的腹足挪动身躯。 starwarsfans.cn

Hutts needed smooth surfaces to move properly; carpeting and upholstery didn't go well with a lubricating layer of slime.
赫特人只有在光滑的表面上才能自如移动,毯子和布料饰物会降低他们体表黏液层的润滑效果。 starwarsfans.cn




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